RE: FIFA World Cup CRTV Coverage - FRENCH ONLY !

until there is a bit of sabre rattling in Cameroon, nothing will change!
> CC:;;;;;;;;;;
> From:
> Subject: FIFA World Cup CRTV Coverage - FRENCH ONLY !
> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:41:37 -0400
> To:
> Nfor, N. Nfor has, through this bilingualism issue at the World Soccer Cup Tournament in Brazil, summed up the status and plight of the people of the annexed state of Southern Cameroons. When a people allow themselves to be occupied, dominated and exploited by foreigners with impunity, they have no right that the invader is bound to respect. Kwame Nkrumah, the great Ghanaian and African nationalist, with inspiration from the Bible, counseled that colonized people should seek first the "political kingdom" (self-determination) and all other things will be added to them. The corollary is that if a people loses their "political kingdom", everything will be taken away from them; like the state of Southern Cameroons - their independence, their autonomy within a de facto federal body politic, their government, their language, their, their educational system, their economy land and all that is on it, below it and above it....... Complaining about administrative issues such as marginalization, oppression, exploitation, injustice, you name it, is like docilely accepting a kidnapping or a fraudulent abusive relationship and then complaining of mistreatment. Who said, those who don't want to die standing, accept to live on their knees. Collaborators of foreign occupation, domination and exploitation have no right to complain of abuse by the colonizer. They are not just part of the problem; they are the problem.
> George Achu
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Jun 27, 2014, at 7:53 PM, Bri Soucam <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > It is most embarrassing that you scream at the fact that commentaries
> > from the CRTV Reporter at the 2014 Brazil World Cup competition were
> > only in French. Surely in your naivety and make-belief you expected
> > commentaries equally in English - your so-called bilingualism. Know
> > that bilingualism in this triangle is euphemism for Frenchification.
> >
> > Bilingualism is lip service and exists in theory to deceive the
> > gullible and tie such to the Yaounde apron strings of annexation,
> > colonial occupation, assimilation and economic plunder of British
> > Southern Cameroons. If in doubts ask your MP or if you have a relative
> > in the force ask him/her the official language in their training
> > schools or if there is anything in the forces as bilingualism! Why was
> > Hon. P. Jua called a Nigerian when he stood to address the National
> > Assembly? Is there a law in this bedeviled triangle on bilingualism
> > as exists in Canada where the official language in Quebec is French
> > and in the rest of the Provinces is English?
> >
> > Pierre Mesmer, the French Ambassador in Yaounde who was here to ensure
> > that French interest was well protected during the so-called Foumban
> > Constitutional Talks of 1961 at the end declared in his book that the
> > combined France/la Republique du Cameroun mission in Foumban was the
> > annexation of Southern Cameroons to create a bilingual French-speaking
> > African country.
> >
> > Do you now understand what I mean by bilingualism is euphemism for
> > Frenchification of British Southern Cameroonians?
> >
> > This is equally true of;
> >
> > a) Unification which for British Southern Cameroonians in reality
> > means uniformity and conformity to la Republique du Cameroun system
> > and values.
> >
> > b) National integration which is euphemism for annexation and colonial
> > occupation of British Southern Cameroons by la Republique du Cameroun.
> >
> > Know that parity between English and French would have meant equality
> > between British Southern Cameroons and la Republique du Cameroun. If
> > this were the case;
> >
> > 1. The British Southern Cameroons government in Buea would never have
> > been abolished by a Presidential decree.
> >
> > 2. There would have been a federal constitution with entrenched
> > clauses defining the constitutional powers of the states.
> >
> > 3. There would have been a Treaty of Union which in conformity with
> > Art. 102 of the UN Charter should have been SIGNED BY REPRESENTATIVES
> > OF THE PARTIES, and copy submitted to and published by the UN General
> > Secretariat.
> >
> > Commentaries from World Cup in Brazil were only in French because
> > Cameroun true to type is and known abroad as a French-speaking African
> > state.
