[MTC Global] Quality Education --Few Checks and Balances

Following 7 points may be useful to ensure quality education:


  1. Since Quality Education Plans are derived from the perceived needs of society, those entrusted with their enhancements should continuously monitor all the changes that are occurring in society to ensure that the education that is being delivered to learners prepare them to cope with these changes. 


  1. Ensure that leadership at all levels of the education system that is committed and buys into the vision of what this quality education is intended to achieve and is capable of converting the vision to measurable goals to guide the process. 



  1. Ensure that the teachers who are entrusted with the task of delivering this quality education and those persons entrusted with the task of guiding the process possess the necessary tools to carry out their jobs. To do this, it will be necessary to offer targeted continuous professional development to (CPD), another buzz word, to these teachers.


  1. Focus on enhancing the critical thinking skills of the leadership, teachers and learners of all ages.



  1. Expand the content of the education offered beyond the village, the town, the city, the country, the region, so as to broaden the perspectives of learners.


  1. Provide learning opportunities for those persons outside of the formal education system who, for whatever reason, didn't manage to grasp much from their earlier schooling, because they have a role to play in their children's learning, a role that they will not be able to play well if they are not literate and numerate.



  1. Reward teachers with cash or kind. It's said that "encouragement sweetens labour". Teachers need reasons to care.



Best Regards,

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President- MTC Global

An Apex Global Advisory Body in Management Education


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