Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA & SAWA disqualifies

Lucas Fon.
Lucas Foooooonnnn!!!!!
Where is that fellow?
Lucaaaassss Foonnnnnn!!!!
Come out!!!!
I find your fascination with prophets and the ministry of every prophet rather intriguing.
Every time you hear the word "Prophet" something, I know not what, leaps in your womb.
Explain yourself, Lucas, will you?
Lucas Fon, do you know who a prophet is?
Do you know any School of Prophets?
What do they teach in that school, pray?
Yet you have the audacity to carry on about prophets.
If you do not know who a prophet is, how would you tell which one is a true prophet and which one is false.
Or would you rather base your adjudication on the nonsense you read from sleazy Satanic sites?
Stop disgracing me, Lucas.
Sacred Heart College, Mankon taught each of us a higher sense of comprehension that you manifest so far.
But you know what your problem is?
Bewildering impenitence.
Do you know the meaning of repentance?
Let me help you.
Repentance is when the King discovers that he has erred and is sitting on the floor rather than on the throne.
Repentance is when the man discovers that he is behaving like a pig instead of like unto a man.
You would rather sustain your porcine habits.
A pity, really.
Of course some folks would rather live in the sty rather that come forth unto humanity.
Every time you bathe them and adorn them with new clothes they are back in the muck.
Now rewind.
Do you remember the number of times I have asked you this question: Have you repented?
And you recall your answer each time?
Some mumbo-jumbo. 
You know why?
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
You see, Lucas Fon.
Even if the Lord God himself were to take off his glory and walk with you for a long while you will not recognise him.
You will still carry on your hogwash about false prophets.
If you cannot recognise a Man of God how would you recognise Elohim whose servants we are.
Lucas, answer this without equivocation.
Can you deliver a child from a simple stripe like malaria?
If you cannot, how dare you chastise a Man of God who heals and delivers everyday?
Do yourself a favour, will you?
Move along when the word prophet is mentioned, will you?
See why.
1Ch 16:22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
 Ps 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Who will deliver you from the hand of the El Elyon unto whom the above warning belongs?

The Source of my Strength
Bishop David Oyedepo says, "Christianity is not a religionl. Christianity is a manifestation of the supernatural:  supernatural wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, power-stamina, righteousness-morality, and spirit. I am a born-again Christian, a prophet, a proof and manifestation of that power. I am a vibrant winner, an overcomer, a victor. I can do ALL things through HIM which gives me strength. I lead. I speak wisdom to my generation.

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 11:38 PM, "Francis Njung [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:

Nigeria just did it, can Cameroon pass the test with a transparent and peaceful transfer of power after Biya to whoever succeeds him???

From: "Alex Gustave AZEBAZE DJOUAKA [cameroon_politics]" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA & SAWA disqualifies

