People of God,
I was Google-searching comments attributed to the Vatican suggesting that Jesus the Christ is not coming back when I ran into this conversation line.
Notice that i said Jesus the Christ.
Jesus is the Christ, meaning the Anointed One but Jesus is not the only Christ. He is the first fruit of an ongoing line of Christs or saviours.
I will definitely have to EXPOUND of the following LETHAL verses of the Scriptures to explain to us who Christ really is and two, who the Lord Jesus really is.
Friends read these awesome segments from my Bible.
The last time I taught on these segments of the Bible to some genteel folks, they all but picked up stones.
1. I am CRUCIFIED with Christ.
Galatians 2:20
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Galatians 2:20.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
- King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition
2. Christ in you, with you,for you and as you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:26-27
New International Version (NIV)
26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
1 John 3:1-3
New International Version (NIV)
3 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,[a] we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.
Notice that John 3:1-3 is not talking about the Second Coming. One second after you become a Christian, Christ lives in You!!!!!!
As you
With you
For you
The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back - Religion - Nairaland
Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back (434 Views)
The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back! / Pope Benedict Finally Leaves Vatican City / Former Pastor Says ''Jesus Is Not Coming Back!'' (1) (2) (3)(4)
The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by elbulk(m): 9:49am On Apr 25 |
This is unconfirmed news seen online. |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by #iRISEABOVEHATE: 10:06am On Apr 25 |
Another confused soul ... Are you expecting Jesus to come back again ? I bet I have 5 Million people who are ready to kill Jesus again and this time its not going to be flogging with nails and all ... Some are ready with their grenades , AK-49s to blow him all away and never to be put together ... Can't you people just read your scriptures with perfect understanding? 1 Like |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by Macelliot(m): 1:58pm On Apr 25 |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by Modhream: 4:16pm On Apr 25 |
@OP,there's no Catholic cardinal named Giorgio Salvadore.He doesn't exist,not to talk of making such statement.You guys have to be careful the kind of misinformation u spread around.Doesn't do ur immortal soul any good. 1 Like |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by abulude: 8:09pm On Apr 25 |
The source of the news is from the site below: |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by #iRISEABOVEHATE: 9:01pm On Apr 25 |
Maybe , Maybe not ... But what do we call people who are too blind to read facts of the lines ? People who see things just the way they are ? Spiritual sayings and prophecies that cannot really be understood by mere reading ... Literarilly you are the dumbest and not me ... Technically we are on the same side but you are just too fo*olish to see... Have a nice day . Macelliot: |
Re: The Vatican Says Jesus Is Not Coming Back by #iRISEABOVEHATE: 9:02pm On Apr 25 |
Maybe , Maybe not ... But what do we call people who are too blind to read facts of the lines ? People who see things just the way they are ? Spiritual sayings and prophecies that cannot really be understood by mere reading ... Literarilly you are the dumbest and not me ... Technically we are on the same side but you are just too fo*olish to see... Have a nice day . Macelliot: |
No Dr. Tumasang, I am not supporting you. Please read the other Gospel by John which is not even in any of the Bibles I mentioned and you will see that the narrative in this Gospel doesn't come close to anything you have ever read in the Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. This other Gospel of John is said to have been written by the same author of the Gospel of John, yet it is very different in content.The Gospel of John (the forth and un-synoptice gospel) is very much at variance with the other Synoptic gospels in many areas. Why should I believe that it is God's book with such inhenerent contradictions in the narrative when compared with Mathew, Mark and Luke?This Abrahamic God is a hoax. I will hang my hat on some other God but this Abrahamic God; that is, if at all there is God. The point I am making is that God, if he really wrote the Bible or inspired it to be written, should be consistent in his message. How can his message be consistent as you indicated when there are:(a) 66 different messages with the Protestants;(b) 73 different messages with the Roman Catholics;(c) 78 different messages with the Coptic Orthodox;(d) 86 different messages with the Eastern Orthodox;(e) 88 different messages with the Oriental Orthodox; and(f) 81 different messages with the Ethiopian Orthodox, with each of the groups claiming there's is the true and divine from God?Last be not least, if Jesus is God, the all powerful, how can mere mortals kill him? Why was he pleading on the cross that God should save him? How can God be asking God to save God?SAF
On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 11:47 AM, JESUSMAN <> wrote:
SAF,A few days ago you were praising my brother Esale and how he is a true man of God. Today you are discrediting the bible, a book in which he believes. If the book which forms his faith is false, then he too is false.On that logic I may want to ask you on what grounds then were you calling him a man of God? You see, my man, I knew that most of those acolades were insincere. They were a poisoned chalice. This exposes the dubious nature of your praises.As to the debate proper, it is an exercise in futility as many like Voltaire, Marx, Freud and Hitler have trodden that path, but they were downtrodden. Most of you wannabe Atheists lack the gravitas to argue your way out against the authenticity of the Bible, talk less of the existence of God."Bonyfish beware because the same net that caught the jawless fish, caught the cartilaginous fish." Hamilton Ayuk"Beware earthly paradise seekers because there is a serpent in every paradise." Hamilton Ayuk.
