Re: CAR Rebels Kill Two Cameroon Soldiers At Border

Thomas Thanks for bringing this news item to our attention. Paul Biya in his end of year address implicitly brought a very serious problem to the attention of the public for the first time. Although he boasted that Cameroun was an Island of peace in a sub region in conflict, that vain boast masked a veil admission that Cameroon was indeed at war. He is the only President in the world  who has sent his nation's military into war in neighboring country without information his nation. That has potential threats. If he provides logistic support to French forces to conduct military operations in CAR, by that act, he invites the war to his country. Charles Taylor trained the RUF to attack Sierra Leone because Sierra Leone allowed ECOMOG to use Sierra Leonean territory to attack his forces inside Liberia. The real threat comes from now hence and after the Military operations in CAR will end and that could have wider ramifications for several years.
 This is a problem should preoccupy so-called politicians but are they reasonable enough to see the hand writing on the wall?
 Chief C.Taku

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 11:06 AM, Thomas <> wrote:
Africans should realize that French presence in Africa is a destabilizing force!
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 16:47:11 +0100
Subject: Fwd: CAR Rebels Kill Two Cameroon Soldiers At Border

Rebels from the Central African Republic killed two Cameroonian soldiers and a traditional chief in the East region on New Year's Eve, three days after the military announced that they had pushed back a major attack. MORE

EUGENE N NFORNGWA I Executive Editor I I PO Box 25284 Yaounde, Cameroon I Tel: (237) 7511 4396

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