The Impulses Behind the Secessionist Escapade

The Impulses behind the Secessionist Escapade- Asking all the Pro-secessionist forces to Stand up and be Counted.
We all know that a bunch of about fifty disgruntled men have declared that they have no love of country (Was this count of 50 before or after your Camnet poll?) and have resorted to a cataclysmic call for secession (Can you indicate to your readers just one instance or documented evidence of any of your so-called 50 disgruntled men advocating for secession?) as a way to promote their self-centered extremist agenda. Some are collecting money to churn up asylum-related documents and are in the secessionist agenda just for the money (Mr. Agbor Tabi Junior, I take umbrage at self-fulfilling gratuitous accusations. Since you put my name in your list as a ring leader of "secessionists"; can you splash proof of my asylum related money collecting scheme? Just so you know, I am forwarding a copy of this mail to my Lawyers for advice). Others were pushed to the extreme after their dream of top government positions were derailed after the 1992 elections (they are all SDF members) (The last time I checked, you claimed you were equally of the SDF. Did you quit because your dream of top government positions was derailed?); yet, others still think that the fool sitting in Yaounde might quickly notice them if they pull themselves out of the pack into the extreme (Are you sure "the fool" sitting in Yaoundé has not been sent a copy of this missive by your elder brother Agbor Tabi who has apparently planted you here to be feeding him "information as they become available for onward transmission to the higher-ups?) Not to forget those who lost elections and found solace in the failed contagion of secessionist anarchy. (Continue dreaming in Technicolor. Your hitherto unknown agenda has suddenly come to the fore.)
The evolution and devolution of power to the masses, as well as making Cameroon a true multi-ethnic state should be the focus of all Cameroonians.(No be so? Eh Massa Agbor Tabi Junior…The evolution and devolution of power…4 which Kontri? Continue dreaming. I just read a piece from Mbua Louis of 2007 which remains as vivid and true as it has been for the past 50 years. Junior Agbor Tabi, look B4 you leap: What happened to the following: PWD, YOKE, CAMBANK, WADA, CDC, PAMOL, UMVDA, TIKO & Bda AIRPORTS, ROADS, HOSPITALS, RAILWAY SYSTEMS, MARKETING BOARD, EDUCATION, INDUSTRIALIZATION, SONARA etc etc  YES, if you want come back and tell me that all Cameroonians undergo the same fate…the only problem with that is that all Cameroonians never had the above names Institutions) Culturally and linguistically homogenous states are no longer possible in today's fast pace of globalization, so using our bilingualism as a pretext for secession is naïve. (My friend, Agbor Tabi Junior, who exactly is using bilingualism for secession? You Jam ting 4 Tok?) Legal equality and cultural toleration is a fight that majority of Cameroonians can stand for, not trying to sow differences and disturb the peace.
The egregious delusion of the secessionists (Again your ploy of using "Secession" as a political ploy to position yourself is going to be counter productive in Cameroon is the most exotic fantasy in our 21st century polity…I agree with you intoto The impulse behind these escapades and perpetual dance is nothing more than political cartoons and jokes helping the junta to divide and kill the country. Cameroonians are less solicitous of secessionist intent.
Mr.  Agbor Tabi Junior, I have no qualms with you forwarding my name to your brother in Yaounde or any other individual of your choice for elimination or whatever thing they do to "opposants". I will only die when my time comes. If I am going to be killed and eliminated like the young Ateba Yene, so be it, BUT I will never compromise on my principles to satisfy the Agbor Tabi Juniors of Cameroon.
Mishe Fon


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