Urgent think tank

Dear ALL,
        On behalf of the Teachers Association of Cameroon (TAC) and of all Anglophones teachers and other education stakeholders, of Anglophone pressure groups - in fact on behalf of ALL who have at one time or another expressed the wish to see Anglophone Technical Education revived, invigorated  and given a new lease of life in our fatherland, I, in my capacity as National Secretary General of the teacher association, wish to acknowledge the gift of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) in Kumba. Voices were raised in complaint and the concession, nay, the right, was granted. Permit me to take the debate one step further.
        Rather than stay quiet and later on curse the darkness, permit me to appeal that we jointly pool together ideas and prepare a blue-print to present to the Head of Government, suggesting how the HTTTCs should be run. Thus the TAC National Secretariat hereby makes an urgent appeal for ideas, suggestions, contributions, blue-prints, etc that will be used in crafting that document. Let us keep in mind the following as we get to work bee-hive fashion:
  • A blue-print of how an Anglo-Saxon HTTTC operates; an example from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, India, South Korea, Great Britain, etc will be most illustrative.
  • A sketch of what its administrative setup should look like - a sort of organizational chart (or organigramme), to use the French loan.
  • A profile of those who qualify to be raised to the pedestal of staff members of the Anglo-Saxon HTTTC; there has been the tendency of just picking up Toms, Dicks and Harrys from the roadside and giving them teaching appointments in our so-called training schools, with the attendant aberration that at times A/L holders are found preparing students for degree and diploma courses - oh yes!.
  • The programmes to be used for admission into the institution, as well as those to be pursued therein.
  • Any other important consideration my small mind could not fathom in it solo peregrination.
        Note that we should be talking about how the two institutions should operate, not only how the one to be created in Kumba should be run. Let us realise that the two HTTTCs for Anglophones against one ENSET for all the Francophone regions might just be an act of Divine Providence that seeks to correct the injustices the anglophones have suffered since the Ombe legacy was wrecked. That's my two-for-five-frs dream; let's get to work and have things ready soonest.
Tameh Valentine Nfon,
National Secretary General,
The Teachers Association of Cameroon (TAC)
237 77 71 90 90/ 237 79 83 55 05


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