Biya May be Finally Ready for Ahidjo’s Corpsambas

Former president Ahmadou Ahidjo ruled from 1960 until 1982.(Picture Courtesy of
Former president Ahmadou Ahidjo ruled from 1960 until 1982.(Picture Courtesy of

Biya May be Finally Ready for Ahidjo's Corps

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Ahmadou Ahidjo, Cameroon's first President.
Nyingchuo Hilary, June 25, 2015
Cameroon Journal, Yaounde – A law that was enacted since December 1991 but shelved by the Paul Biya's regime has suddenly resurfaced on the website of the Presidency of Cameroon. The law was passed to outline modalities for the repatriation of the country's statesmen who die/died abroad.
Law n°91/022 of 16 December 1991, published on the website of the Presidency of Cameroon on June 22, outlines the modalities for the repatriation of precisely, the remains of Cameroon's first President, Amadou Ahidjo who died on exile in Senegal. Ahidjo's remains were buried in Senegal.
Article 1 (1) of the law states, "This law concerns the rehabilitation of the emblematic historic figures of the country now of late, who worked for the birth of national feelings, Cameroon's independence or nation building." Article 1(2) determines the national figures concerned by the legislature; notably Amadou Ahidjo, Ruben Um Nyobe, Felix Moumie and Ernest Ouandie. The law states that the repatriation of the remains of the deceased national figures cited can be done upon the request of their families or of the deceased in accordance with the laws of the country of burial.
The law states that the cost of the repatriation or transfer shall be borne by the state. Legal experts who spoke to The Journal hold that through this act, Biya has demonstrated his willingness to offer particularly to his predecessor, a state funeral.
Cameroon's President Paul Biya addresses reporters following his meeting with French President Francois Hollande at the Elyse Palace in Paris, Jan 30, 2013.
The Journal gathered that negotiations are far advanced for reconciliation between Ahidjo's family and Cameroonian authorities. It is worth mentioning that the eldest son of Cameroon's first president, Ahidjo Badjika is Roving Ambassador while the younger sister, Ahidjo Aminatou, has since three years ago joined the ruling CPDM and actually openly campaigned for the party in the North region during the last presidential elections.
Observers are questioning why a law signed since 1991 is only now being published on the Presidential website. Reports hold that with the announced arrival of French President in Yaoundé next July, lobbyists are working to see that Ahidjo's repatriation feature on the agenda of the two statesmen, a view shared by Ahidjo's wife who has argued before that the remains of the late husband do not belong to the family but constitute part of state heritage.
Law n°91/022 of 16 December 1991 relating to the rehabilitation of Cameroon's Great Historical Figures:
Article 1(1) This Law relates to the Rehabilitation of great figures in the history of Cameroon , now dead, who worked for the birth of national sentiment , independence or the construction of the country or its history or culture.
(2) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) above, those rehabilitated are: Mr. Ahmadou Ahidjo, Ruben Um Nyobé, Moumie Felix Ouandié Ernest.
Article 2.- The rehabilitation referred to in Article 1 above is aimed at dispelling any stigma that surrounded any prejudice to these people, especially regarding their names , biographies, effigies, portraits, naming streets, monuments and public buildings.
Article 3. (1) The transfer of the mortal remains of the people mentioned in Article 1 above, buried outside the national territory can be carried out at the request of the family or of the deceased, subject to the last will of the deceased and in accordance with the legislation of the country of burial.\
(2) The costs of such transfer shall be borne by the State
Article 4. At the proposal of the Government or the National Assembly, the benefit of the provisions of this Act may be extended to other persons who meet the Criteria set out in Article 1 above.
Article 5. This law shall be registered, published according to the procedure of urgency and inserted in the Official Gazette in French
and English.


Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.


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