Re: [MTC Global] UGC asks VC to refrain from outsourcing of PhD

I do not agree to the idea of foreign examiners.That would appear to be a colonial attitude.Why to moot the idea of foreign examiners evaluating the
     thesis prepared by a researcher in India.There is a need for a debate on ther latest circular of UGC dated 6th July.It appears that UGC officials 
     have not taken the ground reality into account of vacant faculty positions in all the Universities.It should prevail upon the governments in all states
     to fill the vacant positions.Quality research also entails adequate infrastructure as well.     A.K.Paricha.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:52 PM, 'Dr. PARAG NARKHEDE' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <> wrote:
Agree with Prof Virendrakumar....
but my question is how to define foreign examiner.... what about nearby countries like Bangladesh, Shrilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan.
I do think in the same line but inclusion of foreign examiner can only increase headache and cost to the researcher.

Dr.Parag Arun Narkhede(BE, MBA, Ph.D.)
Asst. Professor
Institute of Management & Research,
Jalgaon 425001  
Affiliated to North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Approved by AICTE & UGC, New Delh
Life member AIMA, New Delhi
Life Member  AIMS International, USA
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From: "'Vijendra Kumar' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2015 10:23 AM

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] UGC asks VC to refrain from outsourcing of PhD

Dear Prabhakar Sir,
To improve quality in Ph.D's.
Scrap all obsolete rules and regulations like M.E., M.Sc First class, second class, etc. Avail Ph,D to all aspirants after their post graduation. But Have following rules.
Every research scholar has to have minimum two research papers published as a principal author prior to apply for the  Ph.D., It can be either in international peer reviewed conferences or peer reviewed journals.
Keep entrance exam on research methodologies for all aspirants (it is already there).
The Scholar must have research paper presented and published in national or international conferences every year after his enrolement for Ph.D. If the scholar is taking only three years to do his Ph,D., he will have only 3 presented papers followed by publication in the peer reviewed conference proceedings or peer reviewed journals. If the scholar is taking seven years to complete his Ph.D, he will have seven presentations and publications.
Prior to submission of thesis, a soft copy of the thesis has to be uploaded to University website or some other website controlled by UGC to be viewed by any authorised Log in scholars or professors for their legitimate  comments on the research. The guide has to make sure these comments are attended by the scholar.
Scrap guide's evaluation of thesis and later defense evaluation. Keep minimum one foreign examiner for all Ph.D thesis evaluation.
Guide has to have minimum five research papers presented and published prior to be eligible for guidance. Scrap only post graduate teachers to be a guide.
Prof. Vijendra Kumar S.K.
Assistant Professor & Counseling Psychologist
Centre for counseling and career guidance
PES University

On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 8:15 AM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:

Universities had designed the eligibility criteria for PhD supervisors 6-8 decades ago and can be seen reflected in 1974 University Acts also. It cannot be denied that because of the 6th Pay Scales and PhD qualification mandatory for the post of Associate Professor and Professor, obviously one will  try to attain PhD qualification. The same pay band of Rs 37400-67000 pm is prescribed  for the posts of AssociateProfessor, Professor and Principal/Director but a little difference in AGP (Rs 1000 or so). I understand the same pay band is prescribed for Divisional Commissioner also or so. 

 I know a case where a plain BE of about 40 years old worked as PhD guide during 1999 or so and produced 2-3 PhDs in Mechanical Engineering, a total violation of PhD rules. I know another case where a pass class BE (Mech) (mind well the candidate was not even pass in third class, 1985) was allowed for both ME and PhD, again a violation of the Act Provisions. These are the examples of the period when ME/M Tech was the highest qualification. With PhD becoming mandatory and revised 6th Pay scales have compelled to earn PhD, giving rise many undesirable practices including sale of PhD degrees. The universities though autonomous could not arrest the rapidly increasing malpractices. And then probably UGC came into picture.

