Re: [cameroon_politics] Re:Jean Bosco Tagne//JESUSMAN, PAT NDEP / ALLOTEY EMMANUEL

Thanks for your heart warming mail. I equally have a lot of respect for your incisive writings and seemingly straight forward approach to problem solving. I am simply surprised at the number of so-called "Opposants Apprentis Sorciers" of the Biya Regime who cannot in their own sphere of activities tolerate dissenting points of view. When they are criticized as we lampoon Biya on a daily basis here, they call you a traitor, a devil, a spy, a persona non-grata, un vendu, un lache, un agent du Cener or what have you. One even told me in my face that they were going to eliminate me. As if I care. Some man dey weh ih no go die? One even went as far as saying that I have to be careful going out these days because they will poison me. I remember when I was going out to Foumban to work as a Delegue Medical, my friends used to advice me; Mishe, mefie toi des filles Bamoun. Ne mange pas le "Njapshi Foumbanaise" parceque les femmes preparent avec le "Ngoundeh =Charmes" qui font en sorte que quand tu prends ton bulletin de solde, tu viendra leurs donner le tout". QUI? Moi-ci? Un chichard freins a mains Japonais comme Mishe Fon? Je leurs ai dit que: "Que la femme Bamoun lave meme son "truc" et mettre dans la fameuse "Njapshi" vais manger copieusement la sauce et elle meme apres sans que quoi que ce soit m'arrive. Je suis naturellement blinde. Go Figure. The truth is, Foumban has some of the most beautiful Cameroonian women sauf qu'elles sont trop "Njukssa". Tu parles a une petite en Francais, elle te sort le "Ngoungoure me pare meeka". What is that? U see a fain girl but na daso kontri tok dey kommot 4 yi mop.
Whether I die by "Empoisonnement" asth ey areth reatening me with, by "Un Faut Accident de Circulation" or NYONGO ou meme sep le FAMLA,,,ca fait quoi? Die na Die.  Eux qui vont rester en vie vont rester eternellement? Make dem go find place sleep. See me some Mbout peepoo. Le jour ou je meurre, qu'ils ne viennent pas. Je vais voir si on ne vas pas m'enterrer parce que les morpions aigris ne sont pas venus a mon deuil. Foolish peepoo.
Anyways, thanks for always believing in those who tell the Truth as it is supposed to be.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

From: "Bonaventure Tchucham [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re:Jean Bosco Tagne//JESUSMAN, PAT NDEP / ALLOTEY EMMANUEL

Mishe Fon (Ntah Mfar) is a Blessing in these chambers. He is a blessing in this world.
I like that man very much. As I know him through his writings here he comes accross as one who loves people, life and has a great sense of justice, solidarity, community and consideration for truth. He hates it when someone is persuted or discriminated against without a justifiable reason and even mixes in to defend him eventhough they usually disagree and even dislike each other. It is very telling to me!
Besides, he makes me laugh so much. I find it so generous of him to think at bringing people to laugh when he writes. A man with his sense of humor cannot cause harm anyone, so I believe.

Mishe, we never met BUT I hope we will one day and have our long contemplated Matango glass. I do not know those who are contending you're the worse man on Earth, but I know how I feel about you.
Having read most of the write-ups, I want to tell you tht I believe in ya innocence in this matter as my intuition and my belly feeeling tells me.

Keep it Bro and let not be disturbed by anything.

Ya peri frere.

Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : "Greg Takor [cameroon_politics]" <>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi 29 juillet 2015 5h45
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Re:Jean Bosco Tagne//JESUSMAN, PAT NDEP / ALLOTEY EMMANUEL

I am baffled by this episode. I need someone to answer this question. If Alley is the person as Pat Ndep, as it is being alleged, why would Allotey complain that he is being smeared by Pat.Ndep? It is illogical to me. I haver met Allotey, but I believe he is sane and of a sound mind. When I last questioned the accuracy of their findings, Pa Fru Ndeh bristled. That led me to believe that their findings were inconclusive or just plain wrong. I am not a computer guru, but I cannot believe that Allotey is the same person as Pat Ndep. The mirage Pat Ndep is still out there unmasked and the computer gurus should dig further to uncover who the real Pat Ndep is.

