Re: [cameroon_politics] - Ni John Fru Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»

Thanks so much for your comments.
Permit me to reveal if anything that, Paul Biya concluded this circus regretting why he organized it in the first place.  His calculations were that he would use this occasion to drive a permanent wedge between the SW and NW and to portray to the world that the colonized territory was totally "integrated" into the motherland. This was the rationale of the theme of the event  from reunification to integration. For this reason, he planned to keep the Fons and people of the North West away from the event and to rely on rented crowds from La Republique to dominate the  selected and controlled crowd of South Westerners who were to be allowed into the ceremonial ground. Because of the sensitivity of the issue, he gave a general order that celebrations should be conducted in all ten regional head quarters but with a special eye on the North West, its leaders, Fons and population.  He hoped the governor of the region and the power elite would give incentives to keep them back. To these surrogates, it was extremely suicidal to attempt a feet of that nature.  To the Fons, power elite and people of the NW, the occasion had a meaning different from Biya's. That meaning is closer to the history they and their people know and respect.   Presented with the reality on the ground, the word " national integration" that Biya intended to celebrate as announced in the theme disappeared from his speech and replaced with a narrative that was clearly inconsistent with the controversial event. Besides, at a crucial moment in the event when its raison d'etre was debated, Mola Njoh Litumbe to sustained applause by the crowd the events was intended to mislead seized the moment and place the Southern Cameroons Cause at the centre of national and international preoccupation. Ever since, a majority of  the people interviewed even by state radio and television have underscored the need for Biya to dialogue with the Southern Cameroons to resolve this burning issue.Public public opinion among a majority of people in the Southern Cameroons and Republique of Cameroun is that this contentious historic matter must be addressed and addressed soon.
 Biya's own speech did not help him and the policy he espoused. First he is clearly not at ease that Southern Cameroonians seemed to have used the occasion to consolidate their commitment to their cause and  their determined identity which he thought he had successfully erased from the face of the earth. Second, his own version of history did not accord with the truth we know which N.N Mbile detailed in his book about the true history of the Southern Cameroons. It was N.N Mbile, P.M Kale, Dr Endeley, Dr Foncha and others who commenced the discussions in Kumba in 1952 with Mpodol Um Nyobe, Ouandie Ernest Dr Moumie and others for unification before independence. The French nursing annexationist ambition and in complicity with their British colleagues stifled this talks and with it the genuine independence for Republique du Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons. For Biya to ignore these persons whom we learnt about in our primary school civic classes at a time  the mere mention of their names was treasonable in neo-colonial  Republique du Cameroun under Ahidjo convinced us that not only was Biya intent of burying our history and identity using this event, he intended to bury the most crucial aspect of his country's history as well. The problem is that it will never ever be possible for him to talk about the history of the Southern Cameroons without first reconciling with the true history of  his own country.  Finally it dawned on him that with this occasion lost, he may never ever have another opportunity to bury the Southern Cameroons alive. On the contrary, the scope of the mobilization that this circus elicited has done us great service in keeping our cause alive and strengthening our resolve. He controlled the airwaves and the propaganda machinery, we occupied the field where our people reside. End result, its the determination of these people who were mobilized, ridiculed and deceived that our strength lies.
 Chief Charles A.Taku

On Monday, February 24, 2014 4:05 AM, Samuel Laikenjoh <> wrote:

Thanks Chief Taku and George Ebai for putting this so succintly that it should shame those who want to push the agenda of La Republique du Cameroun through by trying to divide opinions as to our legitimate cause. At one time when Achidi Achu was made Prime Minister of la rep. South West Chiefs invited him to a Chiefs' conference in Mamfe and some of us decried it saying that it was wrong for natural leaders to get themselves immesrsed in politics for that forum will be used to distabilise our traditional structures and reduce the powers of our Chiefs to mere beggars. It has come to pass and some of our most venerated Chiefs and Fons have lost the respect of their subjects by aligning with party A or B. The colonial master is doing just what their forebears did to reduce traditional authority, divide and rule us and keep the dream of the Independent British Cameroons dead. We may tolerate the perpetrators of this doctrine but we might not forgive them
easily as suggested by the learned Chief for we have some of them who have contributed to the physical elimination of our compatriots just to maintain themselves in the power of the oppressor. Woe betides any of them who believe that history will be forgotten so soon. 

