Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Ofege: ----Unbriddled materialism of the church is a sin but not a crime ----Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: FOR "PROPHET"OBOUH FEGUE ALONE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF NAIJA GODS' MINISTRIES

"Prophet Ntemfack Obouh "Nchong" Fegue"
Don't jump into this interesting thread of "Please Jesus, we just want sabi the truth" with your lengthy Google researched material. If you can prove that the picture of that handsome Oyigbo boy with the smart looking well manicured modern beards being paraded as the JESUS was taken at that time (when there was no Kodak, Polaroid, Fine Kontry or Mola CC Spot Allotey Ajallah Mota Muenya to immortalize events); then you can join the conversation...BUT please, pah Prophet; KISS (Keep It Simple and Straightforward).
Last kweshion: Na which one be Adam Fruit norh + Original Sin????

Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

NB: Don't call me a DEVIL or SINNER bicos I dey ask kweshions. I know for a fact that "Dia is God oh". By the way, Mammie Patience Jonathan Goodluck is in Washington DC

Dr Akuma,
at the very least, your assertions are thought provoking.
We were force-fed the concept of religion at birth and barred from asking overt questions under the pretext of being unfaithful.
We now have fundamentalists of all religions going to extreme lengths to silence those who dare question or caricature popular belief systems.
If religion was truly authentic, its practitioners would be requesting questions to provide enlightenment, rather than castigating those who dare.
Personally, I grappled with my faith for too long, wondering how to augment it until I realized that the problem was not me but the ridiculousness of religion.
Brother, I have been a liberated and happy soul since I stumbled upon my own self-discovery.

While it is possible that a Jesus or someone conveniently backdated to him walked the earth, a king of Jews he was not, and son of God he absolutely wasn't.  Christianity, like most antiquated belief-systems, sets a dangerous precedence by equating God to a humanoid entity and thereby assigning him a son.  What's next - a wife & daughter? Of course not - the racist, chauvinistic bible authors will never allow that because they were all male and white.  God, in whatever form is significantly more sophisticated than such a simplistic, antediluvian conception.

While we can significantly chronicle the life of Emperor Napoleon or King Tutankhamen, much less can be said of Jesus.
The claim is he was born on Christmas day (lies of course) since Astronomers have back-tracked the so called nativity star to April 17 of year 6 BC.
Plus we know absolutely nothing about Christ from age 1 to age 30.  Why?  Because the earliest new testament was written half a century after the death of Jesus.  Much of those books are based upon hand-me-down stories at best or concoctions at worst.
Jesus could have been anything during those 29 years - married, divorced, a warrior, carpenter, prisoner in remote part of Roman empire, in pastor school, apprentice magician or illusionist.
He showed up at age 30 to perform miracles which could've been the equivalent of today's TB Joshua's fairytales or David Copperfield's magical illusions yet a dominant preoccupation of first Century inhabitants was the yearning for a savior to rescue them from the world's ills so some immediately equated Jesus to the long awaited son of God.

I took a moment to research the council of Nicea about a year ago and learned that the concept of Jesus as son of God was widely debated plus also significant was the conceptualization of the holy trinity.  The holy trinity was formulated by a council of less than 300 Bishops.  Sounds almost as ridiculous as our usual Shesa AGMs comprising <35 slumbering guys dictating the Agenda for hundreds - thousands of men.

Grand Jairo, Nigerians with almost 100% religious penetration are by no means more moral and ethical than the non-religious Dutch.  If anything, much evidence, plus my own experience living and working with both nationals, illustrates the reverse is true.  The absence of religion in a society or an individual is not necessarily a sinful existence. The Chinese with no religion are just as decent, or corrupt, as any other society.


Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 11:40:33 -0700
Subject: Re: [shesa82] Fwd: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Ofege: ----Unbriddled materialism of the church is a sin but not a crime ----Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: FOR "PROPHET"OBOUH FEGUE ALONE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF NAIJA GODS' MINISTRIES

