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From: 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <>
Date:12/31/2014 6:06 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Re: African leaders with questionable origins
You mean Babatoura or the Lion Man?
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh
Pa Fru Ndeh
From: 'inmentan' via ambasbay <>
To: 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 6:53 PM
Subject: RE:African leaders with questionable origins
Papa Greg.
The writer forgot the Lion man
Tatah Mentan
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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>
Date:12/30/2014 6:11 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: RE:African leaders with questionable origins
November 20, 2014
-- Posted by Samuel Malonga
African leaders with questionable origins
African leaders with questionable origins
In Africa, the man is defined by his clan, tribe, ethnicity and the village of his ancestors.The African always refers to his ancestors. According to tradition, is considered a foreign person whose village of grandparents is located beyond national boundaries.Colonization, migration and political conflicts have increased population displacement and mixing. For economic and political needs, several people or tribes were forced to leave the land of their ancestors to live in other lands. The Santoméens and Cape Verdeans were deported to Angola. The same Portuguese sent as slaves to Sao Tome and Principe Angolans now called Angolares in this country. West Africans found themselves in Central Africa by the will of the Belgians and the French. A strong European community we notice in Southern Africa and Indian in East Africa and South Africa.Arrived in their adopted countries, these foreigners have melted into the local population and sometimes dominated. In many African countries, these intruders have been a source of social tension. In addition, their presence has changed the game with some changes the notion of such nationality as conceived in the black continent. At the time when the identity cards exist in the DRC, parents' names, province, district, territory, and the original village was mentioned therein, from the fact that it is the ethno-tribal reference that determines the nationality under customary law. It was then appears in the Ivory Coast a new concept focused primarily on national preference: Ivoirité. Confinement or phrase ultranationalist xenophobic overtones? The idea has come a long way since the issue is sensitive in Africa. Because we often see cheats maintain opacity around their origins. They falsify ancestry, family tree, relatives, place and date of birth to conceal their true identity. The lie kept as the apple of the eyes can not hide the truth that emerges about the mysterious lives of these bulky foreigners who sometimes do not carry even a single drop of blood of the country they claim citizenship. In Africa, it is a citizen of his country by genealogy. Nationality often imposes the condition of the origin of the parents or grandparents. Examples of heads of state with dubious origins. Their glazed falsehoods new course continues to fuel the controversy.
- Mobutu Sese Seko
Its origins have been much ink. Was it of Togolese origin or Central as i thought Jean Nguz Karl Bond? In his life, everything was a blur almost. His marriage to Mama Sese in 1955 while the future first lady was still a kid 14 years. There is doubt with the birth of his first son Niwa the same year, 1955. But the extravagance culminated with mama Yemo that barely 8 years old give birth to Mobutu in Lisala in 1930. This falls within the divine miracle in reality shows numerous inconsistencies in the various dates that mark the destiny of the Marshal and his family. The life of the guide is a fairy tale full of foul-ups, lies and falsehoods against. When the big Leopard monopolizes power in 1965, it is Gemena which is the city of light. Everything is done and is going on in this city and saw his mother. Then gradually, the people discovered the existence of Gbadolite he has patiently built with money from the taxpayer Zaire. What then is the home village of his ancestors? The old marshal who is no longer of this world, took away his secrets with him to his grave.
- Joseph Kabila
The president challenged the Congo, out of nowhere, arrived in Kinshasa in the political baggage of Mzee protector. But when the former commander Hypo becomes head of state, ethnic Congolese beginning to doubt his congolité. Frightened, they discover a young man who seems to have nothing with Congo. In order to maintain a continuous blur around his origins, he claims to be from the village of Ankoro in the territory of Manono in Katanga. The truth comes out in the sun. For how can we both leave with impunity murder his sister (Aimée Kabila) and push his own brother into exile (Etienne Kabila)? His Rwandan origins come to light. His name would Hyppolyte Kanambe, son of Adrian Christopher Kanambe and not of Laurent-Désiré Kabila. The revelations of Karel de Gucht then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium on non-Congolese origins of rais threw cold between Kinshasa and Brussels. It is surprising, noted a Congolese in social networks, to see a president who has no cousins or uncle or aunt or cousins or friends from school or neighborhood friends. It only has a mother and a father deceased. The reality is sometimes difficult to digest. Rwandan President of the DRC, the evidence that is fiction upsets Congolese nationalists of all stripes.