Still Chief, while still being in this dispensation we believe that the socalled political parties from our region should not be talking a language that is at variance with the aspirations of the majority of their constituents. I am saying so because while the clonialists were celeberating their doom in the name of reunification some of our party leaders went asking for a Federation with la rep. du cameroun and not only the pseudo federation we had prior to 1972, they were asking for something more outrageous. A federation of four states thereby acquiesing to the annexation of our territory. It might be high time for us to call on our people to shame these parties by not casting any votes for them to continue to maintain us in perpetual slavery. If they meant business, they could equally withdraw from the colonial master's assembly and congregate in Buea to form a constituent assembly there. The International community will take our fight serious from
that point but alas! They are just there to resolve their personal economic problems and not to represent the aspirations of their constituents. They have how ever commenced some collective action for which they should be praised but then they should go further than the grievances on the corrosion of our educational system and ask for more knowing fully well that the colonial master will not grant any but that will give us the leverage to withdraw from that bogus assembly and the rest of the world shall be on their and our side.
Gutter politicians shall continue to talk of the SW/NW divide  in order to continue scavanging from the dust bins of La Republique du Cameroun but let them know that not too long from here they might not find the time to repent their sins of ommission and commission.

Today at 11:36 PM


I have also been alarmed
by some of the generalizations that

 people have made.
Such generations are completely out of context and must be

 Manyu has produced
some of the most talented leaders of our

 The list is long
and here are a few who stand tall.

