[MTC Global] Yoga and back pain

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What Yoga Exercises Can Relieve Back Pain?

Expert Gina Hodge Explains:
Yoga can work wonders for both chronic and acute back pain. However, it is always advised to consult your doctor before embarking on any yogic practice as certain yogasanas might  aggravate your existing medical conditions or interfere with medications. If you have recently undergone surgery, these asanas may not always work for you and you might benefit from a consultation from a certified yoga teacher who can guide you towards simpler asanas to relieve your back pain.
Here are some yoga asanas that have been designed to elongate and strengthen the spine, nourish and relax the nerves and delicate tissues around the spine, and provide relief from pain:
1. Shashankasana (rabbit pose): Stretches your spine and helps you relax after a long day.
2. Bujanhgasana (cobra pose): Relieves pain in the muscles of the neck, back and abdomen and keeps the spine supple.
3. Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose): Helps in massaging and stretching the superficial muscles of the back.
4. Ardh matsyendrasana (Half Fish God pose): Energizes the spine and stretches shoulder, neck and hips.
5. Vrikshasana (Tree pose): Corrects posture and elongates the spine.
6. Supta Vakrasana (Reclining Spinal Twist Pose): Opens and eases up the stiff lower back pain.
7. Supta padangushtasana (Reclining big toe pose): Improves flexibility of the hamstring which is one of the causes for lower back ache. 
8. Navasana (Boat Pose): Relieves from back pain and strengthens back.
9. Shalabasana (Locust Pose): Improves flexibilty of spine and offers relief from intense back pain.
10. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): Strengthens back muscles supporting the spine.
11. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose): Eases back pain and may alleviate sciatica.
12. Pashchimottanasana (Forward-bend pose): Enables elasticity of a stiff spine and corrects deformities pertaining to curvature of the spine.
There are many other asanas (some are variations to the ones above) that directly or indirectly exercise deep muscles, tissues and nerves in and around the spine. In fact, most of the asanas in Yoga are targeted to maintaining a good posture which focuses on a supple, yet strong back. So dedicating yourself to any form of Yoga practice will provide profound relief
from incapacitating back pain.


With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
, SSN School of Management
C/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)

Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
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Success consists of getting up
just one more time than you fall
-- Oliver Goldsmith


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