On Tue, 7/28/15, [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re:Jean Bosco Tagne//JESUSMAN, PAT NDEP / ALLOTEY EMMANUEL
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 6:34 PM


Franchise Professor Dr. Jean Bosco
You came out
smoking like a CHIMNEY. The anger that you
have exhibited in your
e-mail below, trust me, many, many in these forums and in
our community do have
that same sentiments, anger and hatred toward Mishe Fon
Lucas or should I
say at Mishe
Fon Lucas.  I
think he deserves a little bit of your whoopings (Teachable
Even some Mishe
Fon's worst
enemies who would like to see him being eliminated because
of their previous bad
experiences with Mishe Fon Lucas, say, his is a green snake
in a green grass and
that in the matter of PatNdep, he continues to put his print
out there and makes
himself the biggest fool, gossiper and the biggest idiot in
community.  Some told me "Sango Mot'a Muenya, 
is Golden"
Only in these
two forums
alone, look at the people that Mishe Fon has had some very
serious problems
with; at least these are the few ones that I know of.  
count,  late Microwave Jacob Nguni, then he turned around
himself to be a part of the planning committee for
Micro's funeral
arrangements; as if things were not green snake enough,
he went underground
and used the now famous pseudo name PATNDEP and asked me, who
made me the official
spokes person for Micro's funeral
arrangements.  Wonders shall never
end. This is someone who comes around me every time in an
occasion for me to
take pictures of him and sometimes his wife but turns
around and says I get
excited taking pictures of him!! "NDON"
like they say in pidgin English.

Okay, back to the count of people
that this green snake Mishe Fon
has had bitter vehement Internet fights with: Late
Microwave, Ba Sango Samuel
king Etongwe, Sessekou Christmas Ebini, Pastor brother
Awasom, Prince Dr. Hamilton Ayuk, Franchise Professor, Dr.
Jean Bosco
Tagne, Professor Billy Mukoi, Fine Girl Ms. Evelyn Joe, Ms.
Samira Edimesumbe,
Dr. Emmanuel
Konde, some of his sisters in law who
call him empty vessel, (he knows whom
I am talking
about) and Mishe Fon

If this Mishe Fon
could attempt to tarnish, assassinate the character of a
very good God
fearing man, Prince Dr. Hamilton Ayuk as a PEDOPHIER, then, what can he
not do.

Folks, I do drink
or smoke, even if Mishe Fon
Lucas were a
woman with P, Mishe Fon
Lucas would not be my kind of woman, trust me.
>>>>Got the
fricking nerves to say I get excited when I see him.
"God scratch matches Satan
smoke cigarette".
 I had warned you that
some people have
begged on your behalf for me to spare the heck out of you;
stay tuned, if you
As much as I
feel like humiliating this Mishe Fon in the public very
badly, but he has
family, and let us take that into consideration. So,
therefore, regrettably,
folks, I will call on all and Sundry not to insult Mishe Fon
but to bring him to
order regarding his way of
Mishe Fon,
I swear to God, you
have just messed with the wrong person. Those Bakweri camp
boys and Muea market
women who may be gossiping with you should have told
you better about me.
After all, by your own testimony you were warned before by
them, correct? You
ain't seen shiitttt yet.
Maitre Martin
Tumasang, trust me, I have better things to do but be rest
assured that I
will address all of Mishe Fon's e-mails.

Mot'a Muenya
A member in
good standing in the


In a message dated 7/28/2015 3:11:21 P.M. Eastern
Daylight Time, writes:

am the victim here and I am doing everything to prove that
we are dealing with
a very sick human being who will go to any length to
destroy his perceived
enemies. I think I got part of the puzzle resolved by
revisiting a few of our
exchanges here online. "

See who
is talking? Really?
Who don't remember this IDIOT also call Munyuh munyuh
telling all of you that
I was Jean-MarK Soboth etc. That I came to his house and
took pictures

With all
that he really thing
we can believe the CRAP he is saying about Allotey? The
man is really a
nuisance and shouldn't be trusted by anyone. In fact
he is very dangerous and
many from the late Nguni to the "flower girl" in
the UK not counting many
others have said this...

He will
hide behind his
writings to "destroy his perceived enemies"
particularly when he is eying a
woman and cannot get what he want. You should RUN FAST
when you see that LUCAS
around. Will give Allotey my glass and come back take it
and finish my drink
but not this EVIL Lucas Fon.


On Tuesday,
July 28, 2015 2:32 PM,
"Jesusman [camnetwork]"
<> wrote:



By the
way, pleases address me
properly. I  am either Dr. Hamilton Ayuk (official), or
Jesusman (email
name) , Or St Arrey of Ntenako (sobriquet/pen-name), but
you cannot use all
three at the same time. You have to economize my titles

I am so sorry
to have misread your mail. I did not realize that you were
the one who asked
him to apologize. Methought he asked you to
apologize. Mishe Fon,
knowing who used Pat Ndep is very important to me, so if I
have written
anything, I have done so out of no bias. 

I did not realize
that he had used other names. I remember D
Minard. Mishe Fon, do
you have any proofs? 

Allotey should explain
himself if he has been caught using these

then, I want you to know
that I have no rancor against your person. 



"This world
is phony: if my enemies heard that
I have killed
a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I
killed a
mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend
has used 4 days to
catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he
caught a
shark." (Hamilton Ayuk).