> >
> > In what language was the Communique from the Presidency announcing the
> > opening of an investigation into the poor performance of the Lions
> > issued and announced immediately on the team's arrival? Was it not
> > only in French? Such a thing cannot take place in a bilingual country
> > as in Canada.
> >
> > If British Southern Cameroonians, whose official language is English,
> > had rights to get commentaries in English from Brazil, that is to say
> > they have equal rights with citizens of la Republique du Cameroun
> > whose official language is French, now tell me;
> >
> > A) Why did John B. Ndeh, who was vice to Iya Mohammed, now in prison
> > detention, not step in as the President or Acting President of
> > FECAFOOT until new elections are conducted?
> >
> > But you very well know that J. B. Ndeh is more RDPC than RDPC itself.
> > His slavish loyalty notwithstanding, since a Nchinda cannot sit on the
> > throne, the rules had to be set aside and Comite de Normalization (a
> > Normalisation Committee) put in place with the son of the soil, Prof.
> > Joseph Owona in charge. Remember when the Lions qualified for the FIFA
> > Championship in Brazil the mandate of the Normalisation Committee had
> > to be extended. You know the huge liquid cash at the disposal of
> >
> > B) On the departure of the National Team - the Indomitable Lions to
> > Brazil, did you not see that the Captain Samuel Eto'o Fils snubbed the
> > Prime Minister Philemon Yang and refused receiving the Flag from his
> > hands? Why? He saw it a national disgrace, a misrepresentation for him
> > to receive the Flag, a symbol of his nation la Republique du Cameroun,
> > from a foreigner and a Nchinda in the slavish service of his nation.
> > As J. B. Ndeh, a Nchinda, could not lead the Indomitable Lions to
> > Brazil, leadership at the helm of FECAFOOT had to be given to a son of
> > the soil, Joseph Owona , so Eto'o could not receive the Flag of his
> > nation from another Nchinda and head for Brazil. Mark you that he
> > would have readily received it not only from President Paul Biya, he
> > would have equally received it either from the able hands of the
> > Secretary General at the Presidency or even the Minister of Youths and
> > Physical Education representing President Paul Biya..
> >
> > A Nchinda is fit for clearing the debris and once that is done, he is
> > set aside. When these Nchindas make so much loud noise, via motions of
> > support, shamelessly rigging elections, repeating and singing the
> > praises of their god several times before making one sentence, it is
> > only to prove their relevance in being submissive to be allowed to
> > continue picking the crumbs in their sinecure posts. They are traitors
> > and even he who uses the traitor for a given end does not trust him.
> >
> > C) In case you are not aware, know that though the Yong Sports Academy
> > won the Cameroun Cup for 2013, the team was given an empty Cup without
> > the usual cash amount of ten million CFA Frs. Find out if any team of
> > la Republique du Cameroun that won their Nation's Cup Competition was
> > ever given an empty cup! This may be the application of Tony Mbock's,
> > the former Youth and Sports Minister, adage that "the Cameroun Cup
> > does not speak English." This was in reply to the out cry by British
> > Southern Cameroonians when PWD was openly cheated in the Nations Cup
> > Competition. The message was that PWD did not belong and that it was a
> > privilege for it to have played the final. Was he reprimanded? Has any
> > ever been for making an egregious statement which in other lands will
> > spark up hell fire?
> >
> > Suffice it that I stop here since your headache is bilingualism and
> > football. But listed above are some factual home truths that should
> > save you the headache and make you think positively.
> >
> > The solution is not for you begging for favours and crumbs; it lies in
> > joining the liberation front, defending your inherent identity and
> > getting out of the house of bondage under la Republique du Cameroun.
> > Others have done it. Why not you through the restoration of the
> > statehood of British Southern Cameroons as preached and led by the
> > SCNC? By divine law and international instruments every British
> > Southern Cameroonian is worth far more than he/she gets or can ever
> > hope to get from Yaounde. You do not belong to la Republique du
> > Cameroun! Your nation is British Southern Cameroons which has been
> > annexed and occupied by la Republique du Cameroun. Your inherent
> > dignity will bloom and blossom with restoration of BRITISH SOUTHERN
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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