-------- Original message --------
From: SAF
Date:04/29/2014 08:26 (GMT-07:00)
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] @SAF: @Esale: Existence of God
“The seeming consistency of the bible is breath taking. It has 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents.” Dr. TumasangWhen you talk of consistencey and 66 books of the Bible, I assume, you are or at one point you were a believer of the protestant faith and its doctrine of 66 books, because there are:73 books in the Roman Catholic Bible;78 books in the Orthodox Bible86 books in the Eastern Orthodox Bible88 books in the Oriental Orthodox Bible; and81 books in the Ethiopian orthodox BibleIf the Christian Bible is the word of God written and inspired by God, why does the Bible not have the same number of books within Christendom? Are the Protestants worshiping a different God from the Catholics and Orthodox Christians?So who is worshiping the true God? The Christians with 66 books, 73 books, 86 books, 88 books or 81 books in their Bible?During the time of Jesus, there were two Old Testaments in use. The Palestinian canon which was written in Hebrew (which is identical to the books in the Protestant Old Testament ) and the Alexandrian canon which was written in Greek (known as the Septuagint) which is identical to the Catholic Old Testament. Why would God have two un-synoptic testaments of his being? It is said that Jesus quoted the Septuagint 80% of the time. Does that mean the Palestinian canon was an incomplete testament of the word of God? If in the affirmative, why would God be so inconsistent in his revelation?SAFOn , SAF <> wrote:
“The seeming consistency of the bible is breath taking. It has 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents.” Dr. TumasangWhen you talk of consistencey and 66 books of the Bible, I assume, you are or at one point you were a believer of the protestant faith and its doctrine of 66 books, because there are:73 books in the Roman Catholic Bible;78 books in the Orthodox Bible86 books in the Eastern Orthodox Bible88 books in the Oriental Orthodox Bible; and81 books in the Ethiopian orthodox BibleIf the Christian Bible is the word of God written and inspired by God, why does the Bible not have the same number of books within Christendom? Are the Protestants worshiping a different God from the Catholics and Orthodox Christians?So who is worshiping the true God? The Christians with 66 books, 73 books, 86 books, 88 books or 81 books in their Bible?During the time of Jesus, there were two Old Testaments in use. The Palestinian canon which was written in Hebrew (which is identical to the books in the Protestant Old Testament ) and the Alexandrian canon which was written in Greek (known as the Septuagint) which is identical to the Catholic Old Testament. Why would God have two un-synoptic testaments of his being? It is said that Jesus quoted the Septuagint 80% of the time. Does that mean the Palestinian canon was an incomplete testament of the word of God? If in the affirmative, why would God be so inconsistent in his revelation?SAF____________________________________________________________________________________________Ignorance of the past and present; ignorance of the future; these are all pardonable. But ignorance of how ignorant one is, is unpardonable."Every storm eventually runs out of rain" (By Garry Allan)
To destroy bigotry, we must expose it; rubbish it; dip it in tar; then, drop it in the abyss.
Only a mad goat attacks someone unprovoked.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 9:02 AM, Martin Tumasang <> wrote:
I do not know if that Jesuit said what you are ascribing to him but whatever he said, is saying or will say changes nothing about the Bible and God.
I whole point is the weak defence of the existence of God by those whose job is to undertake such a defence. The say that there is no God and that the bible is not the word of God and science is the King on the block is what I find difficult to accept.
There are so many things Esale failed to use in his argument to support the existence of God or that the bible is the word of an existing God.