 "Only a man cursed to die a
violent death
challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton
"Idle people
write, idler people read,
and idlest people read and whine that idle people are
taking their time."
(Hamilton Ayuk)

"When a people
have suffered for too long, they will drink
fairytales on fairylands

with insatiable
gullibility." (Hamilton

"He who speaks
out before the system
kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks
out only after the
system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for
conscience." Hamilton

"Mishe Fon [camnetwork]"
<>; Cameroon Politics
<>; Accdf Accdf
<>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup
Sent: Tuesday, July 28,
2015 10:29 AM
Subject: [camnetwork]


Sessekou Dokta Prince
Jesusman Ayuk Ntenako Saint Arrey Hamilton

I don't
know where you heard
that I apologized. On the contrary, I called Mr. Allotey
privately and
asked for an apology from him (for this matter to be
buried) no questions
asked. He refused and we are where we are now. I am the
victim here and I am
doing everything to prove that we are dealing with a very
sick human being who
will go to any length to destroy his perceived enemies. I
think I got part of
the puzzle resolved by revisiting a few of our exchanges
here online. Prince
Jesusman, put on your intelligent cap for just one minute
and forget your
biases, scorn and hate towards my person. What will
push any NORMAL to
reply to their own email using a pseudonym? This
fellow writes as HELEN
names that I have
revealed and I will continue to uncover ..when there is no
writing to PRAISE himself. If you don't see something
wrong with that, I do.
What is one person doing with so many emails using fake
names. Be objective
for once as a former Pastor. By the
way, why does he
always include the names of everyone in his phone book
(without prior
authorization) in his emails? Not everyone wants their

was/is the Moderator of
the various "Bakweri E-Groups" and is
intelligent enough to know how to
manipulate subscription into the groups. He might have
come into Camnet as
himself just a few years ago but he has been in America
for more than forty
years. What stopped him from registering as D Minard or
Mysterious Pandemonium
simply to "Attack and Disappear". Who even told
you he was not on Camnet? Not
everyone on Camnet writes but most read.

My anger with
this whole
brouhaha is WHY ME? His daughter (highly publicized by the
dad here) ran for
Miss Cameroon and lost. How is that a big deal? Why does
he want to traumatize
the young lady with this nonsense? (By the way, this is a
young accomplished
beautiful lady who is in Pharmacie school in Tennessee.) 
If he is
disgruntled that his "FRIENEMY" Dan's
daughter won...Why does he have to use
me as collateral damage to settle his scores? He can write
a formal letter to
the Panel of Judges to express his disappointment and why
he thinks his
daughter should have been declared the 2015 Miss Cameroon
winner. Why did he
gratuitously smear my character by going to the Dan family
and feeding them
with this egregious LIE that Mishe Fon is Pat Ndep? Was my
own daughter
contesting? What is this rubbish? I am troubled because I
am very close to
this family where the children call me "Uncle".
Who does stuff like this if
that individual is not sick? I even feel like throwing up.

I am now
guessing that another
reason for his anger might have been sparked by this email
where I agreed with
the same "Pat Ndep" repudiating the said Allotey
for using Microwave's death
to promote his candidacy for FAKO Presidency, Treasurer,
Chief Whip or
whatever. I am certain he did not appreciate me telling
him the truth.

Mon, 27 Apr 2015
14:27:34 +0000
Subject: Re: [camnetwork]
Jacob Nguni "CHANGE HAS
COME" Dedicated To You My Friend By Tata Kinge


Nimo Rosemary "Mami
I think Mrs.
Patricia AKA Pat Ndep is 120% right. Mr. Allotey should
not use a
sad situation like the one at hand, juxtaposing it with
his campaign to
be Fako USA President. Nobody stops him from pushing his
agenda" to become the leader of his community BUT
"Jamboxing" his
"electrifying electronic campaign propaganda"
with this particular sad
event (which is still so fresh in everyone's psyche),
sparks a lot of cavalier
self-serving insensitivity. I think Mr. All otey is
better than that and
should retract with automatic alacrity.
My three cents.
Ta Mfar Mishe

From: "Rosemary
[camnetwork] Jacob Nguni "CHANGE HAS COME"
Dedicated To You My Friend By Tata


Pat, it is not
like that na.Going down memory lane is the only way
to immortalize the
dead.If people visited during his time of sickness,
at least that shows
he was surrounded by caring
May he
RIP and enjoy
eternal happiness.
I will
miss him.He
gave me the name mami
from Yahoo Mail on

[camnetwork]" <>
Date:Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 10:23 PM
Subject:Re: [camnetwork] Jacob
"CHANGE HAS COME" Dedicated To You
My Friend By Tata


As usual, some would never pass on the opportunity
piggyback on a dead celebrity to foster
their popularity and
dubious agenda. Every picture must
depict a sick and ailing
Jacob and a smiling parasite.


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