Re: [MTC Global] Negative emotions

Dualiy is the rule of the Nature, one side is termed as positive (believed to be beneficial to human
life) and the other negative, means absence of positive! Absence of health is un-healthy.

There is something beyond this duality, only one truth, "Adwaita". Realization of the truth is
liberalization. When a man moves beyond this duality stage, he inwardly remains un-affected by so called
positive-negative states as visualised by the mundane world though the physical body of the liberalized
man has to undergo under the turmoil of emotions. There is no escape but mentally he is balanced,
unaffected by physical state. Ramkrishna Paramhansa started dancing when he saw a ship and the same fellow
was suffering from deceases in his later life though he had having power to cure them, but he refused to do
so as he did not want to play(violate) with the natural rules of physical world!
On Fri, 31 Oct 2014 05:41:46 +0530 "'K. Sampath Kumiar' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global"
onmouseout="hideDiv('correctspell')" href="javascript:undefined;">googlegroups
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Dear friends,
Good morning.

===================================================Running away from ‘negative’emotionsbyVivien
we experience them so often, many of us think that we know exactly what
emotions are. Generally, we put emotions into different categories and
label them either as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.When
the ‘positive’ label is applied, we try to do our best to sustain the
emotion, and if we cannot sustain it permanently, then at least we try
to experience it as often as we can. However, when the ‘negative’ label
is attached to it, we try to push it away, numb it away in any possible
ways. We just want toget rid of it.Many ‘seekers’ believe that liberation is swimming in a constant,
permanent state of peace orhappiness. This is ahugeandunrealistic expectation.
If there would be only peace all the time it would stop being peaceful!
Peace does not exist without its opposite. Peace can be noticed onlyin comparison to something else, which
is labelled as ‘un-peaceful’.There is no constant everlastingloveor
happiness, because after some time bathing in love without experiencing
its opposite, love would fade away. Sadness and happiness depend on
each other. Without the one the other cannot be experienced. But sadness
and happiness are not problematic by themselves. They do not contain
any innate characteristics or attributes. What createsdissatisfactionis
the wish that the so called ‘pleasant’ things should last forever and
no ‘unpleasant’ emotion should arise ever again, and if it still does,
it should disappear as soon as possible.Many
‘seekers’ talk about accepting everything that arises in this moment,
while they are still striving for having a constant state of peace and
love. So you want to accept everything, EXCEPT fear, anger, hatred,
sadness, frustration, grief…Liberation
is not about stopping being human and not experiencing half of the
emotions. Quite the contrary. Liberation is about encompassing ALL
aspects of humanness, embracing ALL emotions.But
almost all of us are in a constant run. We are almost always in an
escape-mode, hoping for evading this moment, an escape from life, an
escape from humanness.We are attaching mental labels to the experiencing; ‘this is bad’, ‘painful’,
‘sadness’, ‘I don’t want it’, and then we run.Liberation is about STOPPING RUNNING and
ESCAPING.Fear is not fearful.Sadness is not ‘bad’ or ‘sad’.Pain is not what we think it is.Anger is
not angry, only mental labels suggest otherwise. But this cannot be seen while we are in a constant run.â
€˜Negative’, ‘bad’, ‘sad’ are just mental labels attached to the pure sensation.But the sensation
itself is completely neutral.So stop running and observe what you REALLY are running away from.The so called
‘negative’ emotions are not what you think they are.You are running away from‘yourself’. You are
running away fromall the storiesthat youbelieved ‘yourself’ to be.But behind all stories, is there
really a ‘you’ that could run away from anything, or is there only running?Then why run?

With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing), ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
Professor, SSN School of ManagementC/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)KALAVAKKAM - 603110
Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Landline : 044-24860668Mobile : 9094405733

Success consists of getting upjust one more time than you fall-- Oliver Goldsmith

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