Re: President Biya rewards police officers who foiled Boko Haram attacks in Buea and Bamenda

Regarding the alleged reward of policemen in the Southern Cameroons by Republic of Cameroun leader for their defending its citizens against Boko Haram, who made them, an occupying colonial power, authority over this peer state? After the spoliation of the natural resources of the state and the onslaught from all angles, the insurgency of this religious fundamentalist sect must be manna from heaven for the outlaw state - an occasion to claim legitimacy for its illegal occupation, annexation, exploitation and the ongoing felony of assimilation by annihilating the identity of the citizens of the state. This aside, what was the raison d'etre of the display of force by the soldiers that were sent to march from the north and south of the occupied state - if not to intimidate and stifle the resistance to its annexation onslaught. That the United Nations has been looking the other way for half a century while a people that have an unalienable right to self-determination are held hostage by a banana republic is even more of a scandal than what the felonious state has been doing. It has continued with absolute immunity - with absolute contempt for the authority of the UN-  charged with global governance, the enforcement of international norms enacted to ensure security, justice, development and peace. If it is not true as alleged by some observers that this imperial occupier uses the rich natural resources of the annexed state to shield itself from accountability for the flagrant violation of the right of self-determination of a peer member of the international community, what is the reason. The General Assembly of the United Nations, the Secretary General and, foremost, the Security Council dominated by its five permanent members are called out to answer this question. If they continue to turn a deaf ear to the gnashing of teeth of oppressed people, then what the heck are they doing with the taxes of the international community that pays them?Are they not ashamed of hypocrisy when they pick and choose between good and bad dictators and tyrants? If this continues, it will not be long before the global community moves that all the officials be fired and new ones, accountable henceforth to the global electorate, be elected to take their place. They and their surrogates are reminded that: injustice accounts for the demise of most civilizations than arms. Also, as Martin Luther KIng III,  American CIvil Rights leader said, Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere(Paraphrase).
G. Achu

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Tellagam <> wrote:

Did the Southern Cameroons "anglofool" "brother" not make his  French Cameroun "brother" his master, benefactor and protector?

On Aug 28, 2015 4:45 PM, "'Pa Zama' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
This Biya man has seen the handwriting on the wall and thinks he can fool us to change our minds. believe he cares about us, lies, lies and lies. This is just a ploy to make us think he likes us. There is nothing he can do that can turn Southern Cameroonians around. He just doesn't know what to do with his slaves, slaves and their resources Ahidjo and he Biya have exploited for over fifty years. It's time for us to call it quits and no amount of crocodile tears can help them. Any Southern Cameroonian who thinks differently has the right to park out of our country and cross over to la Republique du Cameroun.

Pa Zama
On Friday, August 28, 2015 11:48 AM, 'Ofege Ntemfac' via ambasbay <> wrote:

President Biya has rewarded some security officers who foiled a Boko Haram plot that was aimed at...|By Divine Elangwe
Achu Kisob Are you kidding me?? Was there ever a Boko Haram plot in any of those 2 regions? This is gross....He hasn't compensated his soldiers in the Far North for the effort they are making although badly fed,equipped and nearly naked,he goes compensating officer in Buea and Bamenda?..Total misplacement of value. Tiko drink,Kumba drunk.


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