Dear all,
In my opinion, the biggest challenge in today's management education is managing student egos, not meeting their expectations. As a management educator for the last 15 years, I have understood that the problem is even bigger, when you are taking session with the very senior professionals. Unless or until, you are a graduate from ivy league universities, in India, from IITS or IIMS, or the faculties have come with big corporate experience, the problem continuously persists. The learners always feel themselves superior and those days are gone, when the students at any level used to come with a very humble attitude. If you are teaching the students in a foreign country , specially in a developed country , another dimension is added to this challenge, that is managing the racial biasness towards the faculties from less developed nations. I personally faced this racial problem in UAE as many students from rich Arab nations simply consider themselves as racially superior than Indians, though there are many Indians are working in this profession in this part of the world. These Arab national students are however very polite with the inferior European and American faculties only due to their skin colour, which can be otherwise called as 'white skin syndrome' in many parts of the world.
So, it is the time, to concentrate only on economic revolution of our country, making it a true economic power and totally re-branding Indian higher education as the global destination.Because, in internal arena, very mediocre Western universities command better brand acceptance than many top class Indian institutions in the foreign market.
I really feel bad for that.
Thanks and best wishes
Dr. Indranil Bose
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:
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To me the historical major challenges for the 21st Century education are:
1. Mass education: Education to each and every one
2. Impart Quality education at
3. Affordable cost, preferably tuition and living free.
e-Education Technology is going to play a major role to achieve the above goals.
Please see the attachment.
On Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:18:33 +0530 "'thanikachalam vedhathiri' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" wrote
> Sirs,There are about 50 agricultural universities, forest universities, veterinary universities and fisheries universities in India. In addition there are many management institutes which focus on the agribusiness and forest management. There are many colleges devoted to food processing, and home science. They are specializing their efforts for rural growth. There are many national research and development labs devoted to growth of agriculture. They also establish world class research departments.They also need modernization, quality control and creation of centers of excellence. Western education has achieved substantial advancements in all these areas. We have blend the growth of all educational systems. Develop the needed programs using the advances that you feel will help you very much.
From: Luciano Pilotti
Sent: Monday, 22 December 2014 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] 21st Century Educational Challenges
Dear all,
I'm absolutely agree with that last comment of Paranjpe about
indian trajectories of education looking for a specificity starting
from indian needs for a diffuse risk simply to follow western model
explained by a plane specialization model! A western model unable to
know needs of peripheral population outside of urban growth or
peripheral in the urban area and unable to reach a diffuse
accessibility to knowledge for large part of population and in
particular poore population and women.
Il 22/12/2014 15:07, kiran paranjpe ha
Dear Sirs, I believe that there is a definite shift in
the requirements of
the future models of education. If one looks at the history of
education that the British introduced in India, we see that
education in the
colonial era was guided by a) the requirements of the Government
administration and for producing the supply of goods needed by the
power and b) the need for employing locals as clerks. What did
such a regime
need? A literate person who could understand the English language,
Mathematics and the Sciences as needed to understand the
technology of
manufacture; all of it as needed by the British for the growth and
sustenance of the Empire.
Post Independence, our education pattern moved from merely
producing to
replicating the Technology to produce and manage the economic
engine. The
number of subjects expanded to cover the faculties of Arts,
Commerce, Medicine and Engineering. Our Education again subscribed
to serve
the national economy. We expected the products of our institutions
to work
in the Industry, the administration and research. This to was in
with the requirements of a centralized form of a planned economy.
Private sector made do with whatever was the output of the
The Internet, Mobile Technology, Telecom have networked the world
so that
intellectual and design know how can be sourced far more easily.
Developments move with frightening speed across the globe. In this
the matter learned becomes rapidly obsolete.
The Western Economies have already adapted to this change by
creating areas
of specializations pertinent to their social and economic
requirements. The
effect is the wide choice of careers available for their students
to follow.
Almost all of these careers rely on a high level of expertise and
forms of specializations. As an example, in medicare one comes
Hospital care, Institutional care and Home based care with their
requirements for qualified personnel.
We will end up following the Western Economies in this race unless
we learn
to identify what our own needs are as distinctly different from
the needs of
a westernised society. A set of needs that are our very own Indian
needs. In
this way we will have to direct our research, our education and
that choice to the young graduates. One example of a very distinct
problem is of General and public hygiene. We have a pressing need
to provide
Toilets and lavatories for the public. Swachh Bharat abhiyan has
opened an
area of economic opportunity. Likewise harnessing Solar power or
Defense of
our long coastline are areas. There are many areas where education
in terms
of technology and management can be distinctly Indian and
different from the
Western models just as our music is.
