Demystifying Concolonisation and Exposing the Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon, Paris, Maspéro, 1961.

STILL CUT..The Wretched of the Earth
In short, the Third World (Anglophone Cameroon or, to be politically correct, Southern Cameroons) is discovering  itself and talking to  itself through this voice. 
We know that it is not homogenous and that we still find subjugated peoples there, others ho have acquired a false independence, others who are fighting to win sovereignty, and hers, finally, who have won total freedom but who live under the constant threat of mperialist aggression. These differences were born of colonial history, in other words, of ppression. Here, the mother country contented itself with paying a few feudal landowners: there, by dividing and ruling, it has artificially created a bourgeoisie of the colonized-concolonized; elsewhere it has killed two birds with one stone by establishing a colony-concolony of exploitation and settlement. Thus Europe has multiplied divisions and oppositions, forged
classes and sometimes racisms, attempted by every means to cause and to increase the stratification of the colonized-concolonized societies. Fanon hides nothing: to fight against us, the former colony must fight against itself. Or rather, the two are one and the same thing. In the heat of the combat, all  internal barriers must melt, the powerless bourgeoisie of racketeers and traders, the urban proletariat which is always privileged, the lumpenproletariat of the shanty towns, all must come into line with the positions of the rural masses, the real reservoir of the national revolutionary army; in those lands whose development colonialism deliberately halted, the peasantry, when it revolts, appears very quickly as the  revolutionary class: it knows naked oppression, it suffers from it much more than the workers of the towns and to prevent it from dying of hunger, it will take nothing less than a complete shattering of all existing structures. If it triumphs, the national revolution will be socialist; if its momentum is halted and the colonized bourgeoisie takes power, the new state, despite formal sovereignty, remains in the hands
of the imperialists-concolons..... 

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Asonganyi Tazoacha [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Hear Endeley in Foumban at opening of the Foumban Conference:
"...If I, as opposition leader, and my colleagues can reconcile with Foncha, I cannot see why those who are the opposition and gone wild in the bush cannot reconcile with your government. I have had great reason to feel that Mr. Foncha is an enemy to me and I would not work together with him, as the terrorists have felt against President Ahidjo. We have come to set an example- I have come to set an example-that by working together, we can make a better country. If, by this example which I have set with my colleagues we cannot produce a peaceful Cameroon, then we will be a laughing stock to the country..."  
And at closing of the same Confernece:
"...I have great pleasure in associating myself with my colleague the Premier of the Southern Cameroons. I must say that in my last talk, I said we were here with an open heart and to work as a team. We have succeeded in working as a team in looking through the proposals which were placed by your government before the Southern Cameroons delegates..."
Who says they quarrelled "in the presence" of Ahidjo? Or they quarelled in the Southern Cameroons/West Cameroon Parliament? Oh no! That was the nature of Parliamentary debates. They would look like quarelling to an "outsider." You just need to visit the House of Commons in London to understand what I mean...
Tazoacha Asonganyi

On Monday, 4 August 2014, 8:35, "SAF [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:


"...Solve the infighting between the NW and SW--the NW-SW Divide--and the much vaunted Anglophone Problem evaporates.... The Anglos of Cameroon fight over everything.  The fighting has a long history, dating to the squabbles between Foncha and Endeley in the presence of Ahidjo who acted as an arbiter.  Have these squabbles ended?" [Emmanuel Konde]

Mr. Konde,

If you see two brothers fighting, you leave them alone.  You have made our Anglophone problem a problem of NW/SW as well as a problem between Foncha and Endeley.  Let me disclose some information here about these two brothers to you.  Foncha, we all know is Bamenda man with roots in Dschang.  Endeley's father is a Moum [Bamoum] just as Sam Endeley's father is Clement Achu.  Clement is a Mbu person who settled in Munya a long time ago.  Justice Endeley nephew [Adembu] is also my nephew.  There are many Bakweri people with Bamenda parents.  So be very careful as you try to set a wedge between people.

Have you ever heard of Fako Development Association (FADA).  This is/was a secret Bakweri Association.  The Bakweris commissioned a study focused on their ethnic group back in the 60s/70s.  The study findings indicated that something needed to be done else the Bakweri as a people would be in serious trouble.  The Bakweri woman was found to be an extrovert while the man was an introvert. 

To make a long story short, FADA recommended through it cultural network that every Bakweri woman who had a baby with a Bamenda person should raise the child as Bakweri.  The study actually recommended their women, who by nature, were extroverts to mary Bamenda men.  The idea was to produce a high breed of men who would be "go getters" like their Bamenda counterparts.  Guess what?  It is working. 

There are a lot of forward looking Bakweri men of mix parentage who are more Bakweri and more aggressive than Bakweri men who are not of mixed parentage.  If the trend continues, the high breed Bakweri men would be just as competitive if not more so than the Bamenda men.  As indicated above, there is already a lot of mixing of the ethnic groups going on and this so called Foncha/Endeley or SW/NW cleavage your are propagating is a mirage.  We are one people and will remain so for ever.         

Ignorance of the past and present; ignorance of the future; these are all pardonable.  But ignorance of how ignorant one is, is unpardonable.

To destroy bigotry, we must expose it; rubbish it; dip it in tar; then, drop it in the abyss.

Every heartache eventually fades away just as:
"Every storm eventually runs out of rain" (By Garry Allan)




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