[MTC Global] Value.

Subject: Value I had known a friend of mine who used say that he misplaces and loses his pen very often. He will use only very cheap pens so that he need not worry about losing them. He was worried about carelessness habit. I suggested to him to buy the costliest pen he could afford and see what happens. He did that and purchased a 22 carat Cross pen. After nearly six months I...


[MTC Global] Thoughts for the week

Dear friend,Enjoy your journeyLife is too short to waste on grudges -- Laugh when you can ..Apologize when you should ..And let go of what you can't changeFollow you heart, but take your brain with you Love what you have and then go for what you wantIf you do not go after what you want, you will never have itThe biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand ... We listen to...


[MTC Global] No Tomorrow Business

Dear Associates & Alumni                                                                                                                      ...


Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Dear All,Let me dive somewhat deeper. The scenario like no takers for graduates, paucity of funds for meeting variable expenses such as recurring and salary expenses, vacant seats, etc., represents incidental problems and efforts are being...


Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Profit and cost control makes an education institute efficient. But then , education institute has to deliver  what it stands for i.e - "Education". Profit and Cost control must not hinder the objectives of growing the quality of education....


Re: [MTC Global] Goals & Objectives

Goals are short term objectives ; and objectives are long term goals.-- Regards, Sri Joydip  Managing Trustee & Founder,Sri Joydip Ashramhttp://www.srijoydipashram.org Watch "Inner Journey of Sri Joydip Ashram" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyWx0_djt2cA...


Fw: Very Hectic Weekend.////ABA is in RUINS.....in Abia State of Igboland

The Governor as well as his entire administration should not only be impeached but they should face Jail Time. What nonsense is this? Where are all those mouthy Igbo guys here? Before I knack sais mop to my Igbo friends, let me tell you what...


RE: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

If the Indian HE  players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system? Exceptions aside they are not happy today because there are no takers of seats and their whole game is based on filling all the...

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