Sampson Adeoye George,
Chief Stephen Nyenti ( one of the most visionary advocates
of Southern
Cameroons independent), S.E Ncha, Hon Paul Ayah,  Dr
HNA Enonchong ( one
time Chairman of Cameroon Anglohone Movement) Dr Bate
Besong, Christmas Ebini
Atem, Pastor Moses Taku, George Ebai, Moses Nkwo, Professor
Mbuagbaw and
several others too many to name. Let me make special mention
of Hon.Chief E.T
Egbe to underscore a point why we should not judge the
commitment of people to
the Southern Cameroons or "Anglohone" cause as
some of them prefer to
be called based on political orientation. Someone pointed
out that what seems
to be misleading people in their comments is this rather
tired debate of SDF/
CPDM masked as the NW/SW divide. Yet speeches that were made
at the South West
Mini Conference established incontrovertibly that many in
and PAP keep political party politics out of this debate
when our common
identity and legacy are under threat. You may also
carefully study
the actions associations of mass mobilization and
participation like our
student movements, professional associations all fields of
life, trade unions, in
particular when it concerns matters that unite us like
Judiciary, economic rights , writers and authors in the
arts, politics,
economics and all academic and scholastic domain, religion,
art and culture
,transporters unions, farmers and cooperative societies,
commerce and industry,
in particular " bayam sellams, bendskiners, awara
awaras, hawkers, etc ;
in general matters affecting our common heritage to confirm
that there is more
that  unites us than divides us. I made provide
these examples when I
single Chief E.T Egbe for comment. He was a classic case of
a politician who
did not forget his roots. As a student and activist in the
University of
Yaoundé, I led delegations to meet then Anglophone leaders
on a number of
issues of interest to Southern Cameroons students who were
left out of scholarship
lists, trailed kidnapped and jailed by state agents and
humiliated in class by
their supposed Francophone classmates on the basis of their
being Southern Cameroonians.
In such intimate matters that threatened our collective
identity, he was very
sensitive about. He gave good advice and encouraged us not
give up our protest
until our rights were fulfilled. Dr Endeley finally took up
our case and the
scholarship issue was resolved but we appreciated the fact
that chief Egbe
received and encouraged us.  His politics were complex
and in my eulogy
when he was called home, I borrowed the comments of Chief
Awolowo about Chief
Samuel Ladoke Akintola his avowed opponent during the crisis
in the Western
House of Assembly to describe him. He was a brilliant lawyer
who could argue a
case from opposing directions and win. But he never ever
publicly stated that
our case was invalid. Not him. He played the South West card
for purely
political expedient reasons but quickly made sure such
political expediency did
not compromise his Southern Cameroons identity which was the
foundation on
which he laid claims for recognition and relevance in
Republique du Cameroon
politics.  He did not rock the boat because in the case
of game of
numbers, presidential elections considered what was
perceived as the national
territory as one constituency and not regional hegemony. And
he learnt quickly
that the Ajoulatist French neo-colonial puppets had
perfected the art of divide
and rule on the Bamilikes and was playing the same script on
the Southern
Cameroons.  He knew as many who are in this system
playing the politics of
survival that if one were  to take away their Southern
Cameroons called it
Anglophone identity they would  be consigned to the
dustbin of politics.
In a sense, what is playing out as NW/SW divide is the
struggle to control,
influence and deliver this constituency as one to the
Aujoulat neo-colonial
dynasty rather than mere components so-called SW/NW which
comports no historic
significance to this colonial master.  Any
politician who lacks the
capacity to deliver this constituency has suffered the
consequences. Reason why
immediately a Prime Minister is appointed either from the SW
or NW, the first
thing he has done is to move to struggle to rally and
deliver the
constituency to the colonial masters. And they have done
this time and again
through Chiefs and Fons and a dwindling number of elite
collaborationists in
search of political relevance. In such moments and for the
purpose of this
goal, they affirm the unity of Anglophones -Southern
Cameroonians. In such
circumstances, they sing the glory of our historic leaders,
Dr Endeley, Dr Foncha,
A.N Jua, NN Mbile,Ajebe Sone,PM Kemcha, SA George etc but
mischievously drink
and dance to  the prolonged colonial rule. This is
where we have
disagreed with them. And therefore implicit in this struggle
is the struggle
for the soul of Southern Cameroons in which we have proved
and will prove again
that they can never ever take the people along to satisfy
temporal pecuniary
crumbs from the table of the colonial power. At its highest
they share our
aspirations, support these aspirations on occasion and hope
and pray we should succeed.
That is why we disagree with their duplicity but do not hate
them. That is why
we have exercised restraint and caution persons never ever
to attack them or
incite the people against them. They are playing a game of
survival in
adversity. We only demand that they should play wise and
like the crocodile
should sleep with one eye open.

Many in my place may
invoke a litany of complaints by my tribe to
deny Chief Egbe his
qualities. No.  His constituency politics alienated
many but did not a
justification for anyone to attempt to make his tribe our
tribal enemies. He
like many alive or dead was judged on their record not
on their ethnicity.
That would be wrong. It would be unacceptable. This cause is
greater than
that. These divisions if amplified could lead us to
individual families and
beyond. That will be sad indeed.

Let people contributors
to this debate therefore focus on our cause and the
political rather than the
legal and cultural impediments to the struggle which we
shall and are


