Hello Mis "Pat Ndep,"
It would NOT make any difference to the audience if I wrote the following;
"If I were a barrister-at-law...."
You highlight the conjugation of the verb "to be" because you are incapable of comprehending the power of colloquialism in linguistics. Syntax can sometimes be manipulated or intentionally slanted for purposes of adaptation to environment. Camnet is a casual environment.
Now Ms. Pat Ndep, what would you say about the syntax in the following sentence structure in BEV?
"I ain't no wussy coward masquerading under a pseudonym?
What are your thoughts about that sentence in Ebonics?
P/s. Since no one here knows who you are, I'm assuming that Pat Ndep is female.
Or homosexual, playing the role of a girl. No offense intended.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 2, 2015, at 12:34 PM, "Paddy patndep@yahoo.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
<<if i was a barrister-at-law>> samwhere is that bonehead gecko who thinks he knows english grammar.patty"Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village"
From: "Sam invictusam.leadershipro@gmail.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>
To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "accdf@yahoogroups.com" <accdf@yahoogroups.com>; "orokonet@yahoogroups.com" <orokonet@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2015 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED
My dear Dr. Martin Tumasang,Thank you so much for the thoughtful conclusion.In my humble opinion, you are one of the most distinguished African scholars or philosophers in the discipline of Jurisprudence/Law. And I have always respected your well considered opinions even when we disagree on salient matters. If I was a Barrister-at-Law I would seek passionately, to be like you because you are not just good, you are great.How is life in Nigeria or did you move back to UK? Ha!Thanks again, sir.Sam
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 2, 2015, at 2:57 AM, "Martin Tumasang tumasangm@hotmail.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Good Clarification from our own Sam Esale. I think the issue is resolved in his favour.
CC: ambasbay@googlegroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; accdf@yahoogroups.com; orokonet@yahoogroups.com
From: invictusam.leadershipro@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 02:25:43 -0400
To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.comNi Manu,Thanks.Please, Don't pay attention to Lucas. The man is trying very hard to clear his already soiled name! Mishe Fon has lost his mind under pressure. That is the sign of a very weak character.Another huge gap in Lucas Mishe Fon's lame and porous hypothesis is Linking Sam Esale to a September 2008 posting that originated from Stone Valley-Georgia. Only a fool or lunatic would mistake Stone Valley-Georgia for Stone Mountain-Georgia. That error alone would discredit Mishe Fon's tale in any court of Law. Or is it plausible to claim that some of us are just illiterate or too lazy to think. Most intelligent investigators would verify IP addresses to ascertain the origin of an email. That is what Late Jacob Nguni aka Microwave would do. What is the correct IP address? Stone Valley or Stone Mountain? That is the most important clue to unravelling the saga. This is about logical thinking and Lucas missed it.Another issue is that the expression "whatchamacallit" is a typical Southern slang for "what can I call it?" It is a commonly used phrase in Ebonics or Black English Vernacular (BEV), just like "whodoneit". Sam Esale did not "invent" the expression because it was part of BEV lexicon before Sam's arrival in USA.These two errors which constitute the linchpin of Mishe Fon's hypothesis have unravelled or completely debunked Lucas' misinformation in this matter. How very sad!The final gap is context. But most folks are too lazy to think in those terms.BestSam
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 1, 2015, at 1:13 PM, "'Mannu T.' anomah007@yahoo.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:"It is actually with a very regretable disappointment that this unfortunate saga ends up betraying a "very respectable" (or so it seemed) member of our diaspora community. Reverend Pastor ESALE Samuel of Stone Valley, Georgia" (Mishe Fon)Hey! Mishe!.. Would you please cut out this nonsense. I can't believe that you of all persons would be pointing a finger at Pastor Sam Esale.No No No Mise Fon, Esale is way above that level and please for God sake don't go that route... OK!!!Manu
From: 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>
To: CAMNETWORK List <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; Cameroon Politics <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; Accdf Accdf <accdf@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2015 12:48 PM
--LADIES AND GENTLEMENI think it is only propoer that I extend my sincere and genuine apologies to Mr. Allotey Emmanuel for accusing him of being the face behind the mask. "Mr. Allotey, I am sorry, I made a mistake". This Pat Ndep phenomenon has defied all logic and has set too many families at each other's throats. The issue right now in my humble opinion is neither with Mishe Fon nor Mr. Allotey. I had already moved on to other pursuites BUT my instincts still pushed me back to understand how a single individual could elude recognition for so long; cause untoward suffering to so many innocent victims and continue unchallenged.Internally, I was interested in researching who exactly this fellow was because my name (for what ever reasons was associated with Pat Ndep's dark folies and carnage). To imagine that some of us drove twelve hours to Atlanta to grace his ordination as a Pastor defies all logic of human descency.Honestly, I now fully agree with the adage that there is no perfect crime.Just like a miracle, I fell on this 2008 gem of a mail or the karma of poetic justice:From: Patrick Kofi Uche <patndep@yahoo.com>
To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Obama Loses Black Votes
Those were your drug peddling years. You must miss the easy money that came with it. you this pot-smoking, drug peddler and adulterous jesusu-WHATCHAMACALLIT?
By the way: The origin of the mail is Stone Valley Georgia
For anyone who had been on Camnet long enough, you would agree with me that Reverend Pastor SAM ESALE was the "inventor" of the "Whatchamacallit" nonsense in his mails. I followed the trail. At that time Pastor Esale and to a certain extent Manu Tayong and Nanje Jackson (all based in Atlanta, Georgia) were having serious "Fights" with Pastor Jesusman Ayuk. It is actually with a very regretable disappointment that this unfortunate saga ends up betraying a "very respectable" (or so it seemed) member of our diaspora community. Reverend Pastor ESALE Samuel of Stone Valley, Georgia; I think a simple explanation to your numerous admirers will be in order. I know you are reading this mail as we speak...so over to you.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon
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