In the end the world simply knows recognizes us as CAMEROONIANS as the prefix "SOUTHERN" will never be able to provide the necessary differentiating attributes, made worse since this cannot happen until we clearly differentiate ourselves from EVERYTHING Cameroon.

Towards introducing the element of POWER into the struggle of restoring the Independence of the ex-British Southern Cameroons: [The United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration].

PREAMBLE: The emancipation quest as a matter of its survival and propagation, must seek the clearest, surest and most dynamic as well as intuitive way to easily identify the current victim of Cameroon's re-colonization. So far, our failure to do so is reason why NOTHING substantive is happening in the emancipation quest. It is reason why there is now this prevalence of disillusionment, resignation and hopelessness. It is reason we are still so vulnerable to distractions of "speculative politics" tied to SOMEONE'S agenda. It is reason why the number one enemy of our struggle, is and will continue to be PAN-CAMEROONISM, now running amok unchallenged in our society.

The PROBLEM:We have since "time in memorial" as a people, failed to appreciate the fine but vital differences between "pre-independence advocacy" for the state [sovereignty politicking], versus "post-independence advocacy" for the region, the tribe, the clan and the person [parliamentary politicking].

As a consequence, while in the 1950s, the yet-to-be-independent French Cameroon deployed the tools of power in its advocacy for their sovereign state, and quite interestingly, adopted one that included the irredentist pan-Cameroon "reunification" claim that only focused on the Ex-British Southern Cameroons territory and nowhere else, we on the contrary, deployed not power, but powerlessness. This happened when our politicians adopted but the post independence parliamentary politickings for their regions, tribes and as individuals fighting amongst themselves. It is no doubt that at every turn and twist, we got routed by Cameroon, who with its sovereignty-based pan-Cameroonian ideology brought in power, whereas we, who were conducting politics at the level of the region, the tribe and the person, remain unable to detonate any power into a unifying ideology to fight back the soon to be sovereign state of Cameroon and pan-Cameroonism.

This weakness worsen as it was only a matter of time before our lack of appreciation of "sovereignty politicking" was to confluence with our lack of appreciation of "sovereign identity" to make permanently resident inside out midst, the devastating force of pan-Cameroonism. PAN-CAMEROONISM IS WHATEVER IDENTIFIES WITH THE DIRECT & INDIRECT, KNOWN & UNKNOWN, INTERESTS OF CAMEROON. Today nothing has changed as our peoples are still been led by politicians who while operating as if "pan-Cameroonism" don't exist, compound their relative "powerlessness" by adopting the divisive 'parliamentary mode' of politicking. They continue to call our people "SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS", at the same time the Cameroon's very focused power based 'sovereignty-politicking, call us CAMEROONIANS!

In the end the world simply knows and recognizes us as CAMEROONIANS as adding the prefix "SOUTHERN" before the word "CAMEROON" will never be able to provide the necessary differentiating attributes in the geo-political realities of this Mid-West Central African subregion. This is made worse by the psychological element of the STOCkHOLM SYNDROME where its us the victim of "pan-Cameroonism" who are its foremost proponents. We the victim of the most savage form of re-colonialization cannot find the political fortitude to clearly differentiate ourselves from EVERYTHING Cameroon. Until we consciously adopt the concept that ''pre-independence' politicking is totally different from 'post-independence' politicking and move towards consolidating power to the cause of our emancipation, the works will simply know us as "plain" CAMEROONIANS no matter how many letters to send to the UN or AU. For those still in doubt check out the advice given to us by an AU diplomat around 2007 concerning the identity issue!

SOLUTION:Let all who are desirous of restoring the independence of the ex-British Southern Cameroons, aka, "The United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration@, find some place in their hearts to reject "parliamentary politicking" for "sovereignty politicking"! Its in the latter universe where the laws of survival dictates that we will surely appreciate why the "proto-nationalists" as far back as 1966 designed the name AMBAZONIA, and no longer dither and delay in adopting the pre-independence identity of the name AMBAZONIA.

When we adopt this pre-independence identity and its accompanying nationalism in the name AMBAZONIA, we shall immediately engage the "pre-independence politicking" universe at the same time we would be introducing POWER into the struggle.

Right now POWER is what we don't have and what we must have before anything that is positive will happen in the struggle. We will be confident as we move forward that the rest of the world will know Cameroon as different from AMBAZONIA at the same time, that evil assimilationist force lurking inside our midst called "pan-Cameroonism", which is our number one enemy, will be defeated.

Edwin Ngang
Let's make this new Year 2014 the year to make the test of the world know of our problem by adopting the most symbolic and intuitive way to define it. By just this one word "AMBAZONIA", a French speaking country called by the name CAMEROON will be forced to answer the question why an English speaking country called AMBAZONIA is agitating for its independence. This year 2014 it will be much easier to define our struggle as one of self-determination since Cameroon will participate at the World Cup tournament.

Let's fight smarter even getting angrier--define your country as AMBAZONIA and yourself as an AMBAZONIAN and see how the world recognizes your rights of self-determination.
-define yourself as a Southern Cameroonian and your country as Southern Cameroons and see how "pan-Cameroon triumphs again! As its winning right now in the USA.

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