[MTC Global] Leading Non-for-profit sector demands different leadership style

Taking the leap into the non-profit sectorBy Elaine Varelas| GLOBE CORRESPONDENT   JUNE 01, 2014  Q. I’m a proven executive with more than 20 years of successful for-profit experience. My experience also includes consistent board service for socially minded organizations I believe in. I am committed to making a change to a full-time role in a service organization. What...


[MTC Global] Think before you judge

A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block.  He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor.On...


[MTC Global] [Sunday Power Thought] Thougth for the day

Dear All,Happy Sunday Morning. "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy Have a great Sunday……… Educate, Empower, ElevateProf. Bholanath DuttaFounder, Convener & PresidentMTC Global...


[MTC Global] Voting line closes on 15.06.2014

Dear Esteemed MTCians,Greetings!Voting line closes on 15.06.2014. Please vote your favourite thinker http://www.mtcglobalaward.org/mtc.php Educate, Empower, ElevateProf. Bholanath DuttaFounder, Convener & PresidentMTC Global &...


RE: [MTC Global] A lesson in dishonesty: inventing and outsourcing homework

Now a days students join coaching classes straight from class IX and continue till XII and their 5/6 hour school engagement practically stretches to 10 hours or more. Is it not more stressful than the summer home work? Schools have nothing...


[zimleague:46134] Digest for zimleague@googlegroups.com - 6 updates in 6 topics

  Today's topic summary Group: http://groups.google.com/group/zimleague/topics PAYROLL FOR SME'S [1 Update] Learn to Drive for FREE [1 Update] Buying or selling a car/ auto parts: FREE Ads [1 Update] DOMAINS & WEB HOSTING GALORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [1 Update] looking for 1/2 rooms to starting 1 may 0773 417 790 [1 Update] Electronic BP Monitors for sale $50 & $45 [1 Update] ...


Latest Jobs Information

Latest Job Openings @ InteractCRM Solutions Private Limited - Referenceglobe http://referenceglobe.com/Postings_Internal/view_job_details_encoded.php?postid=MzIzMQ== For More Jobs: Search Walkin-Jobs: http://referenceglobe.com/Postings_Internal/view_more_jobs.php Search Referral Jobs: http://referenceglobe.com/company_nologinpages/search_referralpostings_nologinsearch.php -- You received...


RE: [MTC Global] Management for life or management for living?

Good Universities abroad ask for an SOP (statement of purpose) along with application for admission to get answer to the same question – ‘Why do you want to pursue MBA’.RegardsVirendra Goel From: join_mtc@googlegroups.com [mailto:join_mtc@googlegroups.com]...


[MTC Global] SIT on black money: If there is political will, it should go for gold and a big haul

 SIT on black money: If there is political will, it should go for gold and a big haulBy Prof R. Vaidyanathan    First Post—FirstBiz—31-05-2014More than six years ago, in February 2008, the German authorities had collected information about illegal money stashed away by citizens of various countries in a Liechtenstein bank. The German Finance Minister offered to share the names...


Re: [MTC Global] A lesson in dishonesty: inventing and outsourcing homework

I remember the days when I was of 9 -10 years old that during vacation or at the time of some festivals like Pola, Ganeshchaturthi, etc., I used to prepare bananas, apple, Ganesh murty (statue), bullocks, etc, out of clay with no cost...


Re: Re: [MTC Global] A lesson in dishonesty: inventing and outsourcing homework

Prof. Kiran's observations are the ground realities. On one side huge information is easily accessible on net, even from foreign universities. This has led to non-attendance in classrooms, plagiarism, freely salable material for projects,...


Re: [MTC Global] A lesson in dishonesty: inventing and outsourcing homework

Dear Sir, All this commercialization has led to poor learning outcomes of the pupils. With the rise in huge volume of information on the internet, the material for learning is freed from the teacher and become impersonal. Student activities...


Banknotes Meant For Boko Haram Detected by French Satellite at the Presidency - Cameroon

 Banknotes Meant For Boko Haram Detected by French Satellite at the Presidency - See more at: Banknotes Meant For Boko HaramBanknotes Meant For Boko HaramBanknotes Meant For Boko Haram Detected by French Satellite at the PresidencyView...

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