Fw: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Apostles of Disunion – the 50 Men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists Movement

      For the first time, you sound really flustered - peeved, did you say? Mishe Fon really hit home, and under the belt for sure, for you to momentarily let go your xenophobic chanting and anchor on childish trivialities like elegant, pleasing, princely comportment and photographs posted to display elegance.
     The substance blows in the wind which was addressed (and there was much Mishe did broach with his jibes and jabs). I thought you would rebut them and cut down to size the pretensions of the presumptuous graffi neophyte; I rather hear you stammering and blabbering, prince of topnotch pedigree. Interesting ...

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 11:58 AM, Dennis Tambe <dbtmamfe@hotmail.com> wrote:
Mishe Fon,
I am so peeved with you referring to me as "catechist-looking" that I must come back on this. 

A more appropriate religious comparison  would have been Geoffrey Chaucer's (
Prologue to The Canterbury Tales) Monk, "a manly man to be an abbot able."

I must reiterate for the record that you and I have never met in person.  I call on Pa Fru Ndeh, Sessekou Ebini Atem, Ni Manu Tayong and others who know me to rebut this aspersion and calumny ("catechist-looking") that you glibly cast on my princely self. 

Mukefor Besongabang.

To: cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; ambasbay@googlegroups.com
From: dbtmamfe@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 09:41:46 +0000
Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Apostles of Disunion – the 50 Men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists Movement


Mishe Fon,
You certainly met the wrong Mukefor Tambe.  I have never met Prince Ojong nor attended any of his real estate events.  Prince Ojong will attest to that.

Are you saying that you have not taken note of my elegant, pleasing and princely comportment in the many photographs I have posted on e forums for my future electorate? Your description of a "catechist looking" me could not be farther from the truth.  My man Manu Tayong whom I have known since 1964 and met recently in Atlanta, Georgia will attest to my impressive appearance  and physique

Look at the more recent photograph below.  Do I look like a miserly catechist?  You were probably under the influence of John Barleycorn at Prince Ojong's party real estate event and saw someone masquerading as Mukefor of Besongabang.

Mukefor Besongabang toasting the New Year champagne (2014) at the Bangwa Embassy in Chessington, London.

Mukefor Besongabang.

To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; ambasbay@googlegroups.com
From: mishefon@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 22:03:18 -0800
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Apostles of Disunion – the 50 Men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists Movement


Mukefor Tambe
For starters, let me get this out of the way. You write with such flowery and poetic fluidity that one is carried into an imaginary Eldorado of "Tambe in wonderland". I vividly remember your famous expression when you were still an "opposant" calling Cameroon Government Ministers as "Khakistocratic Oligarchs". I am sincerely enamored by your brilliant maestro of the Queen's language...UNTIL one gets at close range to you. When I met you for the first time at the erstwhile Real Estate mogul "Prince Ojong" function in College Park, MD I was simply "flabberwhelmed and overghasted" at the sharp contrast.

Initially, when Boni Wewe introduced you to me, I thought he was joking...BICOS...the person in front of me looked more like the "Catechist" of St. Francis Catholic church Kumba town. My confusion was confirmed when in the subsequent exchanges that followed, I observed the embarassing mixture of unrelated and disjointed in-comprehensive bathology or what your brother Jesusman (with Michael West in hand) refers to as Galimatias. I don't know whether it was the excitement at seeing me "Live" or that is/was your real self...showing your true "colors".

Mr. Tambe, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that your constant hysteric, shrill offensive exhalating effluvium are nothing short of psychological putrefaction. You exhibit symptoms of "folie de grandeur" while at the same time manifesting complete parallelism of ideology. I have examined closely, your constant use of toxicogenic and poisonous expiatory language against your brothers from the NW Province of Cameroon. All this parvanimity about SCNC and Secession/Terrorism is pure mental priapism to camouflage your hatred for "Bamenda Peepoo". No more no less.

I no blame you. You call me a "Closet SCNC" terrorist. Square and fine. My question to you Mr. Tambe (the British citizen): Where do you belong? You are asking me to go find out the meaning of a "Heavily Loaded Question" because I am not a Lawyer? God scratch matchis. My friend, don't get me started.
For now, I will cut you some slack but if you prefer to continue the onslaught with your chattering nonsense, by all means, bring it on.
Mishe Fon
The Closet SCNC Sessesionist/Terrorist dixit Mukefor Tambe.

