Chaii ! "Nyanga Boy", you missed your calling as a reporter. Butter dey your bread, you still look good Bro !LOL.De bon air ! From: " [VOSAWORLD]" <VOSA> To:;...
SAP ALE/IDOC/EDI Functional Training - Understanding,Designing, Implementing & Supporting enterprises level Interfaces from SAP. This training on SAP integration will give an insight into how SAP to NON-SAP Integrationactually works. How as a SAP Functional consultant you would need to approach the Integration task that is assigned to you & also be able to design, setup and trouble shoot...
If you were ever interested in buying a Range Rover Coupe, now is the time to order your "Photocopy" from China. It looks dangerously similar to the original and cost far less but sources say "na the same ting performance wise". Delivery by...