Re: Dr. Rev. Samuel Esale and "WHATCHAMACALLIT "Re: [camnetwork] @Mishefon: Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED

Hahahahahahaa Esale  it was only a matter of time for you to x-rayed and shamed in public. I would be surprised if you did come back n your usual arrogance to lie ! You cannot succeed as an evangelist with the kind of hatred you harbor against people whom you cannot even untie their lace in terms of  Pastoral ministry. False prophets like you think that you can be darkness and light at the sametime but the Holy Spirit cannot allow you to operate in the dark. It is on your conscience.

You have invested 48 hours here writing more than 4 pages and crying behind your Lordship for incriminating yourself.
I don't how you studied because your arguments really portray some flaws in your research skills.
It was really funny how you would come back after being exposed to ridicule yourself in public with
all sorts of lame excuses and incoherent reasoning. You are lucky I have not graded you except
stated that the difference between Dr. Rev. Sam Esale and Rev. Dr. Hamilton Ayuk.
You have been properly graded by being reduced to an illogical fellow. If you follow the principle of logical reasoning and motive, then I will have no reason to be disguising because I a not an impostor. You are scared of identifying with your own vomit because many of you like to establish a façade of  sanity whereas you are indeed a hollow man. If you were happy with a degree in Leadership you won't be desperate to be an evangelist when it is not even befitting of your type. You had hoped that I keep quiet because you now that my take on this matter would be the last nail on your coffin of mediocrity

Hahahahaa , when did  you  study theology ? For how long were you  trained?  Where did  you  do your internship to qualify as a Pastor? When Sam Esale heard that Jesusman  was a Pastor and I don't even want to include myself because his greatest threat has been the Rev. Dr Hamilton Ayuk, well read, scholar and publisher, he developed spiritual cardiac arrest and somersaulted into a comatose for 24 hours. Then he entered into hell and came back with fake dossiers , corrupted the other one at their small church and began citing the scriptures as a lay person. When the novice exposed his illiteracy in biblical interpretation , lack of theological  insights and contextual application,  it was quite evident to those of us who had been there professionally. He quickly took on the title of Pastor and convinced many of this forum that he was the new evangelist in town. He was showered praises by Manu Tayong, the shortsighted arch enemy of the renowned Jesusman and each of his attack against us  meant a red feather in the cap of  the false prophet! Well, I told you people a long time ago. I had discerned and seen the devil in cassock and the anointed one cautioned all of you, you thought I was  joking.   Never seen anything like since I was born !

A man is caught red handed and instead of apologizing he spent over 48 hours trying to debunk his own folly.

It is never too late to repent and change from your ways before it is too late

Jonathan Awasom The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: "Sam [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Rev. Samuel Esale and "WHATCHAMACALLIT "Re: [camnetwork] @Mishefon: Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED

Jonathan Awasom,

Your write up is too long, winding and boring, to say the least.
And some folks here, including DJ Eric have actually suggested that Jonathan Awasom and PatNdep are the same person. Your response to that accusation was weak, although no one here cared to follow up. DJ Eric may be after all.

I personally don't think that you are qualified to grade either Hamilton Ayuk or Sam Esale in our spirituality. That assignment is way above your pay grade. By the way, what gives you the impression that I'm in competition with Hamilton? The man is my friend even when we disagree in public. And we have always agreed to disagree without being disagreeable. People like Jonathan and Lucas are prone to sowing seeds of discord. That's your MO.

I've never been particularly interested in your write ups. They're hardly worth my time.

Have a nice day, Jonny boy,

Evangelist Sam Esale 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2015, at 11:13 AM, "Jonathan Awasom [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Dear Dr. Rev. Samuel Esale

    May the grace of God according to Hebrews 4: 16 take hold of you as from today so that you might become a new creation of Jesus Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5: 17- 21 against which backdrop a true ambassador of Jesus Christ will not  be a "WHATCHAMACALLIT"

    Your culpability in this matter rest with  circumstantial evidence and it is reinforced by your recent erratic comportment that hinges on an avalanche crusade for self-defense . In the course of this, you have sought the pro bono services of our wishy-washy learned  Professor of law embedded  in camnet politics. I am befuddled by the fact that you have not realized that Professor Tumansang Martin has usurped the role of a Judge and Jury simultaneously while also adjudicating as a defense lawyer for the criminal charges brought against you by one Mishe Fon Lucas . You made a lame excuse when fighting back that it is because the complainer wanted to take the heat off himself! I doubt.

