Re: [MTC Global] Mera Bharat Mahaan : Have you Seen them?

This superlative mail by Jagan Mohan is quite revealing & can be a food for thought for Management students.
There can be case studies on topics like " To begin with - Know India ", " Global tourist destinations", Innovation & Tourism in India", " Compare tourist places in India & rest of world", " Deserts, Resorts & Forests of India", " New revenue streams from Tourism in India" , " Historical tourist locales & their impact" & the likes.
Another interesting aspects is there are two destinations in Brazil - Christ statue & the Beaches, which global tourists congregate annually. It amply proves that Brazil has arrived on the global scene as one of the fastest growing economies.

Switzerland, Maldives, Kenya, France, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia - are some nations where Tourism contribution to GDP is significant. These economies are based on Tourism whereas India has much more to offer, owing to its people, size, geography & diversity. 

We have not exploited our Tourism potential & its time to do so,

Tourism Management is the way to go for India. Applying, integrating & coordinating the 3P, 3S, I & Managerial functions, GOI & States can weave out an attractive package for Global tourists. We need more revenue streams; enough of developmental schemes making people into vegetables & parasites.


Ramesh Vemuganti

On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Jagan Mohan Reddy <> wrote:

Indians are traveling like never before and going to countries all over the world. But a lot of us seem to forget that what we seek abroad, we can find as easily in our own country. This doesn't mean that one shouldn't travel abroad, but it does mean that one should travel within India and witness all its marvels. So here are a few places you should visit in India before you visit their counterparts abroad.

1. Before you get lost in the beauty of Switzerland,

Find your piece of paradise in Kashmir.
2. Before you get drenched at the Niagara Falls,
Get drenched at the Chitrakoot Falls in Chhattisgarh.
3. Before you surf the sands of the Sahara,
Tame the dunes of the Thar.
4. Before you visit the Bonneville Salt Flats in America,
Visit the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.
5. Before you take a trip to Madagascar,
Take a trip to the Andamans.
6. Before you chill on the beaches of Brazil,
Give the beaches of Goa a chance.
7. Before you go "Woah" about the bridges in Taiwan,
Go "Hoodi-Baba" at Howrah Bridge in Kolkata.
8. Before you feast your eyes on the flowers in Antelope Valley in the U.S.A,
Drink in the colours of the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand.
9. Before you hear the roar of the African Lion,
Be awed by the majesty of the Royal Bengal Tiger.
10. If it's French architecture you crave, why go all the way to Saigon in Vietnam,
When you can see it all in Pondicherry in India?
11. Before taking a stroll in a Japanese flower garden,
Take a romantic walk in Nainital.
12. Before you get dwarfed by the statue of "Christ The Redeemer" in Brazil,
Get dwarfed by Saint Thiruvalluvar's statue in Kanyakumari.
13. And before you take selfies at the Arc de Triomphe in France,
Feel proud and take one at India Gate in New Delhi.

Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy
Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray

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