      On Sunday, February
23, 2014 11:36 PM, Chief Charles A.Taku
<> wrote:
    Mr Ebai,I have
also been alarmed by some of the generalizations
that people have made. Such
generations are completely out of context and must be
  discouraged. Manyu has
produced some of the most talented leaders of our
struggle. The list is long and
here are a few who stand
tall.Sampson Adeoye George, Chief
Stephen Nyenti ( one of the most visionary advocates of
Southern Cameroons independent), S.E Ncha, Hon Paul
Ayah,  Dr HNA Enonchong ( one time Chairman of Cameroon
Anglohone Movement) Dr Bate Besong, Christmas Ebini Atem,
Pastor Moses Taku, George Ebai, Moses Nkwo, Professor
Mbuagbaw and several others too many to name. Let me make
  mention of Hon.Chief E.T Egbe to underscore a point why we
should not judge the commitment of people to the Southern
Cameroons or "Anglohone" causeas some
of them prefer to be called based on political orientation.
Some one pointed out that what seems to be misleading people
in their comments is this rather tired debate of SDF/ CPDM
masked as the NW/SW divide. Yet speeches that
were made at the South West Mini Conference established
incontrovertibly that many in the CPDM, SDF,
NDA and PAP keep political party politics out
of this debate when our common identity and legacy  are
under threat. You may also carefully study
the actions associations of mass mobilization and
participation like our student movements, professional
associations all fields of life,
trade unions, in particular when it
concerns  matters that unite us like
  Education, Judiciary, economic rights , writers and authors
in the arts, politics, economics and all academic and
scholastic domain, religion, art and culture
,transporters unions, farmers and cooperative
societies, commerce and industry, in particular " bayam
sellams, bendskiners, awara awaras, hawkers, etc
; in general matters affecting our common
heritage to confirm that there is more
that  unites us than divides us. I
made provide these examples when I single Chief E.T Egbe for
comment. He was a classical case of a politician who did not
forget his roots. As a student and activist in the
University of Yaoundé, I led delegations to meet then
Anglophone leaders on a number of issues of interest to
Southern Cameroons students who were left out of 
scholarship lists, trailed kidnapped and jailed by state
agents and humiliated in class by their supposed Francophone
classmates on the basis of their
  being Southern Cameroonians.In such intimate
matters that threatened our collective identity, he was very
sensitive about. He gave good advice and encouraged us not
give up our protest until our rights were fulfilled. Dr
Endeley finally took up our case and the scholarship issue
was resolved but we appreciated the fact that
chief Egbe received and encouraged us.  His politics
were complex and in my eulogy when he was called home, I
borrowed the comments of Chief Awolowo about Chief Samuel
Ladoke Akintola his avowed opponent during the crisis in the
Western House of Assembly to describe him. He was a
brilliant lawyer who could argue a case from opposing
directions and win. But he never ever publicly stated that
our case was invalid. Not him. He played the South West card
for purely political expedient reasons but quickly made sure
such political expediency did not compromise his Southern
Cameroons identity which was the
  foundation on which he laid claims for recognition and
relevance in Republique du Cameroon politics.  He did
not rock the boat because in the case of game of numbers,
presidential elections considered what was perceived as the
national territory as one constituency and not regional
hegemony. And he learnt quickly that the Ajoulatist French
neo-colonial puppets had perfected the art of
divide and rule on the Bamilikes and were playing the same
script on the Southern Cameroons.  He knew as many who
are in this system playing the politics of survival that if
one were  to take away their
Southern Cameroons called it Anglophone identity they
would  be consigned to the dustbin of politics. In a
sense, what is playing out as NW/SW divide is the struggle
to control, influence and deliver this constituency as one
to the Aujoulat neo-colonial dynasty rather than mere
components so-called SW/NW which
  comports no historic significance to this colonial
master.  Any politician who lacks the
capacity to deliver this constituency has suffered the
consequences. Reason why immediately a Prime Minister is
appointed either from the SW or NW, the first thing he
has  done is to move to struggle to