     I worry about how you have been sweating and heaping  all types of undue praises on Dr. Martin Tumansang to the extent of calling him " Lordship". You see, this is the antics/tactics of someone who looks very guilty and desperate for public exoneration from any quarters. To begin with, your analyses of the accusations in a bid to disassociate yourself from  Pat Ndep only raises more questions than answers. Your attempt to explain the word "WHATCHAMACALLIT" has led me to believe that you may be Pat Ndep because only someone who is very familiar with the meaning of the word and the context in which it is being used as well as its origin would take the pains to elaborate on it like you did.Police detectives will be concern that  you are too acquainted with some details about the word ,which makes them to believe that only someone who knows about it will exude your  erratic mannerisms.

   You have mounted another very weak argument in self-defense by arguing that there is a difference between  Stone Valley-Georgia and  Stone Mountain-Georgia. This is mere logic in law and does not cancel the fact that  Pat Ndep might have been writing from  some stone area in Georgia , which needs to be confirmed through further investigation whether it is the STONE in question  linked with Valley-Georgia or Mountain-Georgia. It does not matter whether we have a semantic nuance here with respect to the proper location or site because that is within proper rectification granted that the writer under Pat Ndep is still in Georgia.

    Lastly, you have not unpacked the accusations against you that you used  "WHATCHAMACALLIT " against Jesusman aka Rev Dr. Hamilton Ayuk who unfortunately has sparred with you on a number of ethical issues here ranging from your corrupt involvement with  Herakles farm unearthed by Jesusman  and others. There is no qualms that you have fallen out with Jesusman and might have taken on ghost writing as your own way to get even with him. Oncemore, there are too many loopholes in your analyses because I am concern with the way you have carried yourself in this matter especially with the knee jerk reactions to explain the word "WHATCHAMACALLIT ". You did not deny that the word has been used in this forum before , I guess, against Jesusman! You have only sought to say that it is no big deal even if it was employed by anyone including but not limited to PAT Ndep.

    In conclusion, I cannot prove that you are Pat Ndep but when you alluded to Microwave( RIP) and boasted that he was the only one who could identify PAT NDEP 's IP , it made me to realize that you might be a harden criminal who knows how to commit a crime in plain sight. Again, be careful with what you say in public because it can be used against you in the court of law . You have been too flippant in this case. If you know you are not Pat Ndep, stop making analyses that open you to being considered a suspect or person of interest because per my own perception you are a person of interest until this matter is resolved.

      Have a wonderful day and do not allow your Lordship to mislead us because it is no longer possible these days.  As far as I concern,  you and Jesusman are intelligent people from that region of Cameroon. If you noticed I have addressed you Dr. Rev Samuel Esale and Jesusman as  Rev. Dr. Hamilton Ayuk  . Do you see the difference?  Both of you have great potentials and a lot to offer to the region. You see I have been a victim of this kind of regional and tribal infighting but I will never aid and abet evil if I know I can thwart the effort of people who seek to harm others. That is why I like Republicans. The truth is you have seen Jesusman as a threat to you since you as opposed to being your mentor and older brother in Ministry. Jesusman has been a Pastor long before you even received Jesus Christ in your life. He has planted churches, led ministries and supervised  Pastors . Besides,  he has studied the bible and even obtained  Ph.D in Christian education. He has a great and impeccable resume when it comes to the Pastoral Ministry and Christian education on profound moral issues plaguing humanity. You can attest to this assertion by following up with the blog of Jesusman. Dear Dr. Samuel Esale, you need to bury your sword of antagonism no matter whether it is revealed through Pat Ndep or not. There is absolutely no way you can compete with Jesusman when it comes to biblical knowledge and interpretation. Let us avoid living like Cain and Abel. While the length of time in  Pastoral ministry does not necessarily  translate into success, in this case, it is said that instead of embracing your brother, you become bitter . I blame you because you are the one who created the problem due to your lack of humility.


Jonathan Awasom

Jonathan Awasom






Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Sam <> wrote:

Your Lordship Dr. Tumasang,

With all due respect, I have reviewed your opinion below and found it in violation of the "Double Jeopardy Clause", clearly stated in The 5th. Amendment of the US Constitution.

"The provision known as the Double Jeopardy Clause prohibits State or Federal government from prosecuting individuals on more than one occasion or imposing more than one punishment for the same offense."

In other words, a second prosecution for the same offense after an acquittal or conviction is anathema to American jurisprudence or legal system, especially when you consider the fact that the plaintiff and defendant reside within the Jurisdiction of USA. It would be different if both parties did not reside in USA, e.g Kenya & Nigeria. That would be a matter of International Law or the Law of another jurisdiction where the Double Jeopardy Clause may not apply.

In your initial conclusion you ruled the matter in favor of my client, Sam Esale based on the evidence presented at the time. Your conclusion amounted to the courts acquittal of my client. Case closed.

