Re: [MTC Global] How to Manage Quality of Research at Higher Education ?

Gone those days when  a very very few could venture for PhD mostly for knowledge, maturity and for developing reasoning power.

Since a decade or so, PhD is mandatory to be Associate Professor or Professor. Those who can earn it. It is simply for promotion. Most of the PhDs in India are stagnant, dead. PhD degree paper  in hand s enough. I know a few PhDs who have done PhDs in Manufacturing from a university located in non-industrial area under the supervisor hardly of 40 years with only BE qualification, in another case for measuring tip tools wear a dial gauge is used, in one PhD on six-sigma many pages are devoted to CPM/PERT, a PhD in OR cannot add up 10 numbers of 3 digits.....

In a country where degree means a licence to get a job, what else one can expect from such outcome? 


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Kuldeep Nagi
Sent: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 16:36:36
To: "">
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] How to Manage Quality of Research at Higher Education ?
It has been mentioned many times in this forum that our educational system has turned degrees into ornaments. Our society has created norms where we need a degree as one's qualification to get married, get a job, have a status or just look good in our society. Lately, you have heard about many politicians having fake degrees.
Last year I was asked by a university in South India to be on a panel to evaluate 2 PhDs in the field of education. While working in USA I never came across a PhD with 100 Hypothesis and 100 Assumptions. I asked the advisers to suggest their students to cut it down to 10-15. Well, it is not research, they said. We got to evaluate every possible variable. I had to reply to the advisers "how many symptoms we need to declare a person dead?
I must say that most PhD in Social Sciences, Arts and Education, etc., are nothing more than careful compilations. Some people jokingly call such degrees as Pile High and Deep (PHD). Cheers
  Kuldeep Nagi, PhD

Bangkok, Thailand


Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 12:15:06 +0530
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] How to Manage Quality of Research at Higher Education ?

Quality of PhDs is mystery since a long. Earlier the faculty and supervisors were some what committed to reasonably useful research. But today, so called  academic cartels are involved in the business of getting doctoral degrees---whether its a state or private university--every were traces of this phenomenon could be seen. A majority of PhD dissertations are bullshits. The system needs to be transparent and quality research must get due recognition. UGC and other institutions must come forward for enhancement of quality in research., not merely by notifying procedure for phds. For many universities, now, PhD becomes source of revenue through diluted research degree. 

On 4 July 2015 at 08:55, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:
Quality of research is solely dependent upon the goal (s) set for obtaing PhD.

PhD is mandatory for the post of Associate Professor and Professor in the Pay Band of 6th Pay Scale of Rs. 37400-67000 pm basic. PhD in Engineering was a rare phenomenon till yesterday but now it has shot up drastically. UGC has set the process of PhD. In order to obtain PhD several (ill) practices on a large scale are being followed like examiners, guide of our choice, cost of favor, etc. For instance, in a university located in non-industrial zone,  2 PhDs are turned in Manufacturing (1999-2002), the guide was a young man of 40-45 yrs with only BE qualification, the PhD thesis on six-sigma sometimes in 2006-07 is just a submission, a PhD thesis, 1999, guide is just for signing purpose, work guided by some one  else, 400 pages thesis, no contribution, in one PhD thesis wear on tool-tips was recorded by dial gauges. I had been PhD examiner for universities located in south India and Maharashtra, 1997-200, since, I did not yield to the pressures by candidates and universities, neither I was given honorarium nor reimbursement of postal charges and almost blacklisted! Nevertheless, I do agree that there are lot many good PhD submission but most others "Chalao". Over the last 2-3 decades the PhD quality is deteriorating speedily in-spite of UGC regulations.

May be a few pursue PhD for knowledge, contribution, many others for only promotion. Most of the PhDs are stagnant or dead. Eminent work is hardly checked, only PhD degree is enough! I have come across one PhD in OR, who even could not add 10 numbers of 3 digits!

However, I do not mean to look down PhD holders. The only worry is it has no social relevance. Can anybody guess the actual contribution by IITs/IIMs/NITs/Universities to the field-applications?

We need to change our mind set. Quality is free but is built in the process and in the minds of scholars and research students.

Unless, we do not have right goals and right means, there is no pint crying in the name of quality. Quality resides in my and your mind, within us. Challeng it!


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta" <>
Sent: Fri, 03 Jul 2015 10:31:37
To: <>
Subject: [MTC Global] How to Manage Quality of Research at Higher Education ?

How to Manage Quality of Research at Higher Education ?