Mon cher Aaron,
que veux-tu vraiment que je réponde sur le post de Serge Banyongen?!
Voila un compatriote qui vit et pratique un pays où la notion de
redevabilité des dirigeants publics est une clé de leur magistère
politique, qui chez lui essaie de minimiser l'impact des révélations
sur les déclarations ( qu'elles oient publiques et privées) de très
hauts responsables gouvernementaux en fonction?
Continuons à croire chacun que le Cameroun est ce que chacun de nous à
comme projet dans sa tête lorsque ce gouvernement ne sera plus là!
Mais en attendant ce grand soir, les actes et décisions de ce
gouvernement impactent terriblement sur la vie des gens comme nous qui
y vivons.
Il fait bien de rappeler que les propos de M. Ahmadou Ali, ce vice-pm
qui a - ou avait à ce moment-là - une haute main sur la bureaucratie
judiciaire et sécuritaire, ne se limitaient pas seulement aux
"anglo-bamis" supposés mais aussi aux "betis" supposés. Précision:
j'ai relevé ça ici, notamment en rapport avec les anglo-bamis, pour
mettre sa sortie à des diplomates étrangers, occidentaux notamment
dont on dit qu'ils ont plus d'influence que les nationaux sur le choix
de nos dirigeants, ce malgré l'indépendance formelle. Je les ai
rappelés pour les mettre en cohérence avec d'autres déclarations
antérieures d'autres hauts dirigeants bien aux affaires de l'Etat
restées impunies alors qu'en terme de représentation, elles sont
contraire aux valeurs qui sont sensés structurer notre vivre ensemble
et fermenter l'unité nationale.
Pour le reste, j'aimerai seulement qu'au lieu de passer le temps à
suspecter une victimisation dont à mon âge je n'ai nul besoin pour
exister, qu'il se charge de mener, en universitaire spécialisé dans
les sciences sociales et humaines qu'il est, une étude sur l'impact de
l'origine des ethniques des principaux dirigeants de l'Etat et ses
agences, sur l'organisation des missions de services publics
aujourd'hui totalement dévoyées. Qu'il analyse ce facteur, bien
entendu à côté d'autres tels les coteries diverses.
C'est tromper l'opinion que de tenter systématiquement d'exclure ce
paradigme des perceptions projetées par ce même pouvoir et dont la
dernière affaire IRIC est un révélateur grandeur nature
(discrimination ou préférence tribale) sous fond de corruption,
clientélisme et de népotisme systémique. Qu' en tant que chercheur,
il aille dans les universités; les administrations publiques, dans le
secteur des affaires, etc. des lieux théoriques de compétition de
toutes sortes voir et systématiser ce que ce système construit
méthodiquement pour décourager la saine concurrence entre fils et
filles du pays.
Bien à tous.