As a judge, your claim to the introduction of new evidence to reopen the case could only lead the court to a mistrial. In other words, You will be in violation of the "Double Jeopardy Clause," or the 5th. Amendment of the US Constitution.  

Therefore, On behalf of my client, Sam Esale I'm  asking this court to uphold the initial decision whereby my client was acquitted or the court must declare a mistrial on grounds of the "Double Jeopardy Clause." 

This is a serious matter and we need not be fickle about it.

Thanks again,

Evangelist Sam Esale 
Stone Mountain Georgia.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2015, at 12:36 AM, "Martin Tumasang [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Dear Tar Fon,
you took the Pat Ndep issue and brought it right at the door step of Sam Esale , to wit: that Pat Ndep's mail originated from the town where he is, and the mail includes a term he invented or is the only one using it.
Esale came out and averred that you got it wrong, that you are confusing two towns and that the term you are referring to is a commonly used term and he has no monopoly of the term. No one controverted what Sam Esale said. If what he said stands as facts, then the issue would have to be resolved in his favour.

Even if we consider our own Nigeria next door, in NNPC v. Clifco Nig. Ltd.[1] it was held "The interpretation of Section 75 of the Evidence Act is that where both parties have agreed on a fact in issue, no further proof of such fact is necessary as it is no longer an issue between them.[2]The proviso gives power to the courts to require that a fact be proved even though it was admitted. The provision gives a wide discretion to Judges where facts are admitted to still insist on proof by credible and sufficient evidence."
Despite knowing the above, I accepted that the facts about wrong town and common use of the material term were correct and did not ask Esale to further prove the facts he was stating (the facts were not controverted, hence considered admitted, I could have still asked for proof of the seemingly admitted facts I must admit but I did not since it is not in all situations that the court does that) hence I resolved the issue in Esale's favour.
Material new evidence has thereafter been presented where it is now alleged that there is no other town as averred by Esale and there is only one town hence his defence using the mistaken town by Mishefon collapses if this new evidence is true. Since the evidence of the mistaken town by Mishefon was so crucial in Esale's defence, if it be proven that he misrepresented the facts as to the existence of two towns, then it blows open the issue again and the issue cannot be considered resolved.
I can only analyse the issues based on the evidence presented and since new evidence has appeared (and not yet controverted), that there is only one town and the crime scene is alleged to be still at Esale's door,  I withdraw my conclusion about the issue being resolved and any one is free to present any further evidence they might have to finally resolve the issue.

[1] NNPC v. Clifco Nig. Ltd.  SC.233/2003
[2] Din v. African Newspapers of Nig Ltd (1990) 21 NSCC (Pt.2) p.313; Cardoso v. Daniel (1986) 2 NWLR (Pt. 20) p.1


Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 03:38:34 +0000
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED

Natty has been resolved. On the contrary the individual has raised more questions than answers.
See my inserts in BOLD here below.


FYI only

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2015, at 2:57 AM, "Martin Tumasang [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Good Clarification from our own Sam Esale. I think the issue is resolved in his favour.

Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: BREAKING NEWS .....FINALLY...PAT NDEP...UNMASKED
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 02:25:43 -0400

Ni Manu,

Please, Don't pay attention to Lucas. Why should they pay attention to Lucas. I want them to focus on the contents of the mail  rather than my modest person. Are you injecting the name Lucas into this debate as a diversionary strategy or  what? I guess by now everyone knows that "Mishe" is a deformed Shesa title for a Mr. or Monsieur  . The man is trying very hard to clear his already soiled name! What? Na you soil (WHATEVER that means) my name? I think the Nkwadang you used to smoke before joining that church business is  beginning to have retro effects on your faculties and erstwhile adumbrating postulations. Mishe Fon has lost his mind under pressure. Esale, just moof me dey. Do I look to you like  a pressure cooker? Well, Massa Pastor, supposed man of God, here you are spewing thrash gutterlike exchanges, talk of being impolite and rude.That is the sign of a very weak character. I hope that is not what you preach to those your congregants else you may be a witness of substantial diminishing returns in your church followership and consequently "a total depletion of the Financial windfall bottom-line; which is the main goal of creating all these FAKE "I Saw A Vision" churches You are not my shrink and therefore have no locus standi to comment publicly about "weak character". Who are you to judge my character? Wuna kam see me see trobu.

Another huge gap in Lucas Mishe Fon's lame and porous hypothesis is Linking Sam Esale to a September 2008 posting that originated from Stone Valley-Georgia. Only a fool or lunatic would mistake Stone Valley-Georgia for  Stone Mountain-Georgia. That error alone would discredit Mishe Fon's tale in any court of Law. My friend, I authorize you to take this case to court and I will show up there as my own Lawyer and will successfully prove that there is something called "Typo" and that a Court appointed IT guru (not these Money miss road Camnet types) will demonstrate that harping on an error of "Stone Mountain or Stone Valley" is tantamount to abandoning the object to chase the shadow. Or is it plausible to claim that some of us are just illiterate or too lazy to think. Most intelligent investigators would verify IP addresses to ascertain the origin of an email. That is what Late Jacob Nguni aka Microwave would do. What is the correct IP address? Stone Valley or Stone Mountain? That is the most important clue to unravelling the saga. This is about logical thinking and Lucas missed it.

