"Are you referring to United Kembong or the United Kingdom of Great Britain?"
Dennis! Dennis!! Dennis!!! LOL
From: Dennis Tambe <dbtmamfe@hotmail.com>
To: "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; camnetwork Camnetwork <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: [camnetwork] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] chop broke pot.......
"In the UK it is rude to discuss one's salary or anyone else's in public."
Nsibiri Nkanda (Mr. Ralph Tanyi),
I hope you are joking.
Are you referring to United Kembong or the United Kingdom of Great Britain? Every Cameroonian in the United Kingdom will confirm that the salaries of members of the House of Commons were seriously debated in the last year on the floor of the House. The salaries of Chief Executives of private sector companies are discussed everyday. Earnings and salaries of working class people are discussed every week as part of inflation studies.
In which UK are you living? Is this another knee-jerk defense of the indefensible? Please be serious for once. Cameroon has scarce resources for competing ends. We are dealing here with excessive earnings for obsequious and pliant "peoples representatives". This is unconscionable self-dealing.
Mukefor Besongabang .To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; BOYO@yahoogroups.com; CreatiViews@yahoogroups.com
From: anomah007@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:15:42 -0700
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] chop broke pot.......
"All I want is to be in a committee. How does one get there in a democracy?"Prof Titus Edzoa already gave us the answer on how to become a member of the Central Committee in Cameroon:"According to Prof. Edzoa, one time President Biya's physician; "there are people in Government who eat human flesh and drink human blood in order to achieve more power in the occultist empire. Without calling names, the former Minister, reveals that such people rape minors and destroy their virginity, hoping that that will enable them remain young forever."
From: Nsibiri Nkanda <tamiango_rt@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "BOYO@yahoogroups.com" <BOYO@yahoogroups.com>; "CreatiViews@yahoogroups.com" <CreatiViews@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "creativiews@yahoogroups.com" <creativiews@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 10:13 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] chop broke pot.......
Hahaha!The novel democratic imperative to appropriate on behalf of the people.If the government can afford to pay, what's our beef?
If we feel our MPs are greedy we should remove them.These guys need to be incentivised so they can inspect the government bills within 24 hours before these are tabled for approval in the same parliament.In the UK it is rude to discuss one's salary or anyone else's in public. This smacks of envy.It is the duty of the government and its national audit office to determine what is appropriate salary for MPs. Left themselves, MPs can debate and vote themselves whatever they need.All I want is to be in a committee. How does one get there in a democracy?Nsibiri
From: samiritecreate <samiritecreate@yahoo.com>;
To: <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; BOYO@yahoogroups.com <BOYO@yahoogroups.com>;
Cc: <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; <creativiews@yahoogroups.com>;
Subject: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] chop broke pot.......
Sent: Mon, Mar 31, 2014 1:07:11 PM
I am apoplectic with impotent rage, because l can do nothing about it. But their time will come; it may seem it is going very well for them, bolt, nut and rivet so they string it out for 30 years to help themselves in the national trough. But it will end one day. No wonder some of them get rid of their rivals by simple assassination. Egregious bastards.aNyangoSent from The Duchess of Muanenguba's Samsung Galaxy S4
-------- Original message --------
From: Herbert Boh <herbertboh@yahoo.com>
Date: 31/03/2014 11:44 (GMT+00:00)
To: BOYO@yahoogroups.com
Cc: boyo@yahoogroups.com,AFOakom@yahoogroups.com,cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com,Free Cam Ambazonians <FREE_Ambazonians@yahoogroups.com>,Cameroon SDF <cameroons_sdf_party@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] chop broke pot.......