The main issue is are we going to assure quality of our PhDs or not?  On one hand we cry for fast deteriorating quality of education and on the other we allow substandard PhDs!

Do you find anything objectionable in UGC Circular?

From: "Dr.Sweta Banerjee. ">
Sent: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 23:20:36
To: "">
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] UGC asks VC to refrain from outsourcing of PhD
Dear Profs,

I have gone through the entire Regulation of UGC Regulation, 2009 and in the Eligibility Clause for M.Phil/Ph.D Supervisor the points mentioned are:
That the universities shall lay down the criteria for the faculty to be recognised as Research Supervisor for both M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes.
 There are two other points in this clause but I am restricting the discussion in the light of the confusion with the new guidelines the UGC is discerning Regarding selection of research guides for M.Phil/ Ph.D.

Best Regards.
Dr. Sweta Banerjee
Associate Professor 
Pad. D.Y. Patil Institute of Management Studies

On Monday, July 13, 2015, Arockia Raj <> wrote:> wrote:
Its really a confusing statement as in 2009 PhD directives no were it is mentioned that the supervisor and scholar should be from same university. UGC has given the power to universities to frame the policy as a matter of fact supervisor should be in payroll (regular)of any university and having a 5 research paper but after getting the letter chaos created amongst scholar what to do now.
I request you all learned academician to please throw some light in this issue.
My questions are as follows
1. Can any research scholar of private university choose a guide from other university , as all private university not have much PhD to guide.
2. What is the fate of scholars who are already registered and about to complete their work.
3. If the gazette notification 2009 says like Mr Sandhu elaborated than what will happen to those whom PhD already awarded.
Please guide in this regard.     
On Jul 12, 2015 9:09 PM, "Amiya Paricha" <> wrote:> wrote:
I do agree with it..I think research work in social science  should be based on at least monthly grant/remuneration or allowances only to motivate both research scholars and their supervisory like pure science stream... a person doing research  must come out with implementable framework or model for the benefit of society, nation and world.

Dr. Chiranjib kumar

Sent from my Windows Phone

Sent: ‎11-‎07-‎2015 09:25

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] UGC asks VC to refrain from outsourcing of PhD

It';s a open secret lot of people in fact get the phd work done through outsourcing by paying lakhs. Bad but truth. There is lot of fire and smoke. University should increase guide fees and research grant. It';s like police taking bribe coz not enough salaries

Sent from my iPhone

On 10-Jul-2015, at 10:51 pm, "Prabhakar Waghodekar" <> wrote:

Outsourcing of PhD guide is a very delicate issue. This decision may lead to many undesirable practices though in the beginning it may give rosy picture. The reasons are:

1. Research will be an out-house activity, but control with be in-house. I have come across some examples where the guide is outsourced, not approved by the university because outsourced guide was not a regular faculty on roll, but provided space to sit in the college, used to conduct some specialized programmes for students on payment basis, the guide was the college faculty (in-house) who simply used to sign the PhD certificate for approval of thesis. I know at least 4 PhDs  in engineering turned out in this manner. I do know the outsourced guide is knowledgeable, but used as a tool by somebody.

2. Recently, I have come across a case, a senior faculty registered under PET 3 years ago, one guide from the parent university and other outsourced called co-guide. After 3 years, the outsourced guide is not willing to work as a guide bringing the scholar in tension.

3. Research in real sense is a strenuous work, guide has to exert extensively, e.g., my guide from IIT Kharagpur started assessing/editing my of PhD thesis in May 1984, and till the mid-Feb 1985 (the expiry of my deputation period) , my guide edited my work more than 10 times.

