MECA-USA 25th Annual Convention
July 3-6, 2014
Location: Anglican Church Hall
4849 Lydell Road, Hyattsville, MD 20781
· Sons and daughters of Manyu Division
· Community leaders
· Friends of MECA-USA and Manyu Diviion
· Well wishers
You are cordially invited to attend MECA-USA's 25th Annual Convention that will be taking place on July 4-6, 2014 at the Anglican Church Hall; 4849 Lydell Road, Hyattsville, MD 20781. Chief/Dr. Ben Arrey of MECA-Maryland Tristate, the Convention Organizing Committee Chairperson, Mrs. Debra Orock-Enoru, and our cultural coordinators, Queen Doreen Achale and Mr. Joseph Achanchuo have informed and assured me that MECA-Maryland Tristate is ready to unveil a "sensational convention" unlike anything we have witnessed before; and is also putting in place the best hospitality and a cultural display of a rich Manyu culture for our guests, in the history of our organization.
There will be a Manyu Cultural Exhibition on Friday, July 4th, 2014 and a Fundraising Gala on Saturday, July 5th, 2014. Both events are scheduled to start at 8:00 pm.
The 2014 convention marks a milestone in the history of our organization and we will be celebrating MECA-USA's 25th anniversary and taking stock of our accomplishments as well as paying homage to the men and women who conceived the noble idea of building a foundation which has helped to create a vibrant Manyu community in the United States. Twenty-five years later, the foundation on which MECA-USA was built is still very strong. Despite all the successes we have secured, the challenges that we have faced, and the changes that we have undergone as a people, prompt me to believe that our best days are yet to come. It is my fervent believe that a united Manyu community where we love and respect one another, and are tolerant of each other even in disagreements and forgive each other's trespasses when hurt is in our common and best interest. This is the platform that MECA USA Inc. has offered to our community.
Through collective efforts and your support:
Ø The Multipurpose Center is now in use
o We established a strong tri-partite partnership with the Mamfe Council and the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe
o This partnership has allowed the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe and other Religious groups in Mamfe to operate a Health Insurance Program in the MPC facility. This insurance scheme (referred to as BEPHA) is designed to provide access to physicians and affordable medical care/treatment to the people of Manyu Division.
v Mamfe Public Restroom: We came together, pooled our meager resources and built a Public Restroom in Mamfe (MPRP – MECA USA Inc. Public Restroom Project), very close to the main Market) to serve the local population. The MPRP will improve hygiene and sanitation, and address a major public health concern.
v Orphanage Outreach: We shipped clothes, shoes, school bags and supplies for distribution to three orphanages in Manyu, via the network of the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe. We extended a helping hand as part of our philanthropic mission and improve human wellbeing.
v Scholarship Fund for Manyu Children in the Diaspora: Established a Scholarship Fund to support academically talented Manyu children who are facing financial hardship, to enable them pay tuition or buy textbooks. The goal of the scholarship fund is to support the academic training of Manyu children so that they can be well prepared to compete in the United States and around the globe. The organization is currently raising funds and planning a big fundraising event to provide scholarships to selected needy children before the end of this year.
v Medical Mission in December 18-21, 2013: In partnership with RAPHAS Hands Foundation, the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe and Mamfe District General Hospital, we organized a successful Medical Mission Trip, (50 medical personnel: 35 from RAPHAS Hands Foundation, 5 from the US and 10 from Cameroon) that attracted more than 3,000 people from Mamfe town and surrounding villages to the Mamfe District General Hospital and the St. John of God Health Center - for free consultation and treatment. On average approximately 600 people (including fathers, mothers and children) came to both healthcare facilities every day and waited patiently to see the medical personnel and receive treatment for their health problems. At the end, 1520 patients were screened, examined and provided treatment; and 22 patients
underwent surgery.
v Established Partnerships: MECA-USA has established partnerships with institutions all around the globe that share our mission, vision and values. This partnership will assist and facilitate delivery of our services to those we want to serve. We have established partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe, Mamfe Rural Council, Eyomujock Rural Council, RAPHAS Hands Foundation and the Mamfe District General Hospital. We should also credit realization of the Mamfe Restroom project to the partnership that MECA-USA, Inc. established with the Mamfe Council and Catholic Diocese of Mamfe. The human and material support provided by the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe, significantly helped us to realize all our initiatives in Manyu Division. MECA-USA, Inc. has been blessed and is deeply grateful to have a partner like the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe, with whom we share a common mission, with respect to our commitment for the plight of humanity.
v Constitutional Amendment: To strengthen the foundation of MECA-USA, Inc. and build on our accomplishments, the National Executive Committee (NEC) and the Council of Chiefs (COC) recommended a review and amendment of the constitution of MECA-USA, Inc. One of the factors that have contributed significantly to the chaos and division in our organization is elections – during election year conventions. To this end, following a discussion of this issue at the leadership meeting in Nov 2014 in Maryland, recommendations were made to the CRC (Constitutional review committee, under the leadership of Dr. Augustine Ayukenow of MECA-Georgia), to review the constitution in order to see how this issue during election year conventions can be avoided. The committee has held multiple meetings and solicited input and suggestions from chapter members and has shared the results of the constitutional amendment with chapters via the chapter chiefs. Before officially closing this project, the committee (CRC) will be presenting the amended constitution to the general assembly during the convention.
My dear brothers and sisters, looking at what we have accomplished together, today, Mamfe town (city) is the only town in Cameroon with a public Restroom of the standard we have constructed. It will not be an overstatement to say that probably "Mamfe has the best public restroom (MPRP) in the nation" and this is thanks to you and the sacrifices you have made. This demonstrates that with our collective effort we can build Manyu Division – one city and one village at a time. As mentioned earlier, I strongly believe "our best days are yet to come" and we have the potential to move mountains and even do better if we resist the forces that tend to divide us. If you strongly believe in the cause as I do, please join me and let us focus on the goals of MECA USA Inc, so that together we can bring hope to the children of our great Division (Manyu). History will forever remember you positively for reaching out and blessing God's people and God himself will bless you for being other centered.
As we reach out to others, let us not forget that one of our greatest missions as an organization is to showcase our culture (THE MANYU CULTURE) and pass that heritage on, to our children. Please do not forget to come in your traditional regalia and show the general public the richness of our culture.
Sons and daughters of Akwaya Subdivision, Eyumojock Subdivision, Mamfe Subdivision and Tinto subdivision, I strongly encourage you to attend this 2014 convention. This convention provides us the best venue to start the process of mending fences, forging new partnership and finding ways in which we can foster an excellent working relationship that will transform this association into an oasis of hope and prosperity. This is our moment to shape the future of our community/organization. Let us be the hope for our children and for generations to come.
I look forward to seeing you all at the convention in Maryland.
Long live MECA-USA
Long live Manyu Division
Long live Cameroon
Long live the United States of America
Samuel A. Besong, PhD
Chairman, MECA-USA, Inc
594 Hampton Hills Dr
Camden, DE 19934
Phone: 302-883-1363
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