Dear brother Usmanu,
Prior to the coming of slave masters and colonialists our black ancestors knew absolutely nothing about a Jesus Christ... It was given to us by racist cololialists and human enslavers... Since he was brought he has existed only in our heads and in a book that was translated at cambridge university......
If you got some proof that he existed please bring them forward....Note that i have never refused the fact that he existed in books and thousands of manuscripts....But he existed only in books and in the head... not in real life.   The existence of pharoahs who existed  more than 10000BC before him could be traced.... All the Jacobs, Moses, Abrahams, existed nowhere.....No trace, no graves, no relatives, no history... All myth... 
I would insist he is the number 16th invented deity in human history that way crucified ( Read 16 crucified saviors by Persey Graves, published in 1875) That blond hair, blue eyed invinsible,, imaginary spiritual sky Daddy unfortunately never ever existed in real life. He was a product of the Roman empire.... a copy of the Egyptian sun god Horus... And because he never ever existed he is never ever going to return to judge anyone...In the year 2000 he has not come, just as in the year 10000 he will  not come....
Again i refer u to the council of Nicea 325AD..., When u are done  Bishops like Arius of Alexadria who opposed his invention were threatened and their books burnt by the romans... And because i give u history with dates u could go do some research... As painful as it is, we just have to face facts... Westerners brought to us a religion they simply stole from Africa, whitened, used to enrich themselves, and the brought it back to us....
It is a painful reality to face,  that we have been hoodwinked and bamboozled by our oppressors. The obvious reaction by those who just believe and are brainwashed not to ask any questions is to become aggressive..
Could you answer me...
1. How come the son of God is white, mother white, Angels white, saints white, prophets white, appostles white  and then the devil a black man with a tail... Who made it that way?? 
2. Adam and Eve gave birth to Cane and Abel, two boys only who were white boys... Did they have sex with each other to produce the rest of us??? How come the first people are shown to be white when scientifically proven is the fact that the original people were black ???
3. Why does the sky not tear open and a god talk directly to us like we read in the book
4. Why is he hiding from us..
5. What happens to Arabs who have Mohammed as their savior. To Chinese and asians who their savior is Bhuda??? To indians who worship Crishna... Will more than 2/3d of the people of the world be burned???
6. Do you also have proof of the fact that heaven and hell exist and know some people who have been there and back and testified....??
Of course to dodge from this questions religion will tell u to shut up... Have faith and simply believe...
Dear brother Usmanu i am excited about the proofs you have to show that a Jesus ever existed on this earth...
Abundant blessings from our own Ancestors
A C Akuma

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 04:03:56 -0700
Subject: Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Ofege: ----Unbriddled materialism of the church is a sin but not a crime ----Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: FOR "PROPHET"OBOUH FEGUE ALONE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF NAIJA GODS' MINISTRIES

Dear Mishe Usumanu,,

Before i answer you may i first of all point out to the fact that the so called Jews of today are East Europeans, caucasians who practice Judaism ,  who established their country called Israel on Palestine in 1947... They have  no connection and nothing to do with the jews descibed in the bible....Hope that is first of all clear.. I can easily point out that you would find millions of black people today along the Nile Valley where all the religions all started... Especially Ethiopia which was never ever colonized and contaminated by europe...

All you need to do is look back at the year 33 AD. the time of Pontus Pilate when Jesus was supposed to have died, ...The Romans at that time had already conquered Egypt and established their colonial Authority..Tacitus, the one who documented Roman history at that time held high offices in the Roman government, allowing him first hand views of the emperors and the effects of their tyranny

The ancient historian wrote this vital chronicle of Imperial Rome during the great civilization's decline. It spans A.D. 14-68, painting incisive psychological portraits of the era's major figures. Exactly during the period that Jesus lived. 
He makes mention of an Egyptian called Yesua bin Yosef who was a rebel leader against the Roman Empire, but nothing about a Jesus who walked on water, healed the blind and the sick who in my opinion should have been the greatest figure at that time. 

There is simply no historical trace of this Jesus.... Where on this earth did he live? Who were his relatives? Where were they buried... To go beyond that Moses, Abraham, Adam, Eve and all the biblical people... never ever existed anywhere. And thats why no one can trace them... And if at all they ever existed, the first people to know must be africans because it all happened in africa. Afterall Christianity all began in Alexandria....So how comes Caucasians are the ones coming to teach and tell us our own stories. Its because, they conquered africa, stole our religion, our culture, our knowledge, whitened it up and then brought it back to us....
The bible we use today was put together in 1611 in England at Cambridge University, ordered by King James.. And you had socalled INSPIRED people like William Shakespear who were part of King James Bible Commission.

I would refer you to read::: The Papyrus of Hunefer.. ( Available online in English)... Also known as the Egyptian book of the dead..... 
Read the Papyrus of Ani ( Get where medicine came from) ... Ask medical doctors... in the Hypocratic oath they even refer to Eskalepius, an Egyptian as the fathers of medicine.....

Civilization started in Africa.... First the Greeks came destroyed and stole..... The romans came destroyed and stole. ... And then the Arabs came in 600AD conquered, destroyed, spilled the blood of our ancestors and occupied North Africa till today...

And each empire created its own deity....Egyptians worshiped Amen-Ra ( Their Trinity was Father, Mother and Son,, Romans adopted Father Son and Holy Spirit at the Council of Nicea),,, notice where the word Amen came from.... Indians invented Crishna, Asians invented Bhuda...  Arabs created Islam out of Christianity after the conquest of the Roman empire....And all these deities have a similar story, cause they came from the same source.... Ancient Egypt.... Their stories all look like the story of Horus........

My dear brother.... Ask yourself: Did the Council of Nicea in 325AD take place.... Yes it took place... What decisions were taken there??? Thats your homework.


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