In poverty stricken Cameroon, the Speaker of the National Assembly pockets a car allowance in the amount of 80 million francs CFA ($168,000) a year. We dare not discuss the salary of the Cameroonian Speaker (a state secret), which is by far higher than these "peanuts" called allowance. We also dare not calculate the mountain of money he takes home as part of several other allowances (housing, feeding, family, representation, pension allowances, etc.)Now - compare that to what prevails in the world's richest nation, the United States of America. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner, had to get a pay hike upon assuming office in order for his annual salary to rise to $223,000. On average, the law maker in the U.S. House and Senate makes an annual salary of about $174,000 - meaning that they make just slightly above the car allowance taken home by the Speaker of the National Assembly in Cameroon.Poor America!Boh Herbert
Sent from my iPhone'Chop Broke Pot' Allowances Anger Ordinary MPsBy Yerima Kini NsomOrdinary Members of Parliament, MPs, are choking with anger following a decision by bureau members to award themselves huge allowances. While the ordinary MPs take home FCFA 10 million each as their car allowances, members of the bureau have at least FCFA 45 million for the mandate.The National Assembly reeks of acrimony that pits ordinary MPs against bureau members. The 157 ordinary MPs are questioning how the 23 members of the bureau could just award themselves huge allowances that amount to a circa FCFA 3 billion. For one thing, the Speaker of the National Assembly takes home a car allowance of FCFA 80 million while his immediate vice pockets FCFA 65 million. The five Vice Presidents take home a car allowance of FCFA 60 million each. The four Questors have FCFA 50 million each for the car allowance while the twelve secretaries line their pockets with FCFA 45 million each. Besides, all the bureau members are equally paid other allowances of FCFA 12 million each annually.Moreover, all the 23 bureau members earn a duty allowance of FCFA 16 million each on a quarterly basis. They are also given a car repair allowance two years after they receive the car allowance. The car repair allowance is one third of the car allowance. They equally receive amounts ranging from FCFA 4 to 5 million for the upkeep of their offices. They live in free houses and have two cooks each on the pay roll of the National Assembly. They are also given fuel and telephone allowances. The National Assembly also gives them FCFA 8 million each for the purchase of what is called the kitchen car.One MP told The Post that the kind of greed that bureau members have manifested is beyond human understanding. Hear him: "Bureau members are mostly the ones in the CEMAC Parliament, the Francophonie parliament, the Commonwealth parliamentary Association and all other parliamentary networks and they on mission every now and then" He also revealed that most members of the National Assembly are recruited surreptitiously through the bureau members who bring in their relatives and girl friends irrespective of whether they are qualified or not. "That why there is a lot of mediocrity in parliamentary administration. Someone who is recruited at the National Assembly as a cleaner today is appointed director tomorrow because of a god father in the house," he exclaimed. By his rough estimates, the bureau member takes home close to 300 million a year while the ordinary MP wallows in penury.While taking exception to such greed, an MP of one of the opposition parties in the house wondered if the bureau members were stealing on behalf of the people. "These figures are outrageous enough even by the Cameroonian standards of kleptomania," he told The Post He wondered why the bureau members were allocating huge car allowances for themselves when the National Assembly bought them Prado Land Cruisers recently.The same situation holds sway at the Senate where the gap between the ordinary senator and his bureau counterpart is very wide. One ordinary MP who complained to The Post last Monday March 24, said members of the bureau of both the National Assembly and the Senate are ruled by appalling avarice. "These fellows are behaving as if they wrote an examination to become members of the bureau. "Just look at the car allowance of the Speaker who was elected into Parliament like me. He has FCFA 80 million and I have FCFA 10 million only for the car allowance. Now look at the yawning gap that makes a difference of 70 million. I am saying that this is an injustice to us and the Cameroonian people," one MP fumed.Another MP from the ruling CPDM party said he was surprised that the opposition MPs that are members of the bureau did not raise an alarm on such manifestation of greed on the tax payer's money. He said he was not asking for an increase in the allowances of ordinary MPs, but denouncing a clique that decided to feed fat on the tax payer's money for no good reason. Many MP equally complained that bureau members are given almost everything for free but they are still those who take home huge allowances and enjoy special advantages. "They are still the ones who go on almost all the missions and reap huge allowances," he observed.The ordinary MPs said the Parliamentary hierarchy is behaving as if not being a member of the bureau is a very big crime. One female MP told The Post that the FCFA 10 million she is receiving for the car allowance cannot enable her buy a good car that would ease her movements in the very difficult terrain of her constituency.Juicy Retirement Benefits For The SpeakerEarlier in 2005, the bureau of the National Assembly signed a text, awarding the Speaker very juicy retirement conditions. That decision awarded the House Speaker an annual allowance of FCFA 18 million upon retirement. This means that he will be entitled to FCFA 1.5 million a month. In addition to that juicy retirement, any former Speaker will have a monthly water allowance of FCFA 150.000, an electricity allowance of FCFA 250.000 and a telephone allowance of FCFA 250.000. According to the decision of the National Assembly bureau, the retired Speaker will also have 1000 litres of petrol per month.Any retired Speaker of the National Assembly, the decision spells out, will be provided with an official residence of high standing in Yaounde, including durable furniture. In a situation where the retired Speaker does not take up the official residence, he or she will be compensated with an amount of money to be determined by the Bureau of the National Assembly. The National Assembly is also responsible for providing the former Speaker with a brand new Mercedes 300 or any other car of that quality. All expenses incurred in the repair of the car, however, will be borne by the Speaker himself. Nonetheless, the National Assembly has the duty to change the vehicle once every ten years until the retiree dies. When he dies, the car becomes property of his or her family.According to article 4 (b) of the bureau decision, the retired Speaker is supposed to have the following aides: a body guard, a driver, a gardener, two watchmen and a private secretary with the rank of a chief of service in the central administration. According article 8 of the decision, the National Assembly is charged with picking the medical bills of the retired Speaker and his family. It also states that in case of death, the widow and orphans of the former president have a right to some allowances from the funds reserved for retired MPs. The decision was initiated in 2005.The move came after two former Speakers of the National Assembly—Hon. S.T Muna and Hon. Lawrence Fonka Shang had long died. It is clear that the first person to enjoy this allowance would be the incumbent Speaker, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril. Although it is considered that such allowances would continue to leave a big hole in the public purse, observers say such juicy retirement conditions could cause people holding high office to leave without being afraid of running into misery.
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