Dear All,
Nature is the master for all human development in terms of science
and technology. In the past Asanas were invented studying the nature
of various birds and animals like Bhujangasa, Matysana, etc. Mudra
also develoed on the same philosophy like Vagryamaudra (Tiger
Mudra), and similarly Bnadhas, pdeveloping focused pressure at
certain body points like Tribandha, pressure is developed at three
points: bend the neck, try to touch the chin in collar bones joint,
draw stomach inward pressing naval point and pressurising muscles at
anus and hold breath inside at least for 40-60 seconds. There is one
more element Kriya like Ushpan (drinking water through nose in the
In Vedas, Upanishadas, etc., we come across 64 'Sidhdhis' like
Garima, Lagima, etc. These are the mile stones as one marches toward
Samadhi, but if one gets involved in those human super power one
loses the destination. These ancienct books do specify Asanas, etc.
Patnajali has written a treatise (commentary) on all these tools, I
call this as Micro-Psychology, I read a book, when I was 17 years
old boy, written by Kolhatkar 7-8 decades ago, a detail commentary
on these Sutras. Patanjali wrote a treatise on "Patanjali Yoga
Sutras" about 2500 years ago, a scientific (micro-psychology) book
leading to total evolution of human beings. Yoga (joining with
Cosmos: YUJ, Samskrit verb)has 8 folds, the first four help attain
integrated personality development, useful for promoting healthy
social climate and include Yama (values), Niyama (rules, procedures
and code of conduct), these two are abstract; next two postures and
pranayama for mental and body fitness exercise that include Asanas
(more than 80), Mudra (like Dnyanmudra, Vyaghra), Bandha (like
Tribandha: pressure at neck, at naval and at anus with holding
breath inside), Kriya (like Jalneti) and several types of Pranayamas
(breath control exercises). These four folds and remaining three
Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi are connected by a bridge fifth fold
called Pratyahar (dieting), un-learning 5 senses' (past) habits/
experiences and building of mind, and re-learning new trends for
both senses and mind (retraining) so as to help progress further on
the path to Dhyan, etc.
It is to be noted that Budhdhism and Jainism adopted these tools
forgotten by people those days who were much after Yadnya,and other
ill-rituals. In fact, these two paths are meant removing dust from
the real concepts disclosing the true nature of Dharma, a sort of
Social reformation as done by Adi Shankaracharya or Raja Ram Mohan
Roy or Swami Dayananad Sarswati. The tradition of Asanas, etc., is
continued from generation to generation, Janardan Swami (Nagpur:
book Sanghik Asanas), Sahasrabudhdhe from Sangli or Iyyangar or
Chakradhar Swami from Pune are some the elements in this chain.
It is true that after 4th fold, it is beneficail to have blessings
of a Guru, becuase one deals with abstract things, mainly Vayu.
Vayu control can be done by the Master only. But the first four
folds can be judiciously adapted with or without Guru. Through
observations, reading, discussion, right thinking, etc., one can
achieve the target. There is one more thing written in our Shashras:
You need not be after searching a Guru, if you are ready and
calable, a Guru will approach you. Guru is always in search of
worthy disciple like Ramkrishna Pramhanas was after Narendra
I have not in the real sense any Guru. Since the 4th standard I am
almost away from my father, knowledgeable in both Yoga and Ayurveda.
But whatever time I used to stay with him, I saw/observed him doing
some postures like Shirshasana, Matsyasana, Dhanurasana, etc. I also
started such exercises on my own and still at the age of 72 I am
practicing a few of these as naratted below.
Yoga exercise needs no expenses, no special equipment, no special
space but one has to spare say 30 minutes regularly, evening or
morning, and the schedule can be something like this (I normally
follow this):
Squatting: 50
A few warming postures like Parvatasan, followed by Shirshasana.
Danda: 25 (similar to Suryanamaskar)
5-10 postures: Sarvangasan, Shawasana, etc. (feasible and as per
Omkars 5.
Prayer in Samskit including Hanuman and Sarswati Strotra, Guru
Bramha, reciting 10-15 saints' names followed
by Bhasrika and 5 Omkars, end session with Pranayama: Right Nostril:
1 (inhale):2 (retain):1 (exhale), Left
Nostril again !;2:1 pattern.
It is most unfortunate we have been neglecting this Yoga precious
treasure. The Western countries are mad after it. They took our
books, studied them, interpreted them, carried out research and
developed it scientifically. Days are not far off like Gym that we
Indians will have to import Yoga at an exorbitant cost from West.
How unfortunate!
See the attachments.