2015-04-02 18:09 UTC+02:00, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics]
> Docta Serge Bayonguen really in a class of his own
> Massa Alex Azebaze answer. Dis one dong pass me
> On 4/2/15, Serge Banyongen
> [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
>> Pa Fru, Alex and elder Nouk,
>> It is a pity that we have to come back over and over again on this topic
>> without you willing to open your mind and learn a little bit (even from
>> people that are less smarter than you). People that for no choice of
>> there
>> one were born from the same ethnic group as mr. Biya can't be held
>> accountable only because they are from its region. They are people
>> participating with him to loot the country some are from his region
>> others
>> are from others regions. There are many PAWCEE, Bassa and Bamilekes
>> ruling
>> the country with and for Mr. Biya. MEON is right when he said it is not
>> the
>> origin of the person that matter rather it is his/her skills, morality
>> and
>> ability to lead the country in the right direction. The person need to be
>> judge according to his/her actions rather than the ethnical
>> background.Now
>> Alex, the problem we have is not what Mr. Ali said. It is how people like
>> you transform it on the purpose of victimisation and instrumentalisation.
>> First of all, Ahmadou Ali did not point only one ethnical group he also
>> said
>> that he and his fellow comrades from the northern will not tolerate
>> someone
>> else from the Beti ethnicity. You never pointed that out. That said what
>> is
>> criminal in your behavior is that as a veteran of political affairs in
>> Cameroon, you truly know that Mr. Ahmadou Ali has no what so ever any
>> political weight. What he said or think doesn't matter at all. The man
>> has
>> never been elected. The ONLY reason he is a minister giving his
>> background
>> and record is because he is Mr. Biya friend. Once the current president
>> will
>> be gone, he can't survive. So if he goes on bragging to American telling
>> them a charade, You AGA should be the first person to laugh and
>> righteously
>> question his political weight. Even as a Northern Cameroonian Elite, you
>> know how divided they are. The Media is regularly reporting the
>> dissensions
>> between those northern elites. Why Alex, why did you gave credit to his
>> speech if you did not have a clear intention of manipulation? Even
>> Ahmadou
>> Ahidjo who created all the ministers during his 22 years of reign
>> couldn't
>> convince northern and muslims ministers to resign. What make you think
>> Ahmadou Ali will succeed? Come on Alex, you can be smarter than that.
>> Le Jeudi 2 avril 2015 9h47, "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM
>> [cameroon_politics]" <> a écrit :
>> Mr Aaron Agien Nyangkwe,
>> This MEON gentleman puzzles me.I believe that genuinely as an individual
>> he
>> means good.But the people he interacts with probably on a daily basis,
>> areof
>> the far extreme right wing, with their tribalistic instincts.He probably
>> more often in his privacy does all he can to bringthem to the center, but
>> routinely is unsuccessful, privately.Many Pahouin are known for their
>> "Beti-Arrogance" especiallywhen they are crassly ignorant. I have seen
>> Celestin Bedzigui hererepeatedly demonstrate that type of ignominy.
>> As you rightly said ...Paul Biya NEVER ran for any election prior to
>> being
>> appointedSecretary General at Ahidjo's Presidency. Paul Biya is
>> thereforeclueless when it comes to grassroots militancy. That is the
>> reasonwhy he is far out of touch with the reality of Cameroonian hoi
>> polloi.What skill set does he Paul Biya have that makes him
>> indispensible???Lord Have Mercy on us. My goodness. We replace American
>> Presidentsevery 4 years. What more of the banana Cameroon Republic.
>> Vraiment ......
>> And then you have opportunistic tribal puppets like Martin Belinga
>> Eboutouand Fameux Ndongo causing problems all over the place.
>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>> From: "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
>> [cameroon_politics]" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 9:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>> SAWA disqualifies
>> Mathias Eric
>> So you have the time to write "The president's ethnic identity does
>> not worth as much as his moral substance , his technical skills and
>> his political ability or his strategic sense"
>> I thought that when I listened to you on Afrique Media last in the
>> company of the venerable Mbog Bassong and others, I thought that you
>> had better things under your sleeves? You came up very on-the-point in
>> your confrontation with the very opportunistic but in the dullest
>> ,anner, Charlemagne Messanga Nyamdig on Canal 2 last sunday.
>> INEPTITUDE Not because thy believe so much in him but because he has
>> enabled them to loot and become les nouveaux billionnaires
>> You talk of skills? Come on! That this old man has succeeded to put in
>> place a system that permit mostly his tribesmen and a pocket of
>> enrolled outsiders to loot the country dry is being skilled
>> You amaze me at rtime
>> Agien Nyangkwe
>> On 4/2/15, Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]
>> <> wrote:
>>> Oh Really????After 30+ years of ruling Cameroon, why is the person who
>>> is
>>> fit to write anepistle about all those years only Martin Belinga
>>> Eboutou,
>>> another Bulu man?Is Belinga Eboutou a writer? What has Belinga Eboutou
>>> ever
>>> written before?
>>> Ahidjo passed the baton of power to Biya because he could speak English
>>> andalso because after coming back from France in 1961 it took him (Biya)
>>> a
>>> longtime to go to his village. He was perceived as non-tribalistic.
>>> The
>>> coup d'etatof 1984 brought out the leopard's spots. The unfortunate
>>> reality
>>> is that the incumbent President has been inherently tribalistic and
>>> plastically opportunisticon pitting same tribe versus same tribe.
