The CPDM party is at it again. Without the slightest provocation from Cameroonians, they decided on their own accord, to "Re-Organize the "Basic Organs" of their Party. This is an exercise which following their internal Rules and Regulations is supposed to be carried out every Five years.
The thing sounds better in French: "Renouvellement des Organes de Bases". The last one was done in 2007. So NINE years later, the President while playing Nsongo and Draft with his childhood friend Eboutou, remembers that "Bebele zambwa, j'ai oublie de renouveler les Organes de Bases de notre parti. Ah-mot Belinga, appel-moi le Bamileke de Nkuete-la. Dites lui de pomper une annonce toute de suite. Les bailleurs de fonds nous regardent. Qu'il appel aussi les ambassades de France, Londres, Italie, Lagos, Afrique du Sud, les Etaz, sep sep ceux du Maghreb. Je commence deja a trop oublier les choses,,,Et tu es la tu ne me rappelle meme pas.Colle ma misse. Malchance".
Now, out of curiosity, I looked at the CPDM Party statutes and Textes which simply state that to be "S"- elected into office for the posts of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer of a Section, Sub-Section or Cell (Basic Organ); you must have been a Bureau member of that unit. Ypu must be a Permanent Resident of the area you are campaigning for, You MUST be a Cameroonian (no Dual Nationality will be accepted),
You must be FAITHFUL to CPDM ideology wearing Party uniform with pride
, no criminal convictions, very hard working, cannot have another Job that may conflict with your CPDM activities (cumul des fonctions), must be in good standing in the community...amongst other attributes and recommendations.

![*[]--- cook *[]--- cook](
My question therefore is: What is really the importance of associating the Diaspora in this exercise when everyone knows that most cannot VOTE. In the US, most of those who pretend to be CPDM are American citizens. What is the real essence of even having a CPDM (or any other political party for that matter) presence here? The last time I checked, those who claimed CPDMness were almost killing themselves with below the belt insults, bad blood, innuendo laden emails as they were jockeying for who was going to be appointed "Minister In Charge of Diaspora Affairs". The fight was so ugly that some had to go to their villages back home to go and cook better "Atomokwor and Mungang"...
As a matter of fact, one Bassa Maryland CPDM mammie came back (to fight her RDPC friennemies) with "Le Pere Yebga"; dat Bassa pah near Boumyebel who popular legend say can make Die-Body jorrup for die. When Pere Yebga got to Washington DC, the place shweet ih sotey, after a few days, he instead threatened his hostess with "On fait comment pour demander l'Asile Politique? Je crois que je ne vais meme plus rentrer au bercail" Some man na ngrung beep?
So therefore, the question still remains:
Why waste all these monies sending delegations worldwide for a wild-goose mission everyone knows is a complete waste of time? By the way, what ever happened to the very boisterous and notoriously rambunctious Washington DC RDPC? It seems the various "two-fighting" factions are now having their meetings "na for Clando". Over to wuna. We are waiting for an explanation. Please, no be me wuna go Fight. I am just a mere public nuisance commentator.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon
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