I might not be a practising christian but I know the following which I am surprised to say the least that Esale did not use in his arguments:
The bible said“hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). How did Job know that the earth hung in space before the age of modern astronomy and space travel?The scientists of Isaiah’s day didn’t know the topography of the earth, but Isaiah said, “It is [God] that sitteth upon the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22). The word for “circle” here means a globe or sphere. Job said it i.e. tha the earth is a circle. Perhaps a slip of the tongue but Isaiah again says the same thing.When Daniel interpreted a dream in Babylon. After the interpretation, “Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.” (Daniel 5:29). PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS NOT 2ND BUT 3RD RULER.This has been used by scientist to rubbish the bible for historically, the last king of Babylon was not Belshazzar, but a man named Nabonidas. Clear proof that the bible is fiction they said for there wasn’t a record of a king named Belshazzar.As wonders shall never end, in 1853, an inscription was found on a cornerstone of a temple built by Nabonidas, to the god Ur, which read: “May I, Nabonidas, king of Babylon, not sin against thee. And may reverence for thee dwell in the heart of Belshazzar, my first-born favorite son.” From other inscriptions, it was learned that Belshazzar and Nabonidas were co-regents. Nabonidas travelled while Belshazzar stayed home to run the kingdom. So it made sense that Daniel would be the third ruler. Incredible biblical accuracy.
The seeming consistency of the bible is breath taking. It has 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents.
Taking about Science, the bible touches on issues that Science is only trying catch up so the Duchess cannot conjure Science to rubbish the bible.One of the greatest discoveries of all times was done in the 1920s and which is that the Universe was expanding. Einstein's equations predicted it but he so believed in a static universal that he introduced a constant in his calculations called the Cosmological Constant i.e. a form of anti gravity constant to make the universe constant as he believed instead of accepting the equations which show that the universe is expanding. He later claimed the cosmological constant was the biggest mistake of his life.But was the expansion a discovery of all times?, was Einstein and the best the world could produce simply trying to discover what the Lord had said in the bible thousands of years ago?. In Isaiah 40:22 we read about "the spreading out (expansion) of the heavens (the universe)". How on earth could Isaiah have known that the heavens were spreading out when it took the most brilliant of equation from Einstein who is perhaps the greatest mind that lived to predict it?. The bible is clear that the universe is expanding (Job 9:8; Isaiah 42:5; Jeremiah 51:15; Zechariah 12:1). Repeatedly God declares that He stretches out the heavens.The Duchess dealt on historicity of the Bible. Many have claimed it is a fable tale crafted by Charlatans with little historical correlation. It is no doubt that Sir William Ramsey is regarded as one of the greatest archaeologists ever to have lived. As sceptical of the authorship and accuracy of the gospels and Acts, he carried out the most thorough investigation of the topic ever undertaken for a period of 30 years and at the end concluded that “Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy…this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians.” (Ramsey, W.M., The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament, 1953, p. 222, as cited in McDowell, 1991, p.71.).There are various prophesies about Christ written hundreds or thousands of years before him that came out true. These include birthplace, the flight to Egypt, His ancestry, the slaughter of the innocents, His being preceded by a messenger, the ministry starting in Galilee, His teaching with parables, His entry into Jerusalem on a colt, His betrayal by a friend, the 30 pieces of silver, His death upon a tree, the garments parted and lots cast, the gall and vinegar offered, His side pierced but no bones broken, the darkness over the land, and His burial with the rich, and His resurrection.
Most of the prophesies assumed certain times to happen in the future for their fulfilment that one cannot but marvel to be honest. There was a narrow historical window in which the Jesus could come. For it was determined in Genesis 49:10 that he would be born before Israel lost the governmental scepter (the rabbis lost the right of capital punishment so important to their law in AD 7). That is why they had to appeal to Pilate in John 18:31. But Messiah had to be condemned after the Jews lost that right because it was predicted that he was to die by crucifixion (Psalm 22:16), rather that the Jewish method of stoning. The prophets tied themselves in a corner but this was fulfilled.
