Re: Fw: [MTC Global] Corruption is a symptom and not a disease

​Dear Prof. Pratap,
Thank you very much for the observation and your experience sharing.
Few statements, not for argument, but to speak of my experiences.
1. Values cannot be taught, but they have to be caught.
2. Values are individual oriented, but Ethics are group oriented.
3. Values cannot be taught, but Ethics can be told.
4. Values are Personal, but ethics is practical.
8. We don't teach ethics, but give students a chance to introspect.
9. Punish your children when they are small, love them when they are teens, be with them when they are adults and be a role model for them at all their ages.
Thanks and Regards


Dr. Pious Thomas

Divine Word University

Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea

Mobile India: +91 9980795902

Mobile PNG:+675 72330602


On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Dr. Pratap Reddy S <> wrote:
Dear Sri Pious Thomas,
I've read your message and found your observations to be good (to listen to !).
I really appreciate that you've been teaching ETHICS since the last 15 years .But,having said"Values cannot be taught, but it has to be caught" ,how do you claim that ETHICS can be taught(or learnt).

Though I've been teaching management for 45 years now,I don't claim any superiority FOR:
are THE THREE MALADIES !!!(copied from/provoked by Harold Laski)

Coming back to the topic of "whether ETHICS can be taught ?",
I tend to argue that not only ETHICS ,but LEADERSHIP,CREATIVITY,ENTREPRENEURSHIP also can't be taught(or learnt) in the conventional "teaching-learning" process.

As a matter of fact,your contention"Values cannot be taught, but it has to be caught"corroborates my hypothesis(if it's one ?!) ! 

Yet another proof:
In the third century A.D., a king in China
sent his son, the future ruler, to the temple for
education. The master asked the young man to go and
live in the forest for a year and come back to tell
what he heard there. On his return he told: "I could
hear the cuckoos sing, the leaves rustle, the humming
birds hum, the crikets chirp, the grass blow, and the
bees buzz, and the wind whisper and holler."
He was asked to go back to listen to what more he
could hear. This time he came back and told: "When I
listened very closely, I could hear the unheard-the
sound of the flower opening, the sound of sun warming
the earth, and sound of grass drinking the morning
dew." The master said: "To hear the unheard is
necessary discipline to be a good ruler. For only when
the ruler has learned to listen closely to people's
hearts, hearing their feelings uncommunicated, pains
unexpressed, and complaints not spoken of, can he 
hope to inspire confidence in his people, understand
when some thing is wrong, and meet the true needs of
his citizens. The demise of the states comes when
leaders listen only to superficial words and do not
penetrate deeply into the soul of the people to hear
their true opinions, feelings, and desires."

Please forgive this septuagenarian teacher for his audacity, 
Dr.S.Pratap Reddy 
Founder Chairman 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "'urvashi yashroy' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2015 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Corruption is a symptom and not a disease

Absolutely correct Mr Ramnath, but what happens when you see your work is not done and can be done if you pay bribe. Priority  will be to get work done even if you have to pay extra buck. We are enslaved in a viscous circle, breaking free will need lots of will power and our readiness to sacrifice few priorities We should be ready to suffer in our business as a repercussion . It ll be a bold step
Urvashi Yashroy
Tuli Group of Educational Institutions,
Bokhara Road,
Near Koradi Octroi Post,
NAGPUR - 441 111 (M.S.)

On Friday, August 28, 2015 2:23 PM, monkeymindsramnath . <> wrote:

Touch ur heart and chk if you hve bribed anyone in ur a vast majority of  cases corruption is a matter of opinion......if i pay money it is fine....but if someone takes money it is wrong ....why can v not stop paying bribes rather than demanding action against those taking them.....
On 28/08/2015 11:42 AM, "Pious Thomas" <>"Values cannot be taught, but it has to be caught" wrote:
Dear Prof. Dutta and team,
Though it is late, let me give a response to this issue, based on teaching 'Ethics' for 15 years.
Corruption exists in a society, not because individuals don't have values, but ethics not practiced​ from the childhood.
Though Accountability, Transparency, and Dispensation of Justice can be used as corrective measures, but, they are preventive measures.
A preventive measure is teaching values from the childhood and in every stage of human development.
As the famous saying goes, "Values cannot be taught, but it has to be caught"
Every human being is born and brought up in an environment of 'Selfishness and Jealousy' and it is our responsibility to mold them to the right way. 
Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development is very appropriate to note here.
Lawrence Kohlberg studied stages in the development of thinking about moral issues by presenting students of various ages with a variety of moral dilemmas with themes like these:
·         Should Bill tell his father that his brother did something wrong?
·         Should a husband steal an expensive drug needed to save the life of his wife?
·         A terminally ill patient requests to die because of severe pain.  Should the doctor perform a mercy killing?
In his analysis, Kohlberg breaks the development of moral thought into three levels and then describes two stages within each level:
The child looks at the pleasure – pain aspect what will happen to him or her.
       Stage 1.  The child obeys because of a FEAR OF PUNISHMENT. (1 to 6 years)
                       "If I steel, my Mother will beat me"
       Stage 2.  The child follows a PRINCIPLE OF RECIPROCITY.  (7 to 14 years)
                       "If I do this for him, he'll do that for me".
Morality based on loyalty to family, group, and nation.  Conventional rules are respected.
         Stage 3.    Good behaviour occurs to PLEASE OTHERS or TO HELP OTHERS (15 to 21 Years) – the "good-girl" or "good boy."
         Stage 4.    LAW and ORDER is valued.  There is a need to do one's duty. (22 to 25 years)
Moral judgment is based on principles apart from authority or loyalty to the group.
          Stage 5.    Rules are based on Social agreement on what is good for the group.
(26 to 34 years)
                            Rules can be changed for good reasons.
         Stage 6.     Moral decisions are based on self – chosen UNIVERSAL ETHICAL PRINCIPLES   such as justice, equality, the golden rule, and the dignity of the in individual. 
      Golden Rule: "Do unto others, what you want them to do for you" - Bible
     At level 1, the child is influenced by what will happen to herself or herself.  At Level 2, there is an appeal to laws of church or state.  At Level 3, it is the underlying personal values that influence decision making.
The percentage of moral statements classified at each stage for children aged 7,10,13, 16 is as follows ( Kohlberg 1964).
The 7 year olds give mostly level 1 interpretations of moral dilemmas.  The 10 year olds give about 35 percent Level 1 and 35 percent Level 2 interpretations.  The 13 year olds give 25 percent Level 1, 55 percent Level 2, and 15 Level 3 interpretations.  Finally, the 16 year olds give 15 percent Level 1, 60 percent Level 2, and 25 percent Level 3.  The understanding of moral principles obviously come slowly.  The highest levels probably require the ability to use formal operations and not reached by many.
Moral behaviour appears to develop far ahead of advanced levels of moral judgment.  Children can learn to act responsibly through modeling and direct tuition long before they have an abstract understanding of moral principles.
Hope our education system from the Nursery classes take care of it.
Political Leaders should be eligible for contesting elections only based on their moral background.
Thanks and Regards


Dr. Pious Thomas
Divine Word University
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
Mobile India: +91 9980795902
Mobile PNG:+675 72330602

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:

Corruption is a symptom and not a disease. So, what do you think are the reasons due to which there is corruption in India and what are the practical solutions?

​With freedom came corruption both at midnight. The issue is how to eliminate corruption without damaging even little bit of freedom ?​

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Visionary Edupreneur, Founder &  President 
MTC Global: An Apex Global Advisory 
Body in Management Education
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