On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:11:47 +0530 "Virendra Goel"
> Can any light be thrown on how Asanas (आसन), Mudras(मुद्रा) , and
bandhs (बंध) developed and became part of ashtang yog (अष्टांग
योग)..RegardsVirendra Goel From:
[] On Behalf Of Sri Joydip
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 2:58 AM
To: join_mtc
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Weekend Big Debate] Silicon Valley
Performance Enhancing Drug Vs NapIn contrary to popular
misconception ,Maharishi Patanjali never wrote about details of
Yogasanas in Yogasutras , it was just a passing mention of Yogasanas
as a method of stilling body or how to make body firm andpleasant
using posture that dualities do not obstruct( There
was no asanasmentioned as such . Maharishi Patanjali whole focus
have been the "Psycology of Yoga".That's why its advisable to
practise 'Yoga' under a master , as each individual has a seperate
psycological and physicaltemperament and only a master who has the
experience of highest states of Yoga, can understand what would fit
with you. Infact , the complexities of the styles came to meet the
requirement of different kind of psycological and physical
personalities.Only a lit candle can light other candle ..
lecturing/writing about lighting a candle might not help much as,
Yoga so far comes on the category of 'tacit knowledge' , one which
you can only learn by experience, and not by books.--
Sri Joydip
Managing Trustee & Founder,
Sri Joydip Ashram
http://www.srijoydipashram.orgWatch "Inner Journey of Sri Joydip
Ashram"A TransformationalOrganisationin Leadership ,Spiritual
Training & Mgt Consulting.And a Non BusinessParticipant inUnited
Nations Global Compact working on
Global Human Rights , Labour, Enviroment and Anticorruption.
Call: 9339775464,09007295256
Sri Joydip Ashram Main Building,93 Itbhata Road,Burdwan-713103.Reg
Office: 1st Floor, Chatared Building. 4 N.S. Road, Kolkata-1.-------
information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and
may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee
or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete
the message and any attachments and notify the sender of
misdelivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is
unauthorised and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is
excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed
in this message are those of the individual sender."On Sun, Sep 14,
2014 at 11:07 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar
wrote:Dear All,
Yoga exercise needs no expenses, no special equipment, no special
space but one has to spare say 30 minutes
regularly, evening or morning, and the schedule can be something
like this (I normally follow this):
Squatting: 50
A few warming postures like Parvatasan, followed by Shirshasana.
Danda: 25 (similar to Suryanamaskar)
5-10 postures: Sarvangasan, Shawasana, etc. (feasible and as per
Omkars 5.
Prayer in Samskit including Hanuman and Sarswati Strotra, Guru
Bramha, reciting 10-15 saints' names followed
by Bhasrika and 5 Omkars, end session with Pranayama: Right Nostril:
1 (inhale):2 (retain):1 (exhale), Left
Nostril again !;2:1 pattern.
Patanjali wrote a treatise on "Patanjali Yoga Sutras" about 2500
years ago, a scientific (micro-psychology)
book leading to total evolution of human beings. It has 8 folds, the
first four help attain integrated
personality development, useful for promoting healthy social climate
and include Yama (values), Niyama
(rules, procedures and code of conduct), these two are abstract;
next two postures and pranayama for mental
and body fitness exercise that include Asanas (more than 80), Mudra
(like Dnyanmudra, Vyaghra), Bandha (like
Tribandha: pressure at neck, at naval and at anus with holding
breath inside), Kriya (like Jalneti) and
several types of Pranayamas (breath control exercises). These four
folds and remaining three Dhyan, Dharana
and Samadhi are connected by a bridge fifth fold called Pratyahar
(dieting), un-learning 5 senses' (past)
habits/experiences and building of mind, and re-learning new trends
for both senses and mind (retraining)
so as to help progress further on the path to Dhyan, etc.
See the attachment.
*****14/9/2014 PHW
On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:20:52 +0530 Evangellos Dedoussis wrote
Thanks for the note Dr.
I am sure there is a tremendous wealth of different yoga styles,
techniques, approaches in India and this
confuses me.
Is there anything brief and practical, like the exercises mentioned
in your note, for someone who would like
to do a bit yoga but is not interested in reading
volumes about it? Specifically, anything that may help eyesight?
Thanks and regards
Evangellos Dedoussis
Associate Professor of Management
P.O. Box 28282, Dubai - U.A.E.