Scientist knew little about astrology and the bible was kilometres ahead of them. Hippocrates, before the invention of the telescope charted and numbered 1,022 stars. Kepler later recounted and revised the number. But to the glory of God, Prophet Jeremiah 33:22 claims that the stars of the heaven are innumerable (incredible claim at that time) . Today scientists agree with Jeremiah. There are billions just in our galaxy!The Bible even likens the number of stars roughly equivalent to the number of grains of sand on the seashore (Genesis 22:17; Hebrews 11:12). Carl Sagan also compared these two, leaning towards the number of stars being greater. Amazingly, the latest estimates of the gross number of sand grains are comparable to the modern estimated number of stars in the universe!Scientist and everyone else have always believed that the stars were fixed but not the bible. The concept of stars rotating or moving had been started in the bible. Judges 5:20 mentions “the stars in their courses.” Thanks to gravity, the starts move in a predictable way. These bible writers knew things they were not supposed to know at the time to be honest.Scientists never knew that light travels on till lately but in Job 38:19 it is stated that darkness is in a place but light is in a way. It travels a path. How could these bible writers know this when Scientist were still in the dark literally speaking.
Scientist in the past have always wondered where the wind came from but in Job 38:24 states the light of the sun (by heating) makes the wind. How could the writers of the bible have made that link between light of the sun and wind at that time?.
Scientist in the past never believed the universe had a beginning and that it has always existent but the bible said otherwise. In Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 1:10-12 the Bible is unequivocal that the universe had a beginning. Starting with the studies of Albert Einstein in the early 1900’s big bang studies and studies continuing still today, science has confirmed the biblical view that the universe had a beginning. Bible states, science confirm.
Job knew concepts that only a degree in Electrical Engineering will give today. For example, in Job 36:27 , Job asks how the rain drops stay small (discrete even in a strong wind)? One of the reasons is found in Psalm 135:5-7. Because of the electrical charges in the clouds, the rain drops repel each other as they fall. This is why electrical static during a rain or snow storm can interrupt transmissions.
The bible says things that look foolish and Scientist laugh but on further scrutiny, it is always the bible that comes out laughing. For example, Ezekiel 5:5, 38:12 claims that Jerusalem is the center of the earth. ICR commissioned a computer analysis of the earth’s land-masses and discovered that the geographic center is in Palestine, near the holy city.
The bible even suggested the idea of the earth turning on its axis before scientist knew anything when in Job 38:13-14 it says: “the earth…is turned as clay to the seal.”
The bible did not only understand earth's rotation, but understand time zones before Scientist knew what was happening. In Luke 17:34-36 notes that when Christ comes, some will be enjoying night time sleep while others are grinding in preparation for the day’s baking (typically morning) and others are working in the field (typically afternoon).
People have read the bible followed it and made a fortune from the belief. For example, One of the directors of Standard Oil Company read in Exodus 2:3 how Moses was placed in an ark “daubed with slime and pitch.” He sent the company geologist Charles Whitshott to determine if there was still oil in that region. The discovery of oil led to Standard having very successful well operations in Egypt. (Tan, Paul L.,Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations, p. 191.). Oil Executive believed Exodus and cashed in whilst Scientist are talking rubbish.
The bible even dabbled into medicine. The practice of medical bleeding as a treatment (often with leeches) was common until the middle of the 19th century. Historians believe that George Washington’s bleeding caused his death. (Thayer, William R., George Washington, 1922, p. 240) Ironically, by his bedside was a Bible that stated in Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.”
Scientist laughed at the story of the tower of Babel and that everyone once had the same language but Linguists have determined that all the earth’s peoples must have originally shared a common language. That is precisely what the Bible declares in Genesis 11:1.
Jonah wrote that there are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor (Jonah 2:5-6). Only in the last century have we discovered that there are towering mountains and deep troughs in the sea.
When Noah was instructed to build the huge barge that would preserve his family and two of each kind of land creature, the Lord specified for him the perfect dimensions for a stable water vessel (Genesis 6:15). Ship builders today are well aware that the ideal dimension for ship stability is to have the length about six times that of the width. Dr. Werner Gitt demonstrated that the ark had the ideal dimensions to optimize both stability and economy of material. Yet God gave Noah these ideal dimensions over 4,500 years ago.
Above are some of the points I was expecting Dr Reverend Esale to use to support the existence of God and that the bible is his word. I knew the above material but some of it I culled off the net so the information is readily available.