rally  and deliver the
constituency to the colonial masters. And they have done
this time and again through Chiefs and Fons and a dwindling
number of elite collaborations in search of political
relevance.In such moments and for the purpose
of this goal, they affirm the unity of Anglophones -Southern
Cameroonians. In such circumstances, they sing the glory of
our historic leaders, Dr Endeley, Dr Foncha, A.N Jua, NN
Mbile,Ajebe Sone,PM Kemcha, SA George etc but mischievously
drink and dance to  the prolonged colonial rule. This
is where  we have disagreed
  with them. And therefore implicit in this struggle is the
struggle for the soul of Southern Cameroons in which we have
proved and will prove again that they can never ever take
the people along to satisfy temporal pecuniary crumbs from
the table of the colonial power. At its highest they share
our aspirations, support these aspirations on occasion and
hope and pray we should succeed.That is why we
disagree with their duplicity but do not hate
them. That is why we have exercised restraint and caution
persons never ever to attack them or incite
the people against them. They are playing a
game of survival in adversity. We only demand
that they should play wise and like the crocodile should
sleep with one eye open.Many in my
place may invoke a litany of
complaints  by my tribe to
deny Chief Egbe his qualities. No. 
  constituency politics alienated many but did not far enough
to make his tribe our tribal enemies. He like many alive or
dead were  judged on their record not on their
ethnicity. That would be wrong. It would be unacceptable.
This cause is greater  than that. These
divisions if amplified could lead us to individual families
and beyond. That will be sad indeed.
Let people contributors to this
debate therefore focus on our cause and the political rather
than the legal and cultural impediments to the struggle
which we shall and are
overcoming. Chief
  On Sunday, February 23, 2014
7:14 PM, George Ebai <> wrote:
AWAAH. I personally disagree with
you on this lame and
disjointed claim that  SWners always
hate  NWners, the point is that some of you folks on
this forum and else where always react out of
proportion when some misguided SWners blow their
fears out of proportion and you guys always take to
protecting any NWner (s) holding the same out blown views of
NW/SW divide weapon of oppression and annexation.
 No one is a fool and  based on
my personal experience in this struggle I can say
without any iota of fear that I have lived my share of this
marginalisation like many others be it at the national or
international level, and when ever I tried to raise my
voice I am shouted upon or threatened to be dealt with
 This attitude will never take
us any where, and you should please re read your
mail again and put yourself in our position, who have
been in this struggle since 1991 and tell me how you will
feel if all SWners HATE NWners and all NWners actually
LOVE  SWners, as you seem to make believe. I believe
some of you are intentionally manipulating and delaying the
struggle with this diatribe that only go a long way to
vindicate what some SW bootleggers preach in their
sermons .
 However, I believe there are sincere
persons  amongst us as well as dirty
minded impostors on both sides of the argument, as
there are always bad and good people in every situation. It
beats one's imagination that some people pretend or
refuse to read along the line to reason but just
because a write up is signed by a name from the
SW, even if the email is faked to bear the name of a
Southerner, the result is an immediate barrage of
insults and attacks, even from non sympathisers and fence
sitters of the restoration struggle.
 If we have to be sincere with
ourselves or at least by those who joined the struggle
after the failure of the SDF, most
Northerners  are still bearing the hope that
one day SDF will win or take power and are divided
on their stewardship to the restoration struggle,
unlike some die hard Southerners like myself, who have
no fall back position or plan B, but to surrender to
perpetual bondage if we don't succeed.
 Case study, if  Northerners
living in the Southern Zone can not vote
for a Southern zone  based party, even those
that overtly declared for the Southern Cameroons Cause since
1994, but prefer to vote for a Northern based 
SDF, then something is definitely wrong not with
Southerners but with  Northerners who still
believe in the old KNDP- sectionalism, which is the
source of the NW/SW divide and fears which was and is still
aptly used by the CNU and the CPDM respectively.

