Re: [MTC Global] [Discussion Forum] Curbing the brain drain

Dear All,

I am communicating some more data in the matter, 3 articles published in
2004, 2011 and 2014.

Please see the two attachments.

Sister Nivedita says in her book "Hints on National Education in India,
1997, Eighth Edition (First Edition 1902), Kolkata: Udbodhan Office" that
India does not know why the kids need to be educated, Germany educates her
kids for discipline, UK for patriotism and India for earning more money!

Decide what we want?


On Fri, 27 Feb 2015 14:27:15 +0530 Kuldeep Nagi wrote

Well, brain drain occurs because of few obvious reasons-
1. The country fails to provide enough opportunities of decent employment2.
The countryfails toprovide enough compensation or salary to its highly
educated and experienced employees3. The countryfails toprovide simple
services such as water, electricity and healthcare4. Thecountryfails
toprovide ahealthyworkingenvironmentand a decent life style and comforts
I immigrated to USA in 1980s because of a very simple reason-economic. I was
lucky to escape the black hole ofhopelessness Onecannot live ona false pride
based in our great heritage, culture, intellectual capacity and all that
identity crap? As Bill Clinton said "It is the economy, Stupid?"
In this new century, the brain drain from India will
naturallydiminishbecause of improvement in economy, expansion of job
opportunities,improvementsin infrastructure, healthcare, and services. Only
better quality of life in one's own country can reduce brain drain.
Kuldeep Nagi, PhD
Bangkok, Thailand

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Discussion Forum] Curbing the brain drain
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 01:36:07 +0000

India looses about $15 billion per year of foreign exchange or about Rs.
90,000 crores per year for the Indian students studying abroad.

If all forms of Higher and Technical education could be freed from the
"License Raj" of the MHRD a large number of Indian colleges would become
world class and a large number of foreign universities would relocate their
campuses in India.

This would have a number of advantages to us.

1. Allow indian students to study in world class institutions at a much
lower cost and stay within India

2. Savings in out flow of foreign exchange.

3. Increased inflow of foreign exchange for foreign students who would like
to study in India at prices lower than their home countries and also
experience India.

4. Indian higher education would then become a big export earner for the

5. Higher quality and more competition will compel the existing 40,000
colleges to improve or perish!

Krishan Khanna
Chairman Sent from BlackBerry® on AirtelFrom: "Prabhakar
Date: 26 Feb 2015 17:52:51 -0000To: ReplyTo:
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Discussion Forum] Curbing the brain drain
The talented and skillful youths from developing (in fact, underdeveloped)
countries migrate to advanced countries due to such various reasons as:

1. Lack of facilities, opportunities and good and fair governance.

2, Employment paucity with no lucrative pay packages.

3. Job environment and management narrow attitude.

4. Political, social and economical climate.

5. Lucrative packages, comfortable and quality life in advanced countries.

7. Facilities, positive academic climate and world famous teachers and
guides in foreign institutes.

8. The academic assessment mostly is fair and rigorous giving international

9. Lack of patriotism, love for motherland and integrity, etc., etc.

The youths are nurtured in their home lands and this semi-finished quality
goods are absorbed in foreign universities. The selection to universities is
critical and only value adding students are screened for entering into
advanced countries. Advanced countries lack huge population. Allowing other
students to enter into the foreign universities has got two major

1. Huge foreign exchange is earned by advanced countries. Chinese and Indian
students form the major flow into advanced countries mostly US, Australia,
UK, in the order given. Can you imagine the outflow of money

from the pockets of Indian parents into advanced countries?

2. The semi-finished goods are finished in advanced countries and put to
their national development paying them sumptuously, providing them appealing
quality life, etc. Is it not a good business?

Though we consider this migration as "Brain-Drain" which is true, some of
our leaders term it as "Brain-Bank"! One can make deposits in advanced
countries but no permission to withdraw!

Some advanced countries like Germany do not allow any graduate to leave the
country after graduation at least for two years, graduates have to serve
their mother land first. Even in India, there are many families the youths
of which spend 1-2 years as RSS Prachrak first and then join the mundane
world. One will find many officers in Indian governance who were

I remember that at the time of seeking admission in 1962 for an engineering
programme in a Govt. College (that time there were no private education
providers), I had to execute a bond to the effect that I would serve the
Govt for two years after graduation. But never implemented! In India we
regard degree as a "private good" and not as "public good". We follow
democracy with Indian style, blended with the ideal concepts of
globalization, Human Rights, right to freedom of speech, expression, travel,

Is it possible under this environment to enact like Germany? Can we stop


On Thu,m 26 Feb 2015 14:46:42 +0530 "Prof. Bholanath Dutta" wrote

>Various studies have found that well-educated people from developing
countries are likely to emigrate, hurting their economies and depriving
their countries of much-needed expertise in various sectors.

​How ​to curb this trend?


Prof. Bholanath DuttaVisionary Edupreneur, Founder & PresidentMTC Global: An
Apex Global AdvisoryBody in Management I I Email:
president@mtcglobal.orgCell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 81520 60465 / +91



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