On Friday, March 7, 2014 7:39 AM, Dennis Tambe <dbtmamfe@hotmail.com> wrote:
"YES or NO: Do you as Southern Cameroonians want to continue the subjugation under La Republique du Cameroun? "

Dear Mishe,
You have recently been outed as an SCNC stalwart and apologist.  I am therefore not surprised by your loaded leading question.  Ask your wannabe SCNC and internet lawyer, Martin Tumasang to explain to you the concept of a 'leading question' and its repugnance at law.
Why would you expect the Republic of Cameroon to give credence to your errant and forlorn cause that none of you has taken seriously other than by engaging in banal online pronouncements?  You offshore SCNC noisemakers should put your money where your mouths are - raise money, engage a fight and spill blood if you are men. 
The Republic of Cameroon's scarce resources will never be used in errant referendums. Unprincipled people will never give finality to solemn legal processes. Unprincipled people will always second guess and even besmirch sacred plebiscite results.
Your motley collection of cry-babies will never see the big picture.  If we let you get away with your moribund agenda, Cameroon will end up being broken into village and tribal republics.

Mukefor Besongabang
Gubernatorial Aspirant
South West Region.

To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; ambasbay@googlegroups.com
From: Enow007@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 03:57:52 -0800
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Apostles of Disunion – the 50 Men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists Movement


Comrade Mishe Fon,
Mr. Akoson Raymond conducted the vote you are asking for recently. Ask him to publish the results.
Agbor Enow

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines:
I was a raw material
I became mature and cooked
And I was burned into nothingness.

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 8:22 PM, Mishe Fon <mishefon@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hopefully, you are speaking for yourself. You disparage Camnet communications yet you channel your epistle via the same medium. And what exactly do you mean by "50 men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists"? You will do your readership justice if you can break it down to "our Camnet" level of understanding. If Camnet is as inconsequential as you posit, why am I reading this here instead of Le Figaro, BBC, NY Times or Sky News, RFI, VOA or Radio Santa Isabelle?

Massa Agbor, In my humble opinion, the best way to gauge where Southern Cameroonians stand on this intractable issue of "Reunification" is to conduct an outright "Referendum" with a one point agenda....YES or NO: Do you as Southern Cameroonians want to continue the subjugation under La Republique du Cameroun? That is the question.

This "secessionist" ideology cleverly pushed at the fore front by Government apologists, CPDM apparatchiks, majority Francophones (for obvious reasons) and some SW elites can be put to rest after the said referendum. If "SC Anglophones" say that they prefer the status quo (as you insinuate and can be deciphered in your frequent pronouncements) then by all means, the majority opinion should prevail.

If on the contrary, the Government decides to ignore this simple request of organizing the referendum; then and only then will you start hearing cries of real Secession in that country. Until then, keep your peace as even the SCNC has NEVER talked of Secession. Remember the slogan "Force of Arguments and not the Arguments of Force"?

Over to you, massa Agbor, the agent provocateur of "Anarcho-Libertarian Secessionists" Cameroon version.

Mishe Fon

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 8:21 PM, Agbor Enow Augustine <Enow007@yahoo.com> wrote:
Apostles of Disunion – the 50 Men Anarcho-libertarian secessionists Movement
The recycling of irrational secessionist claim by a few Anglophone Cameroonians is like lifting a dead elephant and quickly placing it back at the same position. Only the most irrational or political ignorant among us would think that this anarchic chaos on camnet that does not threaten the functional efficacy of the state of Cameroon is anything but rent-seeking or for some sour grapes with a master who have dwarfed their ambitions in his beleaguered government.
Something problematic in the anarchist challenge of the legitimacy of the state of the Republic of Cameroon (which I want returned to the federal republic with 10 states) is that it is nothing but an academic exercise of historical proportion. How can one reconcile the fact that the secessionists challenge the state's legitimacy, but become statists during national elections, voting for or leading national political parties of their chosen. If their party wins, the state should stay together, but if they loose, the state should splinter-this is nothing but anarchy.
The notion that a state's sovereignty and its territorial integrity could be contested on historical account alone or by students of history belaboring their fingers on computer keyboards is absurd. Cameroonians from east, west, south, north, southwest, northwest, and what have you; suffer severe and long-standing injustices at the hands of the regime of junta Paul Biya and his coterie of thieves. Furthermore, if the goal or result of secession is to produce a tiny, more homogenous, stable, and economic viable unit, then it does not make sense, since Anglophone Cameroon is itself very heterogeneous.
I may emphasize that I defend the right of these few individuals to leave and declare themselves stateless, but mistaking their individual defection to a non-existing state, to a wholesale defection of Anglophone Cameroon is bizarre and irrational. Cameroonians have the unapologetic right to challenge the 32 year old dictatorship of junta Biya, but distortions like those posed by fringe secessionist elements seek to alienate the masses in the quest towards this end.
Augustine Agbor Enow
A proud citizen of the Republic of Cameroon.
The outcome of my life is not more than three lines:
I was a raw material
I became mature and cooked
And I was burned into nothingness.

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