Re: [CPDM-USA] Come in Numbers - it is time we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our beloved Nation

Pah Ambrose, my RCM Fiango, Kumba Headmaster had a ready made answer for strange occurrences of this magnitude. He described such as "SELLING AFTER THE MARKET".
For crying out loud, what 50th anniversary are you talking of? Except you are just getting up or recovering from a Rip Van Winkle stupor, should I remind you that the year we are in now is 2014 and the so-called "Reunification" was almost 54(FOUR) years ago? You simply get up from your prolonged sleep and invite your "Kontri Peepoo" to come and "Dance" Mangambeu in Washington DC. Vraiement de Dieu, wuna go kill man with laf.
Can you guys, just do what you do best? Invite your CPDM Party faithfuls to your CPDM Party "Get together", enjoy yourselves (correctement comme d'habitude), pat yourselves on the back for a "wanderfoolish" and enjoyable "Soukous Vibration Ambiance"; go home and be happy. You don't need to couch it as 50th Anniversary of whatever...Bicos Na FAT LIE. Eh Pah President Joe Mbuh, Tok ya True. Na who or na which 50th Birthday you dey want celebrate 4 Washington DC in March 2014? Lef Politics 4 corner langua we TRUE TOK.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:33 PM, Adele Effa <> wrote:


Romans 1:26-27For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. .
Proverbs 29:25: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 11:54:16 -0800
Subject: [CPDM-USA] Come in Numbers - it is time we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our beloved Nation


Dear Comrades, Local Chiefs of Associations and family heads and Citizens of our beloved CAMEROON,
It is now time for each of you to be part of a celebration that we should champion. Comrades, let us be what our country and our party expects of us as "patriotic citizens of our nation".
We should all come in an register our presence on Saturday 8th of March 2014 at the Blackburn Center at Howard University between 17:00 till how far the law permits.
We must recall that each of us is indispensable in changing the future of Cameroon and no one person is more solely owns that privilege.

This is a special call for comrades in New York, Atlanta, North Caroline, Michigan, Minnesota and Greater Houston who can make it at this short notice.
Also, let our organizing committee take note and spring to action in what they know best.. 
Pass this information along...
Brothers and Sisters, invite every Cameroonian to be present is this special event. Comrades come show what you can do. Let's make our presence felt.
Meanwhile, The Section's Vice President and Treasurer will represent the Section in tomorrow's meeting at the Embassy starting at 3 PM.

Our reunification is a journey whose path is laced with progressive readjustments along the way to our next milestone. We have met this 50th anniversary, let us take stock, celebrate it  and brace for the next with love, caution and a goal to make it better.

Come one come all.
Cameroun O'boso!

Joseph Mbu
CPDM Section President

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