The Neo SDF Doctors without Borders qua Biya-style Bricoleurs. LE SDF AURAIT DÉPOSÉ 04 PROPOSITIONS DE LOI [7 Attachments]

The Neo SDF Doctors without Borders qua Biya-style Bricoleurs.

No offense but I tell you, people of wisdom would oscillate between amusement and then bewilderment and then deep sorrow regarding the latest designed-to-fail attempts by these SDF collaborators qua Doctors with Borders to bring some semblance of sanity into the Camerounese political system.

I say the Joshua Osih draft bills are designed-to- fail for two reasons:

  1. Now take a look at the Camerounese constitution and the Standing Orders of the Camerounese National Assembly. The last time I checked the paragraph stating that the king of that royaumme also known as Paul Biya the First shall "define the policy of the Nation" was still standing.  The Standing Orders of the National Assembly of that country then drew its inspiration from this clause meaning that although their National Assembly is said to exercise National Sovereignty, that competence is subjoined to the whims and caprices of he who calls the shots i.e. the imperial, omnipotent, presidentialist, King Paul Biya of Cameroun. Until Biya allows it, National Assembly members cannot engineer a law.  For Mr. Osih's edification he is a member of a National Assembly, not a parliament. It is a rubber stamp outfit composed of hand clappers.
  2. Point number two. Enoh Meyomesse once likened the Biya system to a man infected with AIDS, prostate cancer, hypertension and diabetes at the same time. (Meyomesse 2007:1)[1]. The most cursory read of the Joshua Osih draft bills, albeit well meaning and crafted, look like the vintage stopgap operation of a doctor without border offering aspirin to a terminally ill patient. Or a doctor without border stamping a Band-Aid to a cancer sore and hoping for the best. Listen, the SDF collaborators joined the Biya lootocracy with the self-righteous hope that they could change the system from within. This is the classic reformist posture which posture has failed, and keeps failing the SDF, since 1997. Well, I have news for the latest prisoners of hope like Osih. Friend, the Camerounese system cannot be changed or reformed. It can only be destroyed - wasted and incinerated - for a new day to rise. This is one system begging for some creative destruction – if not destructive creation - failing which the quiet words of Achille Mbembe to the effect that Mr. Biya will rule Cameroun from his grave, will translate into words of prophecy. The problem therefore is not the intense desire for change but the scale of the change. Many have suggested reforming or changing the system others say the system can no longer be reformed. Change is not as a nebulous term used by any native demagogue but change you can believe in is needed here. Not bricolage and stopgap measures: not tinkering. I have nothing but disdain for tinkers. They are a messy lot simply because they do not want to create. Mr. Biya never created a political party let alone a political system. He has been tinkering with Ahidjo's system all his life. Cut and nail: charge and pay mechanic. In 50+ years of the social production of their existence, men, inevitably, enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitute the economic structure of society, the real foundation on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which corresponds definite forms of social consciousness. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence but their social existence –socio political systems and functions – or the SYSTEM, which determines consciousness. Listen, Mr. Osih, you are up against a SYSTEM. The overthrow of this social consciousness – this SYSTEM - and the installation of a new and more humane one is what revolutions are about. Now political science (structural-functionalism) is very precise about the paradigms of a revolution. The dictionary defines a revolution as: "a swift, often violent change in constitutions that ushers in a new era." A revolution is a comprehensive, radical forceful and often total upheaval of social conditions in the short term."

Not Biyas-tyle bricolage. Not tinkering. Not dodgy self-righteous bills. Tinkering is akin to feeding tons of aspirin to a cancer patient.

A revolution is what is needed here and we can always recognize a revolution when we see one. Not this bricolage from an SDF doctor without borders. Mr. Osih knows this too well. He knows most succinctly that the trouble with the Camerounese system is not to tinker with this or that law. He knows only too well that the problem is to institute a democratic system in the polity which system is based on the internationally recognized paradigms of Lincolnian polyarchy to wit:


1.         State of law, the respect of the law and equality of all before the law thereof.

2.         Freedom of expression (speech) of the press and of conscience.

3.         Freedom of movement and settlement

4.         Freedom of association, religion and trade union (groupings).

5.         Freedom of the people to choose the leader (s) by any form of electoral process, which process must be free and fair.

