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From: SCNC USAsouth <scncusasouth@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 7:52 PM
To: SouthernCameroon@yahoogroups.com
Once upon a time, the United Nations Organization, violently shaken by Rwanda's cataclysm, gave us to believe that they had learnt their lesson, and were consequently revising their policy from conflict resolution to conflict prevention! We peace makers were overjoyed as on the horizon we saw a world sloughing off the scales of the scourge of wars. But almost promptly did conflict resolution rear its ugly head just again! Terribly inscrutable!
There was a flicker of hope though when your authoritative voice prescribed dialogue between la Republique du Cameroun and Southern Cameroonians. And the tempo was sustained by the President of the 64th General Assembly of the United Nations, Ali Triki, presenting to the President of la Republique du Cameroun a large framed map of La Republique du Cameroon as of January 1, 1960, with an international boundary (in red) separating that country from Southern Cameroons. Permit us to insist that this was before national and international TV cameras. Tears of joy indeed did roll down our cheeks like rich mountain rills when another map of the British Cameroons, with an international boundary separating British Southern Cameroons from British Northern Cameroons was similarly presented. Words never can depict our joy the day the African Commission on Human and People's Rights, a subsidiary organ of the United Nations did recognize Southern Cameroonians as "a
people", in a ruling, and similarly called for dialogue.
But all these moves by the United Nations has la Republique du Cameroun refused to heed! That country is the very member of the United Nations that has availed itself against the law-abiding Nigeria of the judgment of another organ of the United Nations, namely the International Court of Justice at the Hague, declaring the Bakassi Peninsular a part of Southern Cameroons!
And so, languishing in the slough of despond, apparently from the impotence, (or is it connivance?) of the United Nations, the people of Southern Cameroons have, for over half a century, suffered sustained and arrogant degrading treatment, oppression, torture and death! May we, Sir, refresh your memory with just a few random instances: the killing of students of the University of Buea on two separate occasions just because the killers of la Republique du Cameroun called them the youth of Southern Cameroons National Council – SCNC; the killing by soldiers of la Republique du Cameroun of unarmed citizens of Southern Cameroons on several occasions, shooting them at times from the back; the arrest, charging and conviction of our defenceless citizens time and again just for wanting to celebrate their Independence Day on October 1; etc.
Mr. Secretary General;
If the President of la Republique du Cameroun is coming to (Buea), the headquarters of Southern Cameroons, to celebrate what, by misnomer, is called "the 50th Anniversary of Reunification", what justification has anyone for arresting, torturing and imprisoning citizens of Southern Cameroons for wanting to celebrate that same day: their Independence Day in fact? How can an officious neighbour be more entitled to celebrate one's birthday than the interested party himself? We daresay, Sir, that there can be no worse instance of oppression of the weak by the mighty than this; it is the pinnacle of anarchy and jungle justice!
Mr. Secretary General;
The multitude of such acts of might is right have devastated our peaceful and law-abiding citizens; and the cup is liable to overflow any time soon! Even as we write these words are hundreds of Southern Cameroons' citizens standing trial in outlandish kangaroo courts just for desiring to celebrate October 1: their INDEPENDENCE DAY! In the thinking of our oppressors, the same day/event is lawful for them but is criminal for us! Even as we write these words, Mr. Secretary General, is a prominent member of SCNC, Mr Oben Maxwell, on those preposterous tenets, remanded in prison custody in Buea incommunicado, having been arrested on Sunday, February 2, on board a vehicle, on his way back home; all that for undefined crimes. One Isambi Mathias had earlier on been arrested at Kumba as he was playing draughts at his workshop; and has been remanded in prison custody for about a month now, with no right to bail. Mr Leke Theodore and two others had been picked up
before then at Mutengene as they were returning from their farm and detained for days before being released unceremoniously!... We want to emphasize that what is most curious is that these persons are simply arrested, detained and even tortured without being told why they are arrested, let alone what offence they are suspected to have committed....
Such corporal punishment Southern Cameroons' citizens have endured for over half a century because of our peace-making slogan of "the force of argument and not the argument of force". We have prayed for peace to reign; and we have prayed the international community over the years to endorse this peaceful option by upholding our stance. The least we expected was for the world body to take up these issues strongly with la Republique du Cameroun. To our utter frustration, there seems to have been connivance or even active encouragement instead. One may dare to say that the world body has not learnt any lessons from such past ambiguous positions.
We wish to opine strongly that it is in infringement of the maxims of Equity and even preposterous for the world body to encourage or connive at aggression only to turn round and create special tribunals against those who fight back in self defence. We are of course not without knowing the doctrine of proportionality. But that doctrine is more theoretical than pragmatic. No human being can mentally measure the impact, much less the effect, of an act. And if the prime mover who has not suffered any physical harm applies force, the reaction from the one who has suffered physical harm in his person or in the person of his companions may never be expected, by intellectual measurement, to be proportionate to the original force applied. Is not it preferable then to avert the initial force than having to deal with the force in reaction which leans on the former?
Mr Secretary General may wish not to forget that it does not take a crowd to start hostilities. Nor is the law relevant in the circumstance. And when hostilities do break out, uninterested parties do join for reasons unconnected with the original objective. Those persons may even be non-nationals. The danger is that such persons fall outside of the realm of the initial central command, and do perpetrate atrocities unapproved and unrelated to the intended goal. That explains why every liberation movement almost invariably begets splinter groups. Holding the initiators of the initial cause responsible is often an aberration dictated by mercenary and/or commercial interest. Yet is that the case with the world body almost always.
Therefore are we of Southern Cameroons appealing to you to take your responsibility now by taking up our case with the leaders of la Republique du Cameroun at the earliest convenience, please. Only then can we take seriously your previous call for dialogue, and your presentation of the maps of our two contiguous countries. Only then can we count on you! Only then can we continue to endure for the time being arrogant degrading treatment, oppression, torture and death in hopeful expectations a peaceful resolution!
As Mr. Secretary General knows, his organization provides for and does make recourse to the use of force at a certain point in time. Not did even our Father Almighty postpone the use of force against Lucifer indefinitely. Our cup of endurance is dangerously running dry and in manner most volatile, Sir!
Yours truly,
TEL: +237 75 31 26 41
Email: presidentayah@gmail.com
Communications & Public Relations,
People's Action Party, PAP
National Working Secretariat,
Buea, South West Region,
Motto: Work - Peace - Justice
Tel: (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43
*E-mail: papcameroon@yahoo.com, presidentayah@gmail.com
*Official Website: www.paprc2011.com OR www.ayahpaul.net
*Facebook Page: *www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001912645245
"I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
Cameroon."Hon. AYAH Paul ABINE, Cameroon 2011 Presidential Candidate and PAP National Secretary General.
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