Re: Mr Mukwo- Nkwo self rule pre-existed your birth and does not translate into self-determination [camnetwork] Re: Mr boh Herbert the "oneneism" of Cameroon is indestructible under a federal system

Dear Awasom,

Why go around in cycles? Let us agree to disagree on both sides of our positions.

You do not believe in a further fragmentation of African countries into sovereign self-rule nation-states that, I appreciate. In better times, if self-rule could ever actually work in LRC with the former BSC continuing in the union in a United States of Africa, you and I would be on the same side of the argument. However, it is my view that a people's self-determining rights through self-rule are generally recognized only when they are in charge of their own affairs. Example: no one can run my home better than my wife and I, yes, not even our parents or siblings, lets not even talk about any countries' government - democratic or otherwise.

So you see, I already have self-rule at the level of the home but it ends there unfortunately. As I have highlighted in another write-up recently, the existence of South Sudan, Eritrea, Papua New Guinea, Namibia, etc reflects this inert need by human beings to run their affairs freely without imposition from other quarters. Whether real or perceived injustices are highlighted, these issues must be dealt with, and given that it has taken over 52 years to try to fix, we do not intend to wait another 52 years to get results. 

Furthermore, the mere fact that you and many others do not acknowledge that the Cameroons problem stems from the subjugation of our right to sovereign self-rule means no matter the solutions proffered by unionist will never accommodate the former BSC. We must negotiate and discuss as equal partners, not as a subservient partner. What is the basis of my assertion, the union that came about on 1 October 1961 between two former Trust Territories of UN means equal status sine qua non, otherwise we do not have a basis to discuss. It is this manifest lack of respect of us as a people that you have the LRC government still talking about the celebration of the 50th anniversary of "reunification" with former BSC in the 53rd year with no end date in sight. 

How long will you have to be hoodwinked for you and others to come around?

Sent by Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a 

On 31 Dec 2013, at 20:46, virtuous and free Cameroon <> wrote:


Mr. Mukwo Okwo

I am talking about leadership and management of the former West Cameroon and I don't know of a Southern Cameroon. Will any arm struggle change the fact that most Anglophone leaders of former West Cameroon mismanaged the land and due to lack of visionary leadership the land was invaded through a corrupt and cynical totalitarian colonial political venom? The land is still poisoned and we need to uproot, clean and rebuild . The immoral behavior of both parties is responsible for our plight and self rule must be extended to everyone so long as they are Cameroonians. Whether you are from the South, West, East, North or East North etc, we need a NEW system of government that will be radically different from the present poisonous concoction and I believe that this is not anymore a figment of imagination but a possibility that is worthy of our attention and commitment .When we build a political system that is above individuals it becomes a moral compass
and conscience of the government because when power people, to quote Mr Boh Herbert , is the thrust of nation building our mortality and human limitations are taken into consideration in order not to turn mere mortals into idols being worshipped. Only God is immortal and when God comes first then the soul of a nation is sacred and sanctified by the power of God with us and in whom we rock . This is how I see it.

You guys like to build your case on absurdities out there. Why do you avoid citing successful Federal systems of governments and only relying on
disintegrated societies torn apart into small pieces in the name of self-determnination? We are only about 25 million and look at Nigeria over 275 million people under a Federal system and why not Cameroon? Do you guys really understand the meaning of Federalism? Oneneism is enveloped and shield by Federalism as a system that guarantees freedom and self rule beyond self determination.

You are free to express yourselves but under the current reality based on facts, you guys are toothless bull dogs because your arm struggle is unpopular and unrealistic. Cameroonians believe in oneneism and my determination can be empirically verified and eventhough we don't like the fact that the French have treated us like we are inferior, still the way to change them is not to run away from them. First of all who initiated the movement to UNITE with La Republique? You should blame them because I cannot support things I have very little knowledge about due to lack of truth. I will never become a Francophone and this is not about them. I must who I am , that is an Anglophone who deserves to be respected and treated with dignity . I want Francophones and Anglophones to see us as a different kind generation of Cameroonians who are out to unite the country around the most important values that will propel Cameroon to prosperity.

What is the arms struggle about? Not every arm struggle is just. Some are a waste of time and resources because the perpetrators have no good intentions.
For instance they may just be out to sabotage and destroy. I don't trust your guys. Ask for CPDM , we already know that they are a bad case and we are in the right direction with our actions to end the regime of dictator Paul Biya.

Are some of you so prone to arm struggle that you can't change your mindset and look at things differently ?
Just because arm struggle is rampant in the world does not mean it is a means necessary to achieve your goals
First and foremost if your goals are not noble then to hell with arms struggle .

SCNC in North America is an instrument for political asylum practices spearheaded by Larry Eyong Echaw Ebenezer.
That is how he makes a living and I have no problem with that but please you guys should stop your dishonesty or else you will find yourselves in trouble.
That is why you guys did everything possible to retain the same team because you guys are used to one another in your schemes.
You don't have any cause. So, stop lying to yourselves and misleading people with falsehood.
There is no country called Southern Cameroon. How is self rule related to a Southern Cameroon notion being propagated by unconfirmed 300 people?

Before you were born self rule pre-existed your birth and it is not about arms struggle or yourself. It runs to the very core of our being as humans who are entitled to be free and there is plenty of evidence that all Cameroonians suffer from different forms of oppression as a result of the misconduct of those in power.

