New look and smart look ...great stride ...kudos to Prof Dutta and team MTCDr BiswasKolkata Sent from my iPadOn 1 Mar 2015, at 08:36, "Prabhakar Waghodekar" <> wrote:The new MTCG website is really professional....
it is in line with their thinking but it is more to keep people divided! not that they actually believe it. Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2015 01:12:16 +0000From: ambasbay@googlegroups.comTo:;;;...
Study: lighter-skinned black and Hispanic people look smarter to white peopleUpdated by Jenée Desmond-Harris on February 28, 2015, 9:30 a.m. ET @jdesmondharris jenee.desmondharris@voxmedia.comTWEET (856) SHARE + +DON'T...
Dear Folks,This might sound comic but it is real. The problem we have as a people who have be progressively loosing their identity is that we fail to notice even through language analysis how much e are being constructed out of who we are into neither Anglo-Saxon Southern Cameroonians nor into the undesired Francophones of "French Cameroon" but to lesser and stateless peoples of a so called civilized...