This CPDM Ben Muna should go and speak in the Court of law ----Re: CPDM Citizen Cardinal Tumi & Mr. Ben Muna are Speaking

This foolish propaganda can only be posted by you .  Since Ben Muna and his father were born, they have been speaking for themselves. This time we have to speak for ourselves and nobody who spoke for themselves will be allowed to speak on our behalf again because they never represented us. KEEP UP WITH YOUR CPDM NO IMPORT DUTY CONTAINERS TO DOUALA while others are paying taxes. We know that Ben Muna and Cardinal Tumi are CPDM.

Traitors ! Cardinal Tumi enjoyed his life in Douala and is retired in Doula and who are they fooling?
They criticize Paul Biya before God's people but vote for him in their bathrooms and private rooms where nobody can see them  ! When he was in office he could not speak and now that he is retired he can speak! He had all the power and authority from God to lead a revolution against that system but he condoned. He condoned , I mean Cardinal Tumi.

Ben Muna should stop crying over spilk milk. His father sold us for personal riches and newspaper appearances will never alter the truth. Is he not supposed to be in court filing lawsuits against Paul Biya for hijacking the will of the people in 2001 ? This is a man who changes the Ciuntry's constitution at will and yet you have lawyers and Judges who cannot stand to this tyrant called Paul Biya. REGIME CHANGE IS COMING TO CAMEROON AND TIME WILL TELL .

Speaking ? How many Priests and Pastors have been murdered by John B Ndeh and Paul Biya, Simon Achidi Achu in Cameroon under the Watch of Ben Muna who is a lawyer? They are afraid to sue Paul Biya and yet claim to know how to solve the problems of Cameroon. Joh n B Ndeh connived with gangs and murdered the Pastor of PC Ntamulung and her we have a lawyer making noise !

If he cannot sue Fru Ndi or Paul Biya, then what is he speaking about ? Let him go and speak in Court .
Jonathan Awasom The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <>
To: Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 10:33 PM
Subject: Citizen Cardinal Tumi & Mr. Ben Muna are Speaking

It was about time that Citizen Cardinal Tumi speak up EN DIRECTE.

Mr. Ben Muna is also SAYING IT LOUDER & CLEARER.

The SPIRIT is moving, I tell you.  The Momentum has been building and continues.

The PAAWCE SPIRIT.  "Nuff Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh
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