DL : +971 4 318 3302
T : +971 4 399 9000 Ext. 302
F : +971 4 399 8899
E :
From: []
On Behalf Of Prabhakar Waghodekar
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:14 PM
To: Vijendra Kumar via Management Teachers Consortium,Global
Cc: join_mtc
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Weekend Big Debate] Silicon Valley
Performance Enhancing Drug Vs Nap
Thanks to Prof. V Kumar for his say in the matter that is the same
expressed by me. I have stated that
(drugs) addiction may turn to be fatal. It may at times improve
concentration but at the cost of future
heavy loss, both mental and physical. Doing Yoga
(addiction so to say) as a habit is wonderful. But I am referring to
only Dnyanmudra and Shavasana that
help relax our body and mind. In Dnyanmudra place a mind on the
pulse of a thumb sitting in a squatted
posture, even 40 seconds feeling (concentration on)
the pulse is difficult, next moment some thought peeps in the
feeling goes away, whereas in Shawsana one
has to lie down on back, relaxing all body organs, and placing
sequencing mind on different organs, feeling
the mind movement in a systematic way from
say tow then fingers, knee, laps, heart, shoulders to head top. It
is an attempt to reach to like a dead
body state. In both the cases breath movement plays a key role.I
have been practicing these postures. For
example, if I am feeling pain in legs, sit on
the chair, let the legs touch the ground, and let the mind travel
from tow to hips along with the
realization of breathing movement. Within 3-5 minutes one gets
relaxed. There are different posture more
than 80, Mudra and Bandhas.One has to be selective for
such postures and to perform them for a few minutes say 30 minutes
daily at the appointed hours and place
forming a habit. Now this habit becomes your nature and knowing or
unknowingly you turn to your schedule. Is
it a sort of addiction, let me allow to
say so, but certainly positive.
Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!
From: "'Vijendra Kumar' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global"
Sent: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:14:01
To: "" Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Weekend
Big Debate] Silicon Valley Performance Enhancing Drug Vs Nap
Dear All,
Some thing is terribly wrong here! It is a myth that
smoking/chewing(tobacco) or drugs will enhance brain
power! They
do exactly opposite effect!! All these drugs will destroy brain
cells and have
adverse effect on brain power.
Aphethamine derivatives(like
adderall) do enhance wakefulness and improves one's concentration,
however, they also have more side effects
than it is
for normal people. They will be good for people with psycho-
neurological problem, where it reduces their
behaviour and help caretakers to manage them well. Opium was wonder
drug once upon a time for many
pain and sleep related illnesses, but not nowadays.
Addiction is a disorder and it does not have any positive benefits.
it disturbs one's peace of mind, wellbeing and performance or may be
others (like gambling, here,
addict does not feel disturbed, but his family goes through the
Yoga does not have an addictive property! Even if you practice 10
hours a day (here, 10 hour practitioner
may have some other issues like compulsive
behaviours, which is unlikely!!)
A short nap or relaxation does wonder in performance enhancement.
Let us always be in the mode of critical thinking
Vijendra Kumar S.K.
Assistant Professor & Counseling Psychologist
PES Center for Counseling and Career Guidance
PES University> wrote:
It is true that many a times addiction
plays a major role in achieving
set goal. I have come across many students smoking/chewing something
like tobacco while working at night
especially on PCs that promote their concentration, less fatigue
prone. Addiction gives a sort of strength
or a
to our brain (neurons/ nervous system) and material of
body. This turns to be a habit. After all, neurons and body material
are just materials subjected to their
own behavioral pattern called habits which can be changed with
little bit mindful extra physical effort.
Addiction may lead to a permanent behavioral pattern,
later hard to change.
Hence one has to be wary before turning to be addicted. Some
addictions may lead to fatal end. Drug
addiction is of this category affecting adversely both mental and
power. A few decades ago, it was a practice to give a very small
dose of opium to a
kid so that it can be in
a addicted state, sleeping making mother free, but it affects the
mental power of
kid making it dull!
is not an addiction. It is relaxation, stopping all
actions,remaining still, in a peaceful, thoughtless
state, energizing oneself, drawing mind inwardly. Nap is a sort of
productivity improvement tool.
Dnyanmudra, Shavasan are other tools that provide relaxation to
human organs. But napping while on actual
operating a job is dangerous to man, machine and environment.
Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!
From: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta"
Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:16:35
Subject: [MTC Global] [Weekend Big Debate] Silicon Valley
Performance Enhancing Drug Vs Nap
newspaper reportersthat, as someone who has worked with clients from
Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Google and
Yahoo, he can attest that the Silicon Valley drug problem is real.
And it's "a lot worse than what people
think because it's all covered up so well."
Do you support the employees should be allowed to have
few minutes nap at the work place as research suggests that event 10
minutes nap can enhance the performance manifold. Request
Educate, Empower, Elevate
Bholanath Dutta
Founder, Convener & President
MTC Global & Knowledge Cafe
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Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
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