 You folks including some respected
folks should stop sectional generalisations, because
 if a certain Ebai says or
wrote  anything that's is out of
order, he or she should be confronted as a person
and not the entire Mamfe, Manyu or Southern region. What
makes you Awaah and Co to believe that as puppets, we shall
forever remain dumb and deaf?
 I personally respect the views of any
one but will not accept or cordon with any one insulting the
present generation of Manyu and Southern Region
people. So, Mr Awaah for the sake of peace, you are
given a chance to write an apology to the people of
Southern Region and are very free to take up your case
against individuals you have issues with! The struggle
continues with respect!
EbaiFormer SCYL Chair,Former
SCNC Southern Zonal Secretary , Former
SCNC Vice National SG
Southern Cameroonian
20:45 GMT+01:00 George Achu <>:


Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:

George Achu <>

Date: February 21, 2014 at 11:21:03 AM EST
To: ""

Cc: Cameroon Politics <>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] - Ni
John Fru Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»

I don't believe that a majority of
South Westerners hate North Westerners. Who has conducted a
poll? This issue is well orchestrated "divide and
rule" propaganda masterminded by the occupation and its
collaborators, thru a handful of "hired guns" on
cyberspace - to undermine the struggle to restore the
UNALIENABLE RIGHT of the people of the Southern Cameroons to
self government. Politically, there is nothing the people of
the South West can get as subjects of an occupying power
that they cannot get as SCian  "people"
protected by international law. Given that the inhabitants
of the region are an integral part of the Southern Cameroons
- a subject of international law, a restoration of the SC
statehood would include all its components, not leaving out
those that were in favor of annexation. Thus, divisions
within a state are no legal justification for a foreign
state taking
  advantage of them and taking over part of the state.

 The unalienability
principle in the international law of self-determination
does not require that a people be united in order to seek
redress and enforcement of their right to statehood -
threatened or undermined by a foreign political entity.
Hence, the "NW/SW  divide" issue is one just
one of the several tactics and schemes designed by the
invader and its local proxies to undermine the struggle for
the restoration of the STATEHOOD of SC. I emphasize
STATEHOOD here to dismiss the issue of SECESSION under
Camerounian law. In spite of the fact that it is
inapplicable to the people of the the SC, the occupation
administration continues to improperly USE it to intimidate
and persecute SC restorationists. It should not be applied
to them because, pursuant to a provision of the African
Union Constitutive Act and resolution thereof, SC was not
part of  the Republic of Cameroun when the latter
  independence in 1960 (See, Katanga v Congo). Hence,
Southern Cameroons has the RIGHT TO SEPARATE, not SECEDE
from it. Any legal challenge from opponents? Camerounian
authorities, lawyers and jurists listening? Do so or for
ever hold your peace?
G. AchuMaster of Laws (LLM), Int'l legal
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 19, 2014, at 7:14 PM, Bens <> wrote:





Pa Zama,Good evening. You
 are witness to the debate that is raging on this forum
between on the topic NW vs SW. Ni John Fru Ndi is probably
reading the writing on the map. If the NW and SW were
united, that would destroy the notion of a ten states
federation. Pa, the recent events at UB and lingering
accusations that are always levied against the North
Westerners is pushing me to believe that South Westerners
really hate North Westerners. We may function very well at
individual and small group levels, but when it comes to the
larger political level, it is mighty difficult to convince
South Westerners that it will be good for them too. That is
why the struggle for the restoration of the Southern
Cameroons statehood has be difficult. South Westerns have
calved out a comfortable position of always fearing North
Westerners for  reasons that have nothing to do with
the present. Mola Njoh Litumbe is an exception. Frankly, I
  cannot put my finger on why they think that Francophones
are better for them. For the last 50+ years, I have not seen
any evidence. Ni John Fru Ndi may just be confronting
reality that may be coming sooner or later.

"Permit Yourself to
Learn to Forgive to be


Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 19:57:31 +0000
Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] - Ni John Fru
Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»





I am
definitely saddened to read that Chairman Fru Ndi thinks
that a ten state federation would be ideal. After all these
years of frustration, does the Chairman still believes in
these people? What is in a name, especially in Cameroon?
What has happened ever since Paul changed provinces to
regions? Has he stopped appointing governors, Senior and
Divisional officers, right down to shoe shiners? Has he not
continued to frustrate the SDF councils by appointing
Government delegates to head those councils? Mr. Chairman,
you must know that we have pretended for too long and now is
the time to speak out and call a spade a
The Chairman definitely knows that we are
tired of being part of this republic. THe Chairman also
knows that at least 90% of his electorate are for
separation.I am calling on
 Southern Cameroonians to convene AAC 3. We can't
continue to suffer when Biya is carting our resources away
and using the money to build his country while ours lies in
Mr. Chairman, ma leb i leb.

