Here we go again. Akoson indulging in another self-serving and self-righteous Bafia Dance. As if we did not warn both him and Ayah Paul. A pity really.

The Source of my Strength
Bishop David Oyedepo says, "Christianity is not a religionl. Christianity is a manifestation of the supernatural:  supernatural wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, power-stamina, righteousness-morality, and spirit. I am a born-again Christian, a prophet, a proof and manifestation of that power. I am a vibrant winner, an overcomer, a victor. I can do ALL things through HIM which gives me strength. I lead. I speak wisdom to my generation.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 3:09 PM, 'Immanuel TatahMentan' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ako,
It's painful that it is only today that you are realizing the situation of those annexed by LRC.
Long live accommodationism with evil for a pittance.
I know Justice Ayah has known this earlier.
That is why he wanted to shift the pendulum.
Tatah Mentan
Human Community=Human Communication=Human Productivity

I was led to understand the value of my anger and my desire to speak out, through these words from Mary Catherine Hilkert, a Dominican theologian. She wrote in Speaking with Authority: Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today:
"Sometimes the words of protest are the only words we can speak clearly in the face of complex forces of evil woven into the fabric of our lives and world. We cannot always see or name the way forward. Further, no liberation front or political or social program can be identified with the reign of God. But even the cry of protest is a word of grace that moves us to resistance and to searching for another way. The beginning of finding a new path is speaking the truth of what clearly is not God's will for human life …."

On Monday, February 23, 2015 6:40 AM, ngwang gumne <> wrote:

Are there still people in the Southern Cameroons who do not know that the appointment of Chief
Ayah was designed to stop him getting involved with Southern Cameroons issues?
Why does anyone want to think that Chief Ayah would have been given his real place hierarchically?
ngwang gumne
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 at 4:58 AM
From: "'Akoson A. Raymond' via ambasbay" <>
To: "CAMNETWORK List" <>, "Cameroon Politics" <>, "SDF South Africa" <>, "Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup" <>, "MECA-USA >" <>, "DISCUSSION LIST MANYU" <>, "MECA LONDON" <>, "Manyu MEDWC" <>, "MECA GA" <>, "" <>, Manyunet <>, "Manyu Meca-mn" <>, "MECA Houston" <>, Cameroonfinland <>, MWC <>, Thepostnp <>, "Manyu Forum" <>
-          Illegality surrounding the Dec. 18, 2014 Supreme Court Appointments;
-          The streets of Yaoundé are rife with rumours about his planned resignation if technical errors were not corrected.
I was privy to the cocktail party of Jan. 30, 2015 at the Supreme Court balcony on the occasion of the installation of the most recently appointed members of the Supreme Court. I was in the queue, awaiting my turn to grab some chewable when a man –looking serious and busy – spoke, inter alia, over my shoulders in French (my translation in English);
"…food is almost finished; yet, the Premier Avocat Général hasn't been served…"
I turned around, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed in Chief Justice AYAH Paul's direction.
"Is that not the 'premier avocat general'?" I questioned.
A third, another francophone who'd been standing in front of me took an interest in our discussion.  He insinuated that President Biya's December 2014 decree appointing members of the Supreme Court had technical errors that ought to have been corrected prior to the installation. Murmuring alone in bewilderment, he questioned;
"…Il n'a pas encore rectifie le probleme hierarchie concernant ancien depute Ayah Paul…?" [My failure to translate this quote is deliberate]. 
This conversation vividly reminded me of the publication in the Kalara newspaper, arguing forcefully that juniors had been appointed over Ayah Paul illegally. I also remembered panel discussions on at least two private radio stations in Yaoude, coming to the same conclusion. All this of course tickled me to research into the Francophone /Anglophone positions in the Supreme Court of Cameroun. My finding to say the least were utterly nauseating.Truly, the Supreme Court of Cameroon is an institution where Anglophone marginalization is at the climax.
The leading  positions (quarters that wield real power) at the Supreme Court of Cameroon in a descending order are as follows: the President of the Supreme Court (le Premier Président de la Cour Suprême); the Attorney General (le Procureur Général); the President of the Criminal Division (le Président de la Chambre Criminelle), the President of the Administrative Division (le Président de la Chambre Administrative), the President of the Audit Division (le Président de la Chambre des Comptes), the 1st Deputy Attorney General (le Premier Avocat Général); and the Secretary General (Secrétaire Général de la Cour Suprême)…
Since reunification (a 'reunion' that ought to have brought together two peoples equal in status) some 54 years ago, no Anglophone has been judged qualified enough to occupy any of these positions.  A certain Chief Justice Epuli Mathias once came close. But he only served as an Acting President of the Administrative Division (Président par interim de la Chambre Administrative). But Biya and his Francophone-Beti government hastened to write him off in that "C'est un anglo".
For the sake of space and time, we leave the analysis of the francophone /Anglophone composition of other divisions of the Supreme Court for another day. We propose only to underline for now President Biya's blatant illegality (could it be an oversight?) on Dec. 18, 2014, in appointing judges to the Attorney General's Office of the Supreme Court.
The case of HRH Hon. Lord Justice AYAH Paul ABINE.
The Attorney General's Office (the Legal Department of the Supreme Court) to which Chief Justice AYAH Paul was appointed comprises the Attorney General (le Procureur Général), the 1st Deputy Attorney General (Premier Avocat Général), and other "avocats genereaux". It is disgusting fantasy that AYAH Paul (who has reached the zenith of his career in the judiciary – haux hierarchie premier groupe) is only one of four avocats generaux, whereas George Mbengue, of Super Scaledeuxiemme groupe is 1st Deputy Attorney General, (Premier Avocat Général), over AYAH Paul.
It is a sacrosanct matter of law, just like in the military, that a subordinate cannot be placed in a position of authority above someone higher than him on the echelon. President Biya's appointment of Mr. George Mbengue, of Super Scaledeuxiemme groupe to boss Chief Justice Ayah Paul therefore desecrates the law, and constitutes not only an affront to Anglophones but an act of gross illegality.
And it doesn't end there…
It is also clear in law that where two magistrates are equal on the same hierarchical plane (in this case, both men are hors hierarchie premier group), the older in age must be appointed in preference. Chief Justice AYAH Paul, the Anglophone boy, from my investigation, is older than the current Attorney General Mr. Luc Ndjondo. This makes AYAH Paul the rightful Attorney General (Procureur Général). But that is not the case…
The question now is whether, as wild rumours are already circulating in the streets of Yaoundé, the no-nonsense Chief Justice Ayah Paul that we know, (who has ever been so allergic to unlawful acts in the past) is contemplating resigning if those "technical errors" are not corrected in the near future. Only time shall tell.
Akoson A. Raymond,
Concerned Anglophone
Tel: 678358029
"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.
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