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 04:42:43 -0700
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] @Esale: Existence of God
Mr. Tumasang how can anyone defend that which is laden with nothing but myth. Even the Pope came out last week declaring that Jesus is not coming back 2000 years after he lied to his followers that he would be back in their life time. I think it is time we accept the Bible as a book of myths and nothing else. That shouldn't stop you from believing in a force that created the universe. Just don't believe in this Abrahamic myth.
From: Martin Tumasang <>;
To: <>; <>;
Cc: imma kusia <>; <>; <>; <>;
Subject: [camnetwork] @Esale: Existence of God
Sent: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 7:39:56 AM
Dear Sam,
the claim that there is no God is the greatest challenge to an ordinary christian not to talk of a Reverend.
To me a layman, I can easily believe that God exist because existence per say is not a difficult issue. Ants, virus, bacteria, man etc. all exist so how can existence be so difficult for an entity that has all those properties attributed to God?. I hedge my bet on the fact that God exist even from this rather stupid statement. Stupid it may seem but again these things have been hidden from the wise and the prudent, but revealed to the babes and the sucklings.
On a more serious note, to say I am disappointed with you Dr Reverend Esale is to say the least for I am alarmed. Duchess Samira took you on the issue that your Principal God does not exist and you put a lame duck defence and allowed her to shred your arguments if at all you had any.
When the mere house of Jesus's Principal (God) was turned into a den of robbers, he went ballistic and starting fighting and whipping people in the synagogue or temple, then how more of saying that his Principal God does not exist. He would have used a nuclear bomb on the people saying that if he had one not just a mere whip.
I can only conclude that you were intentionally pulling your punches since you were debating with a lady and wanted to be respectful otherwise I do not understand what you were writing and giving her a field day on this issues.
She mentioned that Scientist knew about Dinosaurs and many things that religion does not mention or did not know etc. You can use that same bible of yours to destroy her arguments but you did not. For example, when these Scientists were still running around naked and saying the world was flat, the Lord had said thousand of years before in the Book of Job that " I, the one who suspends the circle of the earth on nothingness".
The Scientist never knew at the time that the world was a circle but it was stated in the Book of Job thousands of years before. The Scientist knew nothing about gravity at the time but in the book of Job it was stated that the circle of the earth is suspended on nothingness hence choosing a greater mastery of gravity than we can imagine even today. The evidence of the supremacy of the Bible over Science abound and for a Reverend to argue the topic as you did is disheartening to say the least. In fact, Reverend Sam, you can show 1000 prophesies that have been fulfilled and over 1000 things that had been said in the bible that Science today has proven to be true and Scientist today marvel and ask "how the bible writers could have known this at that time?".
She mentioned the big bang theory and getting something from nothing i.e. the Inflationary Theory as formulated or propagated by Guth. Even this so called "free lunch" theory is a myth because the principle of conservation of energy is not violated and the sum total of energy in the universe is zero i.e. positive and negative energy cancel out hence what she sees as a free lunch is nothing more than a reorganization of energy in the universe.
On the issue that big bang/science is winning, I do not think it is a win for even this big bang appears not to be the beginning. Yes we all know that at the big bang there was a singularity with zero volume and infinite mass, that time itself as we know it might have been created there. But this is not the whole story. If one was to move a bit further in the past, one would ask what happened before the big bang although one can excape the question and claim time was not yet created hence the question is irrelevant. But in reality, this brings into focus the issue of the multiverse to replace the much vaunted universe. According to the Multiverse concept, there are various parallel universes like our own and once in a while there is a crash (or interaction) between two or more universes leading to such phenomenon as the big bang hence this much vaunted big bang might not unique, nor is it the real beginning at all, for some other universes (perhaps heaven being one of them) existed before the big bang and the big bank is a result of some interaction in these other universes (creation by some forces in one or some of these universes). The issues are not as clear cut as she portrayed but you did not even attempt to defend the issues at stake.
Reverend Sam, next time if someone challenges the existence of your Principal God, take a whip and whip her intellectually like Jesus did to the traders in his Principal's house. I do not want to get into this argument for it is your job not mine to defend the existence of your Principal. She won the argument not on the strength of her position although eloquently crafted but on the weakness of your defence of your Principal. Comrade Boh came in a bit measured also but it is not his job to defend the existence of your Principal. You are the Reverend and this was your first test and for some reason you decided not to put a serious defence.
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