4. Research work entails meticulous literature survey, exhaustively working on the proposal of researcher that calls for continuous association with lab and/or library. I doubt to what extent this can be met by the outsourced guide, save a few exceptions
5. Outsourcing is a normal trend in production and service sectors. Such an outsourced, like, House Keeping, Security, ancillary units, etc., is mostly dealing with normal/routine tasks. Outsourcing for PhD is for conceptual part of contribution. Moreover, once we get accustomed to outsourced PhDs, what contribution is expected from in-house research faculties? There is every possibility, after some passing some period, outsourcing will be a rule, in-house faculty working only as regulatory agency. I recall a case: a sweeper, cleaning the streets, getting around Rs 10000 pm pay appointed in a Municipal Corporation (1995) used to appoint another sweeperfor cleaning the streets in his place on payment of Rs. 4000 pm.

6. Let me quote another example, one so called a rare faculty in Management Sciences turned over 200 PhDs in Management, the faculty crossed 65 or so years of age already.

7. If we assure that, say, after 5 years the number of outsourced guides will be reduced to zero but complete onus will on in-house faculty holding them accountable, then perhaps outsourced guides may be a boon.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Dr R P Singh <>
Sent: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 19:57:22
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] UGC asks VC to refrain from outsourcing of PhD
Dear all,
The concern of govt and UGC for quality of research in universities is natural keeping the present status of research in view.
However, the issue of outsourcing is a bit debatable. In pure science and social science subjects, local faculty may be adequate as research guide. But in Management Education, in addition to conceptual knowledge, practical exposure to the research subject is necessary condition to be an effective guide for quality research.
This incidentally is not necessarily available in-house in all the universities. Outside support as guide or co-guide is, therefore, a must. The issues of research in management discipline probably need to be dealt with separately.
Dr R P Singh
Head HR , J K Cement
Fellow and Past President, ISTD
Mb 9829853910
Sent from my Cyanogen phone
On 10 Jul 2015 16:41, Rajendra Deshpande <> wrote:
Dear All,

The Move is ok and well accepted.
But we all know in Management education the action happens
outside the academia unlike other faculties.
To strengthen the Industry // academia interactions
innovation and creativity it is necessary to involve
outsiders . Only then quality research will take place.

More than 70% of research today takes place today to fulfill
Academic criterion which may or may not add current pool of knowledge.
How ill relevant research take place and resources devoted be
utilized efficiently if we do not allow people who have immense expertise
and experience in Research?


/PhD.Fellowat Central University.
School Of .Gandhian Thought.
+91 9326354999

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed the Vice Chancellors of all universities across the country to ensure that the research supervisors for guiding MPhil/PhD students are allocated from amongst the regular faculty members at the university teaching department or its affiliated PG colleges/institutes.
"It has come to the notice of the UGC that some universities are hiring the services of the supervisors who do not happen to be regular teachers of those universities or their affiliated PG colleges/institutes for awarding MPhil/PhD degrees. This practice is in violation of the UGC (minimum standards and procedure for awarding MPhil/PhD) Regulations, 2009," maintains a UGC communiqué.
The communiqué, shot off on July 6 by Dr Jaspal S Sandhu, UGC Secretary, clarifies that any PhD/MPhil degree awarded by a university under the supervision of a supervisor who is not a faculty member of the university or its affiliated PG colleges/institutes would be in violation of the UGC Regulations. It warns the Vice Chancellors/officials concerned that any violation of the regulations would be dealt with seriously.
The step comes after a representation on the "outsourcing of PhDs" submitted to the UGC authorities by Prof SPS Dahiya, head of the department of English and foreign languages at MDU here. "I am grateful to the UGC authorities for issuing the clarification in the larger academic interest," said Prof Dahiya, who had also moved the Supreme Court regarding the matter.
Dr Raj Kumar, president of the Haryana Federation of University and College Teachers Organisations (HFUCTO), has also welcomed the UGC move.
Dr Raj Kumar had also submitted a representation to the UGC authorities in this regard in 2013, pointing out how many private universities across the country were flouting the UGC regulations by allowing a researcher to work for his PhD at any university/institute across the country under the guidance of teachers of other universities. In certain cases, the research supervisors were from outside the country, reportedTribune.

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Visionary Edupreneur, Founder & President
MTC Global: An Apex Global Advisory
Body in Management Education
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