Cameroon is a peaceful country!
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:01:47 +0000
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
Posted by: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <>
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Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:01:47 +0000
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
Communiqué de presse : L'Union africaine condamne énergiquement l'attentat terroriste qui a eu lieu hier au Cameroun
- Last Updated on Tuesday 14 July 2015
- See more at:
Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 12:44 PM, "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:
This "Boko Haram" thing is something that Hollande needs for his
reelection. This is what even happen with American politics. They
plant lackeys some where who play silly politics that encourage
popular miscontent. What happens is: the floodgates are flown open for
the West to sponsor suicide bombers. Can you imagine that since the so
called "Boko Haram insurgency"
in the North, Mr Paul Biya has never addressed words to Cameroonian
regarding what is happening on the field? That should mean many things
to all...
Ask Hollande or Obama and they will all describe in detail the types
of amunitions that the "terrorists" and "suicide bomders" use. The
question that remains open is: why is Obama and Hollande not reporting
the vendors of these arms to the international criminal tribunal? Your
guess will be as good as mine.
Qs for bombing other towns in Cameroon, it will be but a normal thing
for us watchers of the politics played by the regime of Paul Biya
Agien Nyangkwe
On 7/14/15, Greig Batey [cameroon_politics]
<> wrote:
> Some body/people of high government functionary are feeding fat on
> laundered money to allow those arms get to Boko haram. L'impossible n'est
> Camerounaise.BG.
> From: "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To: ""
> <>
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 7:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
> What is the goal or what are the objectives of Boko Haram?Who are those
> supplying them with sophisticated weaponry? Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> From: "EKINNEH Agbaw [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To: Cameroon Politics <>; CAMNETWORK List
> <>
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 8:00 PM
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
> At least 11 people were killed when two female suicide bombers blew
> themselves up near an army camp at Fotokol in troubled northern Cameroon, a
> local security source said Monday.A police source in the region confirmed a
> double attack had taken place on Sunday but was unable to give a precise
> death toll. Northern Cameroon, like Nigeria, Chad and Niger, has been hit in
> bloody attacks by the Islamist group Boko Haram.The explosions occurred 50
> metres (yards) apart within a few seconds of each other, near a camp of
> Cameroon's Rapid Intervention Battalion, according to the source in
> Fotokol."I counted 12 bodies," including one of the bombers, the source
> said.Cameroonian and Chadian troops, who are deployed in Fotokol under the
> programme to fight Boko Haram, deployed around Fotokol "and killed an
> Islamist," the source added.Source: NANFolks, is this the beginning of the
> end? Are we sure these attacks will remain only in the north? What happens
> when Boko Haram decides to strike in our porous cities like Mamfe, Kumba,
> Buea, Limbe, Tiko, Bamenda, Wum, Nkambe and Kumbo, where police and
> gendarmes are committed only to extorting commercial motorists?And how are
> we going to stop them from striking Yaounde and Douala? Maybe through public
> rallies and motions of support...God Bless CameroonEkinneh
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27
This "Boko Haram" thing is something that Hollande needs for his
reelection. This is what even happen with American politics. They
plant lackeys some where who play silly politics that encourage
popular miscontent. What happens is: the floodgates are flown open for
the West to sponsor suicide bombers. Can you imagine that since the so
called "Boko Haram insurgency"
in the North, Mr Paul Biya has never addressed words to Cameroonian
regarding what is happening on the field? That should mean many things
to all...
Ask Hollande or Obama and they will all describe in detail the types
of amunitions that the "terrorists" and "suicide bomders" use. The
question that remains open is: why is Obama and Hollande not reporting
the vendors of these arms to the international criminal tribunal? Your
guess will be as good as mine.
Qs for bombing other towns in Cameroon, it will be but a normal thing
for us watchers of the politics played by the regime of Paul Biya
Agien Nyangkwe
On 7/14/15, Greig Batey [cameroon_politics]
<> wrote:
> Some body/people of high government functionary are feeding fat on
> laundered money to allow those arms get to Boko haram. L'impossible n'est
> Camerounaise.BG.
> From: "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To: ""
> <>
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 7:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
> What is the goal or what are the objectives of Boko Haram?Who are those
> supplying them with sophisticated weaponry? Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> From: "EKINNEH Agbaw [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To: Cameroon Politics <>; CAMNETWORK List
> <>
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 8:00 PM
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Finally, Suicide Bombers hit Cameroon
> At least 11 people were killed when two female suicide bombers blew
> themselves up near an army camp at Fotokol in troubled northern Cameroon, a
> local security source said Monday.A police source in the region confirmed a
> double attack had taken place on Sunday but was unable to give a precise
> death toll. Northern Cameroon, like Nigeria, Chad and Niger, has been hit in
> bloody attacks by the Islamist group Boko Haram.The explosions occurred 50
> metres (yards) apart within a few seconds of each other, near a camp of
> Cameroon's Rapid Intervention Battalion, according to the source in
> Fotokol."I counted 12 bodies," including one of the bombers, the source
> said.Cameroonian and Chadian troops, who are deployed in Fotokol under the
> programme to fight Boko Haram, deployed around Fotokol "and killed an
> Islamist," the source added.Source: NANFolks, is this the beginning of the
> end? Are we sure these attacks will remain only in the north? What happens
> when Boko Haram decides to strike in our porous cities like Mamfe, Kumba,
> Buea, Limbe, Tiko, Bamenda, Wum, Nkambe and Kumbo, where police and
> gendarmes are committed only to extorting commercial motorists?And how are
> we going to stop them from striking Yaounde and Douala? Maybe through public
> rallies and motions of support...God Bless CameroonEkinneh
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27
Posted by: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <>
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