Another issue is that the expression "whatchamacallit" is a typical Southern slang for  "what can I call it?" Unfortunately, Mr. Esale, this is a "Cameroon E-Group" and the langua most understand here is English, Pidgin and French. Whether you go carry Akata Ebonics or BEV for South, North or Alaska is beside the point. You introduced it here as your "signature invention". I saw the mail from Pat Ndep that immediately preceded yours ending with the now famous "Whatcha-whatever". You, Manu Tayong and Nanje Jackson (all Atlanta guys) were at the time engaged in a "Do me I do You Fight" (I have excavated all the mails) with your Born Again Pastor colleague Jesusman Ayuk. I put two and two together. I know you Massa Sam Esale as a very Intelligent smart arse fellow. always coming up with the "whatchamacallit" words to tchakalla we sense. This Killeetchi idiot called Pat Ndep (and not PAH Ndep as you pretended to typo in your initial defense) is as intelligent as you but my brother: There is no perfect  crime no matter how smart we think we are. It is a  commonly used phrase in Ebonics or Black English Vernacular (BEV), just like "whodoneit". Sam Esale did not "invent" the expression because it was part of BEV lexicon before Sam's arrival in USA. 

These two errors which constitute the linchpin of  Mishe Fon's hypothesis (No massa Pastor, they don't. Embeded in the mail are many other clues which can and have been picked up by the most astute Internet marauders: for example, the fact that the so-called "Gentleman Born Again Pastor is actually a normal Mboko like all of us who equally has a right to Fight, get angry, Cush, even knack njakri even to his congregants) have unravelled or completely debunked Lucas' misinformation in this matter. How very sad!

The final gap is context. But most folks are too lazy to think in those terms.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 1, 2015, at 1:13 PM, "'Mannu T.' [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


"It is actually with a very regretable disappointment that this unfortunate saga ends up betraying a "very respectable" (or so it seemed) member of our diaspora community. Reverend Pastor ESALE Samuel of Stone Valley, Georgia" (Mishe Fon)

Hey! Mishe!.. Would you please cut out this nonsense. I can't believe that you of all persons would be pointing a finger at Pastor Sam Esale.No No No Mise Fon, Esale is way above that level and please for God sake don't go that route... OK!!!

From: 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <>
To: CAMNETWORK List <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; Accdf Accdf <>
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2015 12:48 PM

I think it is only propoer that I extend my sincere and genuine apologies to Mr. Allotey Emmanuel for accusing him of being the face behind the mask. "Mr. Allotey, I am sorry, I made a mistake". This Pat Ndep phenomenon has defied all logic and has set too many families at each other's throats. The issue right now in my humble opinion is neither with Mishe Fon nor Mr. Allotey. I had already moved on to other pursuites BUT my instincts still pushed me back to understand how a single individual could elude recognition for so long; cause untoward suffering to so many innocent victims and continue unchallenged. 
Internally, I was interested in researching who exactly this fellow was because my name (for what ever reasons was associated with Pat Ndep's dark folies and carnage). To imagine that some of us drove twelve hours to Atlanta to grace his ordination as a Pastor defies all logic of human descency.  
Honestly, I now fully agree with the adage that there is no perfect crime.
Just like a miracle, I fell on this 2008 gem of a mail or the karma of poetic justice: 

From: Patrick Kofi Uche <>
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Obama Loses Black Votes

Those were your drug peddling years. You must miss the easy money that came with it. you this pot-smoking, drug peddler and adulterous jesusu-WHATCHAMACALLIT?

By the way: The origin of the mail is Stone Valley Georgia

For anyone who had been on Camnet long enough, you would agree with me that Reverend Pastor SAM ESALE was the "inventor" of the "Whatchamacallit" nonsense in his mails. I followed the trail. At that time Pastor Esale and to a certain extent Manu Tayong and Nanje Jackson (all based in Atlanta, Georgia) were having serious "Fights" with Pastor Jesusman Ayuk. It is actually with a very regretable disappointment that this unfortunate saga ends up betraying a "very respectable" (or so it seemed) member of our diaspora community. Reverend Pastor ESALE Samuel of Stone Valley, Georgia; I think a simple explanation to your numerous admirers will be in order. I know you are reading this mail as we over to you.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

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