Dr. Ramesh Gupta, D. Lit

To improve the standard of Ph.D. programme, one of the most essential elements is that the Topic allotted to a Research Scholar should be original and there should not be duplication or any repetition of any research work being done presently at other Indian Universities. However, the problem arises when simultaneously same topic is registered at two or more Universities at the same time, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Unfortunately, there is no Central Registration Agency which can provide data before registration of a particular topic whether same topic or same topic in a modified form is being pursued at some other University or not.

In order to improve quality of research work for Ph.D. programme, UGC should be pursued to create a Cell where information from all the Indian Universities regarding registrations of topics in a particular subject for Ph.D. is available at the initial stage of research. As soon as P.G. Board of Studies of a University clears a topic, it should be sent to UGC and only after clearance from UGC, student should be finally registered for Ph.D.

Alternatively, universities can also take some initiative of their own in this direction by setting up a Cell in their Libraries where all the information regarding registration of topics in a particular subject of all the Universities is collected from internet and websites of different Universities and also by requesting them personally. Information so received should be then fed in the computers and supplied to the Chairperson of the Department concerned, much before the process of registration of Ph.D. candidates begins. I believe even this single step will prevent repetition of topics to a large extent.

Evaluation System of a Ph.D. thesis:-

The Evaluation System of a Ph.D. thesis is the root cause of our abysmally low standard of research. Unfortunately, many students who have no aptitude for research, are first admitted to a Ph.D. programme and worse still, acquire the degree dirt cheap because the thesis are sent to their supervisor's friend/colleague/contemporary for evaluation.

In most of the Universities, including Kurukshetra University, the supervisors themselves suggest the names of Ph.D. examiners. The supervisor always looks for safe examiners, and if he does not know any, he takes the help of his colleague(s) to procure the names of such safe examiners. Basically, the policy is, 'You scratch my back, I will scratch yours'. As a result of this (mal) practice, the supervisor has a casual approach and does not take much interest in scrutinizing the thesis of his student because he knows that irrespective of the quality of the Ph.D. thesis, the student will get the work approved as it is going to be evaluated by his friend. Some examiners even dare to evaluate the Ph.D. thesis, which is not at all related to their field of specialization. This disastrous approach is the main cause of our mediocre Ph.D. degrees as the supervisor is not bothered about the rejection of the thesis. One can find many such thesis adorned by cobwebs in our libraries, which do not deserve to be there at all.

Something serious has to be done with the evaluation system if we really want to improve our standard. Firstly, the supervisor should not be involved at any stage, in selecting the panel of the examiners. This will make the supervisor work harder and take the Ph.D. thesis of his student more seriously. Secondly, there should be a centralized system of evaluation. The UGC can play a major role in this direction. It should build a data bank of all specialized serious and good workers in the country who can act as examiners of a Ph.D. thesis. The Universities should send the Ph.D. thesis to the UGC, from where it will be mailed to at least two examiners by masking the names of student, supervisor and their affiliations. Alternatively, universities can have its own data bank and pool of examiners from where Vice-Chancellor can pick names of any two examiners in a particular subject without bringing it to the knowledge of Chairperson or Supervisor. The evaluation should be strictly on merit. At times rejection of a Ph.D. thesis would serve the purpose because either the supervisors will start taking things seriously or they will stop guiding any Ph.D. student. It is better to produce only a few good quality theses than to have a number of feeble thesis.

Hiding Identity of Supervisor and candidates:-
Right from Matriculation Exam to M.A. Examination, Identity of Examinees is kept Secret from the Examiners. However, it is strange that in such an important examination like that of Ph.D. and M.Phil, Identity of candidates is not kept Secret from the Examiners of Ph.D. Thesis/M.Phil Dissertation. Not only are these, even the Names of Supervisors boldly printed on the Title of Thesis/Dissertations. As a result, most of the Examiners do not evaluate the Thesis/Dissertation but write Reports/Award Grades proportionately to the status of the Supervisor. Generally, if Supervisor happens to be a Dean/Chairperson, his candidates get Excellent Reports for Ph.D. Thesis and Awarded highest Grades for M.Phil Dissertations.

While sending Ph.D. Thesis/M.Phil Dissertations for Evaluation to External Examiners, Identity of both Supervisor as well as candidates should be kept a closely guarded secret.

Video Recording of Viva-Voce of Ph.D. Candidates
To improve quality of Higher Research, Video Recording of Viva-Voce of Ph.D. Candidates is a must. If Viva-Voce of Ph.D. candidate is excellent, then the video recording of such a Viva-Voce will help future candidates for Ph.D. to learn and to improve their own performance. In some cases where Ph.D. Candidates in connivance with their Supervisor and external examiner indulge in malpractices then Video Recording of Viva-Voce will act as a deterrent.

Best Regards,

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President- MTC Global

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