Best Regards,
On Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:57:02 +0530 "Mr. Govind Autee"
Dear Sirs,
Sinek believes that "The inspired leaders and the inspired
organizations --
regardless of their size, regardless of their industry -- all
think, act and
communicate from
the inside out.
• People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
• And if you talk about what you believe, you will attract those
who believe
what you believe.
• But why is it important to attract those who believe what you
• Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, and if
you don't know
the law, you definitely know the terminology.
Here are some observations in this context by Ms. Liew Wei Li
Student Development Curriculum, Ministry of Education,
Desired Objectives of Education DOEs: (pdf attached.)
Confident Person Self-directed LearnerActive
ContributorConcerned Citizen
From: on
behalf of Sri
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 5:12 AM
To: join_mtc
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] 21st Century Educational
Very right, 21st Century education challenges are not
different and similar
to what we have faced across centuries.However, in present
century, the
intention of education have become different. The
focus has shifted from life long learning to skill based
learning with
immediate output . That's why technology, has become major
interfacing tool
on education delivery . The future of Management Education
is bound to see
more of these usage of technology
, with short term skill based , output oriented and job
based approach .
There are times , when you are never going to be aware ,
when you are doing
a job and when you are learning , as and more and more
learning is going to
be pervasive.
Sri Joydip
Managing Trustee & Founder,
Sri Joydip Ashram
Watch "Inner Journey of Sri Joydip Ashram"
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On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar
Do you think that the basics of education are century
dependant? There are a
few core principles of education, perennial, non-affected
by time and tools
accessible.21st Century challenges include such
considerations as teaching
core subjects like science, mathematics
and language, media and technology, creative and critical
thinking, life
long learning, etc.
Under Indian scenario, we have failed to have a robust
national education
policy. We knew/know, our mind set, that education means
enhancing capacity
to earn more. Thus, we relate education with money
earning, in terms of
employment. Is it the sole objective
of our education system?
Indian Gurus and top Indian thinkers like Bharatratna Sir
M Visvesvaraya
have repeatedly put fourth that after the end of a course,
student must be
clean and right in thinking and doing, in habits, knowing
what is right and
what is not, patriot, loyal, integrated,
a good citizen, capable enough to support himself and his
family. Will
somebody enlighten me that our national education policy
is focused on such
issues? Then what is the point simply dealing with the
symptoms/outcomes of
our education rather than de-rooting
the causes responsible for such state of affairs? Can any
body say
emphatically that there were no un-employment issues
earlier, say in mid-
Look at the some of the present trends:
1. 80-90% target achievement for Classroom teaching?
2. The style of teaching theory and practical?
3. The quality of university exams. question papers?
4. Lesson planning and execution?
5. Research & consultancy?
6. Plagiarism at all levels, classroom teaching contents,
term work
submission, seminars, projects, dissertation and PhD
7. How many hours a faculty teaches, at leas 360 hours pa,
one hour per day?
I do agree that there are but a few exceptions.
On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:31:49 +0530 Ramesh Vemuganti wrote
>K.Paranjpe has put it wonderfully & expaianed the
present day scenario
succintly. Thats it. He hit the nail on the head.
The problem is a Disinterestant & Reluctant student,
an outcome of a series
of unwanrranted developments in last 20
years,,,,,,,,,,,,1990"s onwards
1. Lopsided & misguided priorities.
2. Who does not know what is good for him or her, does not
want to know
3. A deep rooted lethargy & stubborn attitude towards
- assignment,
internals, any exam, classes, participation,
etc.,,,,,,learning in toto.
4. A false sense of overconfidence which is resulting in
talking more & less
keen to learn.They express views on everything - known
& unknown. Discussion
with faculty is on scores, placements, packages, future,
specializations -- before gaining requisite
knowledge 7 right skills to do a job,,,,,,,,,,
Reason is - being born & brought up in abundance all
There is no scarcity & dearth for anything - money,
food, vehicles, gadgets,
life style, restaurants, etc.
But touchwood, I have almost 90% students attending my
All this thanks to the poor Parenting skills, Single
child, DINK syndrome,
affluent parents, too much money, not knowing what to do,
how to
This is a systemic defect which has engulfed into the
Indian culture & takes
a decade to rectify.
Ramesh Vemuganti
MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
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