So, where do you factor in your self rule ? If you agree with the notion of oneneism then we are on the same page to ensure that every Cameroonian is a beneficiary of self rule which translates into freedom from organized thieves in Cameroon. These Anglophone and francophones thieves must be uprooted as soon as possible and where it is necessary this is where arms struggle makes sense to me but it is not my believe that Cameroon can only change through arms struggle. This non-violent approach is going to work provided all of you join us to unseat Paul Biya and dismantle the CPDM government and set a transitional government in place to explore much more than self rule. If you give self rule to people without a capable and sustainable socio-economic and political system how will it be different from sowing a good seed into dry and unfertile soil?

Thank you

Jonathan Awasom
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

On Tue, 12/31/13, Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Mr boh Herbert the "oneneism" of Cameroon is indestructible under a federal system
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 4:09 AM


Dear Jonathan,
If one follows your argument to the end, new
nations such as Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Eritrea, South
Sudan, etc would never have come into existence because of
the historical colonial links with SA, Indonesia, Ethiopia,
and Sudan albeit these nations resurrected from the ashes of
an armed struggle. None of us on both sides of the discourse
would willing advocate this model but seems viable given the
results noted above.
However, there is an enviable alternative to
armed struggle, such as in the case of the Quebecois in
Canada and the Scottish government in the UK which is
entrenched in democratic societies, i.e. dialogue and
self-rule (local/people choice rather than imposition/
dictates from central government) being the drivers of this
The BSC has to date chosen the force of argument
instead of the argument of force hence all the discourse in
various fora, legal battles the world over for the last 30
years at least, etc.
So if any of the models mentioned above does not
apply, what are you proposing as a solution to the Cameroons
problem? The Hong Kong model, I do not see any superpowers
coming to the table for sponsorship.
The wait until death do us part between
Country-Current Leadership model is a passive approach with
no end in sight and there are no guarantees that the
situation will change after Paul Biya unless Cameroonians
actively engage leadership now on what that future should or
better yet, must look like without compromise. There are
entrenched interests to keep the status quo and will require
sustained popular mass action alias 1990s - ville mort, Arab
spring, etc over several months even years to uproot the

But what next after this mass action, if true self-rule does
not allow for the Cameroons people to obtain similar
expressions of self-determination as in Canada (Quebec) and
the UK (Scotland). We would have still attained partial
democratic evolution and still left a lot to be done.

Sent by Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a

On 31 Dec 2013, at 04:49, virtuous and free Cameroon <>


 Mr Boh Herbert

I don't want to jump into the conclusion that you are
being evasive by not being sensitive to the concerns and

arising from my answering you.I asked you from the onset to
explain to me how you guys came about Southern Cameroon
because I have always known about West Cameroon.

Then I proceeded to explain to you why the past redundant
subjectivity is not appealing to me today because I cannot
be certain about the behavior of those who led former West
Cameroon. While I have not been judgmental, I also have not
been gullible to accept any lousy excuses that some people
have brought to bear because the poverty -stricken and
oppressed people of West Cameroon is sharply contrasted with
the  wealth and prosperity of the selected few who held
high ranking positions within the West Cameroon government .
What happened that West Cameroon was so underdeveloped under
West Cameroon leaders and the rule of Great Britain and
Germany because La republique was not yet into the equation
then? I get the argument that the government was not as
corrupt as it is today but what is the evidence and why is
it corrupt today and who is to blame?

You see, it has been 40 years since I was born and capable
of knowing the difference right and wrong . Let us not
continue to mark time on the same spot and crying over spilt
milk when we cannot change the past. I cannot spend my 
precious time trying to believe in some strange mistakes of
the past or confessions and apologies of those who want us
to believe that they were manipulated by La republique to
give up former West Cameroon because that conversation is
not substantiated by any empirical evidence in the life
style of the few Anglophone leaders that I have come to

When West Cameroon government was dissolved,  and no
need to be embroiled into how that happened, many of them
joined CNU and eventually CPDM ! I have observed how all
these leaders led our people from the days of Ahidjo and now
Biya. I hope you are kind enough to appreciate how
frustrated one is with some of these characters within the
CPDM and opposition who just care only about themselves.

Fru Ndi left CPDM and joined SDF and since then has planted
himself there for life just as Paul Biya in the CPDM and yet
everyday we see Paul Biya randomly arresting his enemies or
those he perceived as threat to his life Presidency away
into arbitrary prison sentences.Yet, the charges of
embezzlement against them does not make any sense because we
all know all of them are corrupt and more important, where
is all the money they embezzled? Of what use  are these
random arrests if we cannot have access to the money they
have embezzled or even retain it ?

Jonathan Awasom

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and
prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for
the beloved global village



On Mon, 12/30/13, Herbert Boh <>

Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Mr boh Herbert the
"onenessism" of Cameroon is indestructible under a
federal system

To: "Jonathanawesome" <>

Cc: ""

Date: Monday, December 30, 2013, 3:34 PM






       Dear Rev. Awasom,

Fair point and reaffirmation of faith, but would a

Awasom allow self-rule or impose himself as all-knowing

king, capable of deciding for the sovereign people?

Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 30, 2013, at 3:34 PM, Jonathanawesome




> Jonathanawesome <>




>> -------- Original Message --------

>> Subject: Re: Mr boh Herbert is it a west Cameroon

or southern Cameroon? [camnetwork] My 2014 Challenge on

Southern Cameroons

>> From: Jonathanawesome


>> To: Herbert Boh


Camnetwork <>

>> CC:,Cameroon



>> Hahahaha Mr. Boh Herbert,you too  are back

forth. Make up your mind.  The question I have for you

,is there a southern Cameroon in the


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