Re: [MTC Global] Predictions of Dr. Clay Christernsen and Dr. Richard Lyons : Higher Education

I believe and experienced the transfer of knowledge from person to person just by blessing.Both the parties should be ready to transfer and receive, this is the old gurukul knowledge transfer.Nothing to beat it. Actually everyone knows everything it is the matter of realization, this is initiated by blessings of the GURU, in olden days vedas were recited by students in matter of 1-2 years this is the technique followed.
I have used it for so many years and still do. For example needy children who have done nothing till date are initiated to do Business courses. Children with no background in maths or science are doing and graduating engineering courses. Just the guru needs to love and have a big heart to give this blessings and the student is receptive mode will receive however far, the gap between the giver and receiver.
shankar Iyer

On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:

The bold predictions of Dr. Clay Christensen and Dr. Richard Lyons that half of the colleges and business schools could cease to exist within a few short years. Christensen is an eminent scholar at the Harvard Business School whose research on disruptive innovation is finding application in the higher education arena. Lyons is the dean of the University of California at Berkeley Haas School of Business. Christensen states that up to half of the colleges in America might fail within 15 years. Lyons is predicting an even faster demise in the number of business schools – predicting half will fail within 5-10 years (referring mainly to MBA programs).


What are the drivers behind the predictions of high institutional failure rates by Christensen and Lyons? The current tenuous financial situation of many colleges and universities already suggests that failure is imminent for some. Moody's has an overall negative outlook on higher education with 10% of institutions already considered to be in severe financial distress. The key disruptive force that threatens the financial viability of colleges and universities is technology. And the greatest threat is to those institutions of less than elite status that have invested heavily in bricks and mortar and rely on enrollment growth to cover the debt expenses incurred to finance their infrastructure.


In such a situation, we need more innovations in higher education to engage students , exploring new financial model, managing processes and deliver values. Request reflections ……..



Best Regards,

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President- MTC Global

An Apex Global Advisory Body in Management Education


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