- Denis Sassou-Nguesso
Fulbert YOULOU and Masamba Debat were lari tribe while Marien Ngouabi and Joachim Yhombi-Opango are kouyou. General Denis Sassou-Nguesso is it really Mbochi? Many of its citizens do not. At least, it became Congolese by accident of history because his parents had come from Ivory Coast (others say they come from Benin). It is legally Congolese as born in Congo - Brazzaville. But it seems that no drop of Congolese blood flows in his veins. The story begins with the deportation of the abbey (pronounced abbé).Belongs to the Akan group, warlike people is installed in the current Agboville and its surroundings. Exasperated by the injustices they suffer, the Abbey rebelled in 1910. The French army intervened by sending 1,400 Senegalese soldiers to restore the colonial order. They crush them mercilessly. Several Abbey flee into the forest. Leading heads of the revolt are captured. To nip in the bud any resistance inclinations, the colonial administration ringleaders far away from their native land forcibly deporting the Middle Congo (Congo-Brazza current) in Oubangui-Chari (now Central) and Gabon. They will be in that kind of free prison labor. They perform forced labor in the construction of the Congo Ocean Railway, porting, the rubber harvest or extraction of minerals. It is argued that among the relegated this punitive colonial expedition were the parents of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso. The Mboshi Oyo would be the direct descendants of the Abbey from Côte d'Ivoire there is a little over a century. Former Emperor Bokassa and Ange Patassé would also strain them Akan. Proponents of this thesis is based on the surnames of those individuals whose semantic carvings are colored by sounding abbey. For them, Bokassa would Boka Assa Patassé would Sassou Nguesso and Pata Assé would Souassou N'Gbesso. They would ascendants who originally came from the village of Grand-Morié including Michel N'Guessan is the head. The deportation of the Abbey is taboo in Congo - Brazzaville. Nobody talks about it. Unknown to the majority of Congolese, this painful chronic appears nowhere in the annals of the history of this country.
- Alassane Ouattara "ADO"
Many Ivorians are categorical: ADO is Burkinabe origin. His Ivorian has been the subject of a heated debate. According to nationalist ideas, Ivorian nationality is both coveted and envied by citizens of neighboring countries. Ouattara reports in his official website that he had lived in Bobo Dioulasso and earned his bachelor's degree in a high school in Ouagadougou. In 1962, he flew to the United States as a scholarship student voltaic course with a passport from Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso). He also worked at the IMF and the BCEAO as Burkinabe citizen. In addition, it is the opposite of its leaders who value their home villages. An Ivorian who still spends his holidays in Europe, it is unheard of. What is in this case the village of his ancestors? Much of Côte d'Ivoire continues to doubt especially as it would be two different acts of birth. If in one, he was born in Sindou in Burkina Faso in 1941, in the second, he would have been born in 1942 in Dimbroko in Côte d'Ivoire. In addition, it would have presented two different women as his mothers.Henri Konan Bedie then president of Ivory Coast at the time had issued an international warrant of arrest against ADO for forgery and use of Ivorian nationality. Ado he falsified his name, nationality, ethnicity, tribe and all its documents seen fraudulently obtaining Ivorian nationality? In any case, the questionable Ivorian Alassane Ouattara continues to poison the political and social life in Côte d'Ivoire. The word "Ivorian" is used by President Henri Konan Bedie in 1993. It establishes the concept that a person would Ivorian only if all four grandparents were born in Ivory Coast.
- Ali Ben Bongo "ABO"

Gabonese believe that Ali Ben Bongo, ABO for short, is the adopted child of Omar Bongo and Josephine Nkama become Patience Dabany after her divorce. Officially, the former First Lady of Gabon has the current president in the world when she was only 15 years old in 1959. But according to radiotrottoir Ali Bongo would Ibo from a Catholic family of the former province Nigerian Biafra. It was adopted by the Bongo torque at the request of Jacques Foccart and Maurice Delaunay then ambassador of France in Gabon. It would be the son of Emeka Odjukwu, the leader of Biafra who he looks like. They have the same morphology, the same nose, the same cheeks, the same build, the same type of hair and the same receding hairline. Pierre Péan made revelations in his book "New African affairs: Lies and looting in Gabon." The French investigative journalist affirms the proven sterility Josephine Nkama, talks about fake degrees of Ali Bongo, his Biafran origins and assassinations he sponsored. For purposes of the 2009 presidential elections, Ali had brandished a birth certificate issued in Libreville by the mayor of a borough that is his uncle, while in all likelihood, he was born in Brazzaville in 1959. The opponent Luc Bengone -Nsi had even appealed to the Constitutional courses for a ruling on the legitimacy of the nomination of Ali, its origins are dubious. Like Joseph Kabila, Ali Bongo is regarded as an impostor by much of the population that challenges his gabonité.
