Re: Request for Your Scholarly Help in Responding to a brief questionnaire for Africans

There are several categories of "Diaspora Groups". Classify them anyway you want but here is how I see the breakdown in the mainly Cameroonian community, that I am familiar with.
1) Alumni Associations...mostly ex-Secondary/High School pals. In this category, a few prominent examples are: LESA (Inc & USA), QRC Okoyong (Inc. & USA), SHESA, BIROCOL, SAKER Baptist, SASSE, CPC Bali, Saint Ngong, Saint Bedes, PCC Pa Mubang, LCC Pa Long-Lass, KTC Nkwen, NACHO, CCAST (Bambili/Kumba), PSS Mamfe Overside, some anglophone schools that were curiously called in English using French like "Lycee Molyko" or Lycee de Young Girls, Mutengene ( I swear to God, we Anglophones have suffered 4 dis Francophones dem hands). 
There are other Francophone High Schools that I know absolutely nothing about like College Liberman (na Bassa name dat???), Lycee Leclerc Y'de, College Montesquie Yaounde, College de Croqueville Nkongsamba, Lycee Jamot Ayos, Lycee Pompidou Sangmelima and Lycee Beregovoie Dchang etc. I don't know whether the French have even one single yeye backside street named "Avenue Monseigneur Cardinal Tumi in their country". Honestly, these French peepoo have screwed and dealt with us squarely and propolly. Is this not a Human Rights Crime?
2)  Cultural Groups including all the break-away factions with some Presidents fleeing with their Association's savings. These groups can provide valuable information on their "Registered Members in good Standing (financially) with their books (that is if the President or Treasurer cum Financial Secretary have not vamoosed with the books.
3) Professional Associations: Lawyers, Doctors and Doktas, Pharmacists, Nurses, Engineers, Teachers, Social Workers, even "Association Camerounaise de Fey-Men (Yes they are Professional teep peepoo. Anyone who thinks that drying dollars in a microwave does not need expertise and dexterity should wait until he has been "Feyed".)
4) The International NGO types: Cameroonian World Bank Staff, IMF, WHO, UNICEF, United Nations (some of whom look very low on their fellow compatriots) i.e they refuse to MIX with regular folks because of their "Diplomatic Status", njoh cars, njoh houses and even njoh mammies plus Duty-Free everything, 1/2 Price everything + Good salaries.
5) The Sans Dokkys: You only hear from this category when they run into problems with the Police, Immigration or they have an accident, they are in the hospital or some other catastrophe. They constitute about 1/3 of the Cameroonian Diaspora population. Most of them came here with fake (Le Faux) "Adoro" and if admitted, they automatically adopt the new nationality of the original dokky theft. That is how you will see a real typical "Ntongtou or Bamendrous Pikin" with our very identifiable Nkongbou or Bameta face, looking at you straight in the eyes and saying "Eh beh ma foi, moi je suis Francais moi. Je m'appelle Monsieur Pinneur Gauche de la region Gironde-Aquitaine de Bordeaux. Le Cameroun c'est ou encore? Pardons, circulez espece de negre." No more no less.
6) I have authentic "Statistics" BUT ih go cost you "smol Western Union" of a few thousand dollars to "Settle Me"... Money 4 Hand, Back touch down.
Tah Mfar (Wimbum) Mishe Fon
 Subject: Fw: Request for Your Scholarly Help in Responding to a brief questionnaire for Africans

Please, help my colleague conduct a research. It will take at most 5 minutes to respond.

Dear Friends,

Greetings and happy summer.

As an academician I am always dreaming of ideas that I can write about. In order to become more informed about a lot of ideas, I need others to inform me. I am curious about the number of African Organizations in the Diaspora/Us and their economic contributions to the US and their home countries. So, I have developed a short questionnaire as a start of the inquiry. I am humbly requesting you to complete the questionnaire and send it as an attachment to me at In addition, I am requesting you to request at least 10 (you can ask more than 10 if possible) to do the same. Thus they should respond to the questionnaire and ask at least 10 of their friends and/or relatives to respond. Using the rule of multiplier, I hope to get large enough sample to determine the economic impact Africans in the Diaspora have on the US and/or their home countries.

Thankfully yours,

Fabian K. Nabangi 

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