>>> The next President of Cameroon shall be a PAAWCE.It would be nice if all
>>> the
>>> PAHOUIN - Fang-Beti-Bulu - to pass this message to their brother
>>> President.
>>> Lembe-Yezoum can pass the message in their inner coterie. Blessed Be
>>> Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>>> From: "Mathias-Eric Owona Nguini
>>> [cameroon_politics]" <>
>>> To: ""
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 8:10 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA disqualifies
>>> #yiv4419134396 #yiv4419134396 -- #yiv4419134396
>>> .yiv4419134396ygrp-photo-title{clear:both;font-size:smaller;height:15px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;width:75px;}#yiv4419134396
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>>> {font-weight:bold;}#yiv4419134396 #yiv4419134396
>>> Please Fru Ndeh,stop, with your ethnocentric bias.The president's ethnic
>>> identity does not worth as much as his moral substance , his technical
>>> skills and his political ability or his strategic sense.Do not have a
>>> fetichist and chauvinic view of the situation.
>>> De : "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]"
>>> <>
>>> À : ""
>>> <>
>>> Envoyé le : Mercredi 1 avril 2015 14h47
>>> Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA
>>> disqualifies
>>> Alain Anyouzoa Njimoluh,
>>> You know when many commentators who pass for journalists in the private
>>> press kept on writing and writing many years ago about Marafa Hamidou
>>> Yaya,
>>> Atangana Mebaraand then later on Rene Sadi, I kept on shouting from
>>> outta
>>> here in Washington DC tothose who could hear me out, that, these
>>> commentators/journalists were totally off the mark.Not only were they
>>> off
>>> the mark, they were also helping in DISTRACTING the masses.FEW PEOPLE,
>>> just
>>> a few, one of them being Goni Waday probably understood what I meant.
>>> Atangana Mebara was just an SG @ the PRC. And he was/is BETI of the
>>> Mvog-Atangana-Mballaclan but more on the Ada side. He had some power
>>> over
>>> there but somehow misused it. He wasnot a contender for the position of
>>> the
>>> PRC even as a so-called brutus, contrary to the noise makingtabloid
>>> press
>>> in
>>> Cameroon.
>>> Rene Sadi of YOKO because of his position in taking over from Le Pape de
>>> l'Est as SG of RDPC resultedin some hissing noises by commentators.
>>> That
>>> noise went on for a very long time. But he was abad SG, really bad SG
>>> for
>>> RDPC and I had seen his removal long time ago. I'd even written about
>>> it.I
>>> was only surprized by the time it came. Paul Biya has no respect for
>>> the
>>> man's IQ. Its that simple.He had been working at the PRC since 1985 at
>>> least.
>>> Marafa Hamidou Yaya of Garoua has been a serious contender by and for
>>> himself. But that was never boundto go anywhere. Bonivan had been sent
>>> behind him to fish him out. And fish him out Bonivan did.Marafa was
>>> just
>>> an
>>> unknown entity prior to 1990. He is the type that is accurately
>>> referred
>>> to
>>> as "les creatures de Biya".
>>> Per Ahmadou Ali's utterances regarding the Bamileke group. When the
>>> Senate
>>> was coming up, I thoughtthe Sultan of Foumban was going to be made
>>> President
>>> of the Senate. But he was not. Still, the Presidentof the Senate went
>>> to
>>> the Western Province, Niat Njifenji. Geo-strategically speaking, that
>>> was
>>> the wisething to do. And it was done.
>>> The Bamileke group as is already a well known fact are the economic
>>> engine
>>> of the nation state of Cameroon.That is the reason why Ahmadou Ali said
>>> what
>>> he said. And Ahmadou Ali said so in all SINCERITY.He is on point.
>>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>>> From: "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]"
>>> <>
>>> To: ""
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 7:13 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA disqualifies
>>> HaHa Bro,
>>> Let me get back to you later on that one.It is 7:13am and readying
>>> myself
>>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>>> From: "Alain Anyouzoa
>>> [cameroon_politics]" <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:48 PM
>>> Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA disqualifies
>>> Why would Ahmadou Ali be right in this context?Are the Bamilekes less
>>> Cameroonian than you or Ahmadou Ali, brother? From:
>>> []
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:24 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA
>>> disqualifies MEON, Well if the purpose of the article was just to
>>> elicit
>>> a conversation, then that is okay.The only thing I believe in per the
>>> headline is that a BETI cannot be President after Paul Biya.BASSA and
>>> SAWA
>>> can be.Ahmadou Ali had said a Bamileke cananot be President after Paul
>>> Biya.Somehow, I believe what Ahmadou Ali said to be true. Blessed Be
>>> Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh From: "Mathias-Eric Owona Nguini
>>> [cameroon_politics]" <>
>>> To: ""
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:19 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA &
>>> SAWA
>>> disqualifies Si tu crois à de tels bobards,c'est que tu as un
>>> problème
>>> cher Fru Ndeh!!!! De : "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM
>>> [cameroon_politics]" <>
>>> À : Cameroon Politics <>
>>> Envoyé le : Lundi 30 mars 2015 15h15
>>> Objet : [cameroon_politics] Succession de Paul Biya: BETI, BASSA & SAWA
>>> disqualifies La Nouvelle Presse Blessed Be Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
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>> --
>> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
>> P.O.Box 5213
>> Douala-Cameroon
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>> Posted by: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <>
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> --
> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon


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