- José Eduardo dos Santos
Eduardo dos Santos was he born of foreign parents? This is the question that a lot of Angolans pose. Head of State of the biography moves in total confusion and ambient opacity characterizing blur path African politicians with dubious origins. Man is renowned master in the art of secrecy and a culture of lies. If the official biography says qu'Edouardo dos Santos was born in Sambizanga Angolan parents; some think it is rather born in Sao Tome and Principe. Others say that the Angolan president is certainly born in Luanda but a Santomean father was a stonemason. Several assumptions, suppositions and assumptions food rumor about his past. Can the Angolan President to name the hometown of his maternal and paternal ancestors? What is his tribe? What ethnicity is it from? Official spawners Avelino dos Santos and Jacinta José Paulina Were Sao Tome and Angolan nationality? If it is found that the inhabitants of Catete had not recognized Agostinho Neto as one of their own, one also wonders if the father of independence had Angolan ancestors. Savimbi and Holden sometimes communicate in their native languages, while Dos Santos Neto even speak Portuguese. There is a strong Angolan community of Cape Verdean origin who controls key sectors of the administration including the police. There would even be in the circle of power Congolese nationals Katanga and Santoméens. Angola is a heterogeneous mixture of Africans, Europeans and mestizos. But beyond any tribalo-ethnic character and apart from socio-cultural divides, the Angolanity President Dos Santos is covered with a lot of gray areas.
- Guy Scott
A unique case, that of Zambia. Since the death of President Michael Sata, the vice president takes over temporarily until the presidential elections. In office since 29 October 2014 Interim President Guy Scott is a Zambian white. He was born in Livingstone British parents. Since the end of apartheid in South Africa, this is the first time a European, emigrant son, is president of an independent country in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Ben Bella "If Ahmed" and Bouteflika "Bouteflika"
The first president of independent Algeria Ahmed Ben Bella is of Moroccan origin. Son Moroccan emigrants small peasants, he was born in the Algerian town of Maghnia, near Tlemcen, a border of stone-throwing with the Sherifian State. He fought for the independence of his country of adoption to become the leader of the revolution and independence hero. He who has never hidden his Moroccan Algerian nationality will get in 1962 when the state foundation. For cons, the current president Abdelaziz Bouteflika was born in Morocco of Algerian parents. But because of the continuing enmity and endemic tension between Morocco and Algeria, the place of his birth was never revealed.The Presidency's website did not mention. Yet Bouteflika is Moroccan by birth in Oujda.This town on the border between the two countries has played an important role in the war for independence of Algeria as a basis back to members of the FLN-ALN. Since the disclosure of the place of his birth, some Algerians believe their president is a spy in Morocco of service. For their part, the Moroccans boast. They are proud that two of them, if Bouteflika and Ahmed, were heads of state of Algeria.
- Dr Kamuzu Banda
Nyasaland (now Malawi), the name of Hastings Banda is meddling in an incredible story worthy of Hollywood movies. Born into a modest family, the young man leaves his country to South Africa. Then in 1926, he won the United States to attend medical school with the help of a Methodist bishop.

Father of independence in 1964 and president of Zambia for 27 years, the life of Kenneth Kaunda darkens when he leaves power. In 1999, the Supreme Court fails to reach his nationality. She then ordered that the former president was dismissed from the Zambian civil status and is treated by all concerned authorities as a stateless person. Frederick Chiluba, to prevent "KK to return to power enacts the law on zambianité. It stipulates that a candidate for president must be able to prove the Zambian nationality of both parents by birth or by their own offspring. Kaunda was born in Zambia but parents from Malawi. The son of a pastor migrated from neighboring Nyasaland disciple of Gandhi and unattached clan, he has never hidden his Malawian origins. Caught up by his past during the campaign 1996 presidential election, some candidates in the race to power argue that Frederick Chiluba was born in the Belgian Congo. In Zambia, several presidents are of foreign origin. In addition Kaunda and Guy Scott, there are also Ruphia Banda, president from 2008 to 2011 . He was born father Malawian and Zimbabwean mother.
- Born of foreign parents
Some African leaders are born of foreign parents. The mother of General Naguib, the first Egyptian president, like that of Anwar Sadat were both of Sudanese origin. General Naguib has also emerged in Sudan. Father Captain-President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana is of Scottish origin. Sylvanus Olympio, the father of the independence of Togo had both Nigerian and Brazilian blood in his veins. The father of Amilcar Cabral was Cape Verdean while his mother was in Guinea-Bissau.
Samuel Malonga
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