Date: Wed,
19 Feb 2014 08:43:16 +0000
Subject: Re:
[cameroon_politics] - Ni John Fru Ndi, Chairman du Social
Democratic Front: «Il faut favoriser l'avènement
d'un Etat fédéral»




A  Ten State
Federation  should be ideal, thats self and local

  From: "" <>

  To: ""

"237medias@googlegroups com" <>
  Sent: Wednesday,
February 19, 2014 7:41 AM

[cameroon_politics] - Ni John Fru Ndi, Chairman du Social
Democratic Front: «Il faut favoriser l'avènement
d'un Etat fédéral»



      It's simply preposterous for
people to think that were states to be created,  the South
west or North west should be joined with any state in LA
republique du cameroun. How come?

A federal Cameroon must either be made of ten
states or two ie southern Cameroon and LA republique du

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


                   <>; SDF
South Africa <>; <>; Cameroon

                            Mbudca Worldwide <>;     

                            [cameroon_politics] Our reviewed
proposal"Ma Patrie"/Fw: [Cameroon-Info.Net] - Cameroun - Ni John Fru
Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»       

                            Wed, Feb 19, 2014 5:49:11 AM   





Mr Atanga;

various reactions we have received on our previous proposal
of the division of cameroon into 5 federal states; we have
slightly review our idea. 

We are now looking into the idea to have 3 federal states in

Western state
that will include actual west, littoral, north west and
south west provinces;

The northern state which will include, adamaoua, north, and
far North provinces;

eastern state which will include, centre, sud and east

This proposal
might work to consolidate the unity of our country.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
  Celestin Atanga <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:52:17 -0800
(PST)To:<>; SDF
South Africa<>;<>; Cameroon Network<>
Cc: Mbudca Worldwide<>Subject:
Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [Cameroon-Info.Net] - Cameroun - Ni John Fru
Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»


      Mr Youmssi,

How were the 3 provinces of
the Central South living before Mr Biya decreed them to
become 3 provinces? And the same question goes to the Grand
North. Those divisions existed before and they are the bases
of a possible restructuring destined for 2nd Republic.

Furthermore, before 1961, Southern
Cameroonians were living happily together despite the fact
that North West has boundaries with the West and South West
with Littoral. At that time, tribalism was less taken into
consideration politically as Foncha had his strong in South
West & Endeley in the North West. Power democratically
change hands between the above-mentioned leaders without
bloodshed. And so, the people of Southern Cameroons knew
themselves and still

I am from Santa and
a neighbour to
  Bamboutos division. But I knew Kumba or Meme division
[which is very far away] more than Mbouda. Similarly, the
late Professor Anomah Ngu trekked from Bamenda to Buea. If
he were alive today, and you ask him to choose between
Mbouda & Buea, you can guess where he'll go.

I will be back if you want,


"You can kill me but you
can never kill freedom." ~Celestin

"My friend's friend can be my
friend, but my friend's enemy should not necessarily be
my enemy." ~Celestin

"A snake which
missed biting you yesterday
  should not pretend that it is your friend today or
tomorrow." ~Celestin
smallest deed is better than the biggest
intention." ~Achu Raymond~ 

  a straight line in a crooked
way." ~Professor Victor Anomah
"What is to give light
must endure burning." ~Viktor Franki~

    On Tuesday, February 18, 2014
  5:14 PM, "" <> wrote:




Mr celestin
How do you explain Such
division? It is based on what? And what will you achieve
with such cocktail?


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphoneFrom:
  Celestin Atanga <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 08:48:30 -0800
(PST)To:<>; SDF
South Africa<>;<>; Cameroon Network<>
Cc: Mbudca Worldwide<>Subject:
Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [Cameroon-Info.Net] - Cameroun - Ni John Fru
Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»


      Messrs Wanko & Bareja,

For true peace to reign in a future "United"
Cameroon via a true federal/confederal system of governance,
North West & South West will form a state and NOT West & North West
or Littoral & SW. Mr Tabetsing Chretien tried that in
the '90s but it lacked support & so it was discarded
and forgotten.

