Re: SCNC: Disgruntled Militant Condemns Chief Ayamba/Nfor Nfor Rivalry

 We refer Array bisong  on the  SCNC Executive Council meeting of 14th Janaury 2012 at Bamenda. The resolutions of that meeting are enough to answer the the preoccupation of  Array.

Julius Ndi

On Friday, December 27, 2013 4:25 AM, kaavi melchizedek <> wrote:
It sickens me when people go writing their assumptions as if they are truth.
This writer went as far as hailing names like Theodore Leke and Isaac Oben Enow
It beets my imagination if he really know these gentle men or if he did not followed
the Banjul case. I do not need to go into it because any true SCNC/SCAPO member
will tell you what happened. 
    Secondly the group that was formed in the diaspora (pcf) you said it was the hand work 
of Nfor Nfor? Is that your personal opinion or is it the simple truth?
   Thirdly you said Nfor Nfor pushed Nwachang out of the struggle?  Man when did you join
the SCNC? I am one of those Nwachang was trying to use to practice the signature of Chief
Ayamba. Do you even know how many times Thomas Nwchang usurped the signature of 
the National chairman? Do you even know why the SCNC office moved from commercial
avenue to Pa Ndi's compound? You write what you think and I write what I lived.
     You also said Nfor Nfor goes out alone and not with Chief Ayamba. I just wish to ask you
do you know chief's age? have you ever been to Europe and test your running skills to catch
either the train metro or bus? Chief has been with us here on some diplomatic offenses I know
what am talking about. Do you know how many times Nfor has slept in the train station in cold?
If on such moments he was with chief.
      You also got exited over the fact that Nfor pushed late Albert Mukong out of the struggle I wonder
if you hard ever attended any SCNC think thank meeting when Mukong was alive. I wonder if you 
really know the relation ship between Nfor and Mukong I wonder if you know the people mukong 
asked for and those he wished be around him before his dead.       
    We all love that this leadership problem be solved but this is not the way because you annoy 
some of us who lived the truth of these lies you tell. Do not wait to praise Nfor only when he is gone
We all have to start looking for younger leaders who can do the running and have the faith as that of Nfor. 
Do not be like the man who wrote one time here that he has seen Nfor getting into a hotel in Switzerland
with Paul Biya while Nfor was with us in Belgium preparing to go to the European parliament with us.
Lets live hatred aside and move on. I have said we got to look for younger men with a heart like that of Nfor.     
. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:27 PM, Sama Thomas Achoa <> wrote:
I really hart halve truth Mr ARREY with all due respect Sir can you do a proper research as regard some of your allegations here against Nfor Nfor so as to make your point clear and without bias?
Please we are about to enter 2014 and it will not be good for us to start it this way, it will be good for us to look for avenues to reconcile our differences toward one another not fanning trouble.
May God bless all of us in our quest to free the Southern Cameroons comes 2014.

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

Disgruntled Militant Condemns Chief Ayamba/Nfor Nfor Rivalry
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

By Azore Opio
The Acting National Secretary of the SCNC (Southern Cameroons National Council), Mathias Bisong Arrey, has condemned what he termed the ongoing rivalry between the SCNC National Chairman and the Vice, Chief Ayamba Ette Otun and Nfor Ngala Nfor, respectively.
He expressed "the urgent need to revive the struggle for our liberation."
"Infighting between Nfor Ngala Nfor, Vice National Chairman and the National Chairman, Chief Ayamba Ette Otun, has paralysed activities in the struggle for our freedom for 12 years," Bisong Arrey told The Post at the weekend.
According to Bisong, they want to steer the affairs of the movement until the infighting is over.
"We have not dismissed anyone. We still regard Nfor Nfor as the Vice National Chairman, but unfortunately they have held the struggle hostage due to their rivalry," Bisong said.
He said Nfor Nfor believes that he is doing the job for Chief Ayamba who is not appreciative. "In fact, Nfor Nfor is using the SCNC to enrich himself," said Bisong.
He said the Vice National Chair unconstitutionally and conveniently elbowed out members such as late Vincent Feko, who was Secretary General, Theodore Leke, Thomas Nwancham, late Albert Mukong, Isaac Oben Enow and even Chief Ayamba.
"Ayamba himself has coiled away from the struggle," Bisong told The Post, "we have no confidence in Nfor Nfor and Chief Ayamba."
He said Nfor Nfor goes on missions alone and does many other things outside the doctrine of the SCNC.
"We cannot allow our people to continue suffering in bondage while two people rival," Bisong said.
It is against this backdrop of frustration with the present SCNC administration that Bisong Arrey and others want to create an interim administration of the movement until the Nfor Nfor/Ayamba matter is resolved.
"When Chief Ayamba was elected in 2003, Nfor Nfor became Vice National Chairman, while Feko became the Secretary General. This arrangement was constitutionally permissible. But Feko became disgruntled with Nfor Nfor and late Hitler Mbinlgo on matters of procedure and withdrew to form his BRISCAMIAC," Bisong said.
He said that trend of discontent continued and gave birth to such groups as SCAPO, RG, SCARM...
"From 2003 when the present executive was put in place after the death of Dr. Martin Ngeka Luma and Chief Ayamba was elected National Chairman, it has never been known that the present executive has been dissolved to permit the emergence of a new one with Nfor Nfor as Chairman," Bisong argued.
He further said that Nfor Nfor had made frequent visits to Mola Njoh Litumbe in Buea since 2003 urging him to take over the leadership of the Southern Cameroons struggle.
"This rather intrigued Chief Ayamba who could not understand why his Vice should solicit a strange leadership in the struggle," Bisong said.
He said after Njoh Litumbe failed to yield to Nfor Nfor's intrigues, he (Nfor Nfor) connived with Southern Cameroonians in the Diaspora, decided to form a conclave of Southern Cameroons leaders that ended up in the creation of the Patriotic Coalition Front (PCF) of which Njoh Litumbe is the leader.
"It is most unfortunate that the premier nationalist group in the country is breaking apart. I regret that some people are tearing the people and the struggle apart. Two wrongs cannot make a right," Mola Njoh told The Post.
"I was a bit troubled when Nfor Nfor dismissed the National Chairman in Bamenda. We are fighting for the liberation of Southern Cameroons and this people are busy toying with the struggle," he added.
Meanwhile, Bisong Arrey said they would revive all the structures of the SCNC such as counties and local government areas.
All attempts to reach Nfor Nfor by phone to comment failed.


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