Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Fwd: Appointment TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa

And, can you believe it, after writing nonsense about my humble person for days and days, the COWARD Kenneth Begheni Ndeh censors my response to his twaddle.

On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 1:20 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Mr Kenneth Begheni Ndeh,
Is this bile that has so risen until it will kill you just because 04 days ago, an ITALIAN Company that I had never heard of, looked up my professional profiled on LinkedIn, called me and appointed me to REPRESENT them in CEMAC and beyond?
Is this bile because of a simple "Moving On" post weeks ago?
I go hard you!
You go die?
Bile and the green monster called JEALOUSY will kill you!
You do see wetin?
My company, RIDC, has such calls coming in on a daily basis on HUGE, VERY HUGE, ventures.
Just watch.
The company I represent, TEM, is Italian. It has nothing to do with the CPDM gvt. Arrey-mbi who stole money from the GCE Board writes nonsense here about pecuniary ends as if I do not have a GOD-GIVEN and GOD-SENT right to a job.
I see that this other sorcerer-in-training (apprentis sorcier), groomed in the CPDM Yakusa school of monsters, blackmailers and experts at character assassination has now graduated into a full wizard, plying his trade in nauseating glory. It is not enough to write to the CPDM gvt about my new job. Do you want to write to TEM to fire me? You want their email? Shegeh!
You, Begheni Ndeh, without shame and the respect of pubic decency,use the Internet to promote your family's filching carrier and grabsmania at FECAFOOT. Thank God some folks in Abakwa put a halt to that perennial heist. You abuse users by transforming egroups to a fora for petty trading in cars, etc. And, you scream blue murder when Ntemfac Ofege is offered an opportunity that can allow communities set up community radios. Only the agent of colonization that you are would attempt this. So that they remain poor, desperate, colonized and in servitude while you grow fat and pompous, right?
But you have already failed.
The vile informant cum gutter blackmailer that you are now calls on "YOUR FATHER'S" gvt to to prevent "Ofege's products" from entering YOUR FATHER's COUNTRY, right?
This you do on a forum which you personally created; wired it to all the CELCOMS, Security organisations, army, navy, airforce, gendarmes and ministers in Yaounde to cause unwary people to express their opinion so that you channel that opinion to your paymasters in Yaounde, right?
For a small fee added to the zeal of  of maintaining your ill-gotten privileges, BIEN MAL ACQUIS, right?
And you now wonder how exactly this Ntemfac guy got into ESSTIC, YOUR FATHER's School, right?
Listen, I got in by passing competitive exams; by actually being FIRST in those exams.
Va dire! The only victms I know are the poor Southern Cameroonian children who couldnot benefit from MIDENO money via US-CREDIT or something like that.
Read these words and they burn like FIRE unto you sorry soul now in the clutches of Satan.
Get thee hence, Go practice your witchcraft with less gifted and blessed folks but then again I come to the rescue of all of them: BACK TO SENDER IN JESUS NAME!

Isaiah 54:11-17New King James Version (NKJV)

11 "O you afflicted one,
Tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems,
And lay your foundations with sapphires.
12 I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
Your gates of crystal,
And all your walls of precious stones.
13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
14 In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