Culture is not just about tribal
affiliations, it is more than that. I have my brothers who
left Mbu (Baforchu) for a belligerant mission. They
didn't return; they finally settled in Bassamba
subdivision of the Nde division; the are called Banyabo or
in our language, "I did
turn." Others are called
  Kombou [just after Matazem,
  Santa] or "I
  am climbing to Mbo'o or Mbu". Today, these
Baforchu peoples are now Bamilekes. Everything of theirs
including language, is different from ours. How then can you
force them to be Baforchu again when they have acquired
something else and are happily co-existing with other
Bamilekes groups?

I also remember that some people have
unsuccessfully tried to "re-unite" Lebialem &
Menoua divisions. Thus, a lot more is in the offing than
just relying on tribal affinities based on geographical

Having expounded on the above, remember:
the SDF's position is very clear on this; that is to say
the SDF in its proposed Constitution of Cameroon is:

West & South West = State
                                               Adamawa, North, &
Far North = State

                                           Littoral & West =

                                           Centre, South &
East = State

That is the way and the ONLY way for true peace
& democracy to reign in Cameroon. I will like to leave a
Cameroon where the young ones will have something to thank
us about just like the Americans are positively remembering
George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

I look forward to celebrating 53
  anniversary of the coming together of the two



 "You can kill me but you
can never kill freedom." ~Celestin

"My friend's friend can be my
friend, but my friend's enemy should not necessarily be
my enemy." ~Celestin

"A snake which
missed biting you yesterday should not pretend that it is
your friend
  today or
  tomorrow." ~Celestin
smallest deed is better than the biggest
intention." ~Achu Raymond~ 

draws a straight line in a crooked
  way." ~Professor Victor Anomah
Ngu~ "What is to give light
must endure burning." ~Viktor Franki~

    On Tuesday, February 18, 2014
  3:27 PM, JR WANKO <> wrote:


      Ca fait 4 Etats et non 5... puisque nous avons 2
etats du Grand Nord

    Le Mardi 18 février
2014 16h18, Dr Youmssi Bareja <> a écrit :


La Position de "Ma Patrie est la
 Oui Au Fédéralisme mais pas sur la
base linguistique(francophone et anglophone); mais plutôt
sur la base culturelle. dans cet esprit je
vois le Cameroun devenir un état fédéral avec 5 états
repartis comme indiqués ci dessous:
1- la fusion des provinces de l' Ouest et du 
Nord Ouest ;que j' appellerai Etat du Grand Nord
2-La fusion des provinces du  Littoral et
du Sud Ouest que j'appellerai Etat du Grand Littoral

3-La fusion des provinces de l'Adamaoua, Nord et
extrême Nord que j'appellerai état du Grand Nord
4-La fusion des provinces du Centre et du Sud
que j'appellerai état du Grand Centre

5-Est que
  j'appellerai état du grand

==> http://www.Cameroon-Info.NET/cmi_show_news.php?id=58574

Cameroun - Ni John Fru
Ndi, Chairman du Social Democratic Front: «Il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral»

"A mon sens, il faut
favoriser l'avènement d'un Etat fédéral, chaque
Etat doit avoir un budget pour réaliser ou assurer son

Yaoundé, 17 Février 2014: Enfin le
cinquantenaire de la réunification, qu'en

Mon avis est
que le gouvernement semble avoir été contraint de
programmer cette célébration car c'est depuis trois
ans qu'elle est attendue.
  Plusieurs anglophones se sont plaints des termes de cette
réunification car ils se sentent marginalisés dans ce
pays. Ils ne sont pas contents. Plusieurs actions montrent
  que le
  gouvernement de M. Biya les a déçus. A quoi sert donc une
célébration si les termes de la réunification ne sont pas
respectés. A mon sens, il faut favoriser l'avènement
d'un Etat fédéral, chaque Etat doit avoir un budget
pour réaliser ou assurer son développement. Pour terminer,
je dois dire que cette célébration n'a aucun sens, si
les termes de la réunification ne sont pas révisés. Je
dis donc qu'on devrait également assurer les mêmes
droits aux anglophones.

Ateba Biwolé

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