6.         A governance system that allows for grass root or popular (majoritarian) participation in government, state institutions and decision making in one form or another;

7.         Separation of powers: checks and balances within state-government institutions.

8.         Freedom of enterprise, especially economic enterprise; the right to employment, fair salary, etc.

9.         Guarantee of fundamental rights or a Bill of Rights - rights to life, freedom from inhuman treatment, slavery and forced labour; right to personal liberty and property; right to family and private life and, yes, FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION.

And Mr. Osih knows very well that the advent of the aforementioned system means automatic independence for occupied Southern Cameroons. Reason why he indulges in bricolage and stopgap measures. But for how long? Clearly Mr. Osih is the prototypal victim a concolonization i.e. the "colonization of a colony by a colony" which concolonization invents a group of bastardized collaborators who believe that they must compromise, operate in inauthenticity. Collabos think in French and then speak even English which English is supposed to be the outlet of their history, their culture and their nationality. A pity.

Red Feather to Mr. Osih though for his chilling exposure of what can only be tagged CHINA EXIM BANK and the XIAN MA60 SCANDAL qua MA-60 Gate. While he is at it, Mr. Osih might as well suggest the setting up of a National Assembly Commission of Inquiry into Biya Bridge over the Wouri and its loan from the French. We would like to know why the Biya Bridge costs 120 billion FCFA minus the that Mr. Biya incinerated in 72 hours while he inaugurated that scandal. I am sure my comrade in arms, Mr. Boh Herbert, can furnish Mr. Osih with great insights comparative studies. Nigeria is building a second bridge over the Niger. It does not cost that much. The National Assembly should also tell us why Ama "tutu" Muna erected a Crematorium in Buea for 1.500.000.000FCFA which Crematorium we intend to uproot at some point in time. Etc. Then the NA should investigate all those Camerouneses running arms in Central Africa, arming Boko Haram, spreading out in the DRC etc.

[1] Meyomesse, , leader of the National Renaissance Party of Cameroun, Parena,  publishes an internet version of a paper called L'etoile. See July edition. 

2014-04-23 6:13 GMT+01:00 Emmanuel C.M <>:
[Attachment(s) from Emmanuel C.M included below]

Dear Pa Fru Ndeh,

I attach again the private Member Bills tabled in Parliament by the SDF. 

Thanks and kind regards!


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On Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:14 AM, "" <> wrote:
Que Fru Ndi nous laisse tranquile avec sa chose la.

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From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:08:11 -0700 (PDT)
To: Cameroon Politics<>
Subject: [cameroon_politics] LE SDF AURAIT DÉPOSÉ 04 PROPOSITIONS DE LOI


CAMEROUN :: Cameroun : Le SDF aurait déposé 04 pr...
CAMEROUN : A quelle heure ? C'est en effet 17 ans après son entrée à l'Assemblée Nationale que le Sofa don finish vient déposer ses propositions ...
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Cameroun : Le SDF aurait déposé 04 propositions de loi.::CameroonA quelle heure ? C'est en effet 17 ans après son entrée à l'Assemblée Nationale que le Sofa don finish vient déposer ses propositions de loi? Et pendant tout ce temps, où étaient-ils les parlementaires du parti de Ntarikon ? En vacance ou plus préoccupés par les prébendes qu'on leur verse à l'Assemblée Nationale. Peut être les deux à la fois.
Car vous savez que le gombo ferme généralement la bouche de ceux qui le mange et un vieux dicton de chez nous veut que la bouche qui mange ne parle pas. Peut-être qu'enfin fatigués de faire bombance pendant 17 ans, les députés Sdf se décident à réagir. On se demande bien quelle mouche a bien pu les piquer.
Parce que ce genre de revirement spectaculaire est familier à ce parti et d'aucuns n'hésitent pas à croire qu'il y a anguille sous roche. On sait que rien n'est pour rien dans ce pays. On verra donc bien ce que mijotent les parlementaires du Sdf.
Quel chantage vont-ils encore inventer pour soutirer de l'argent au pouvoir ? Wait and see ! Car l'affaire des 04 propositions de loi du Sdf étonne plus d'un, dans un contexte où l'opposition qui a passé son temps à duper le peuple s'est complètement délitée. Il y a bien longtemps que les camerounais s'en méfient comme la peste. On voit donc mal ce que les fameuses propositions de loi vont produire. La montagne risque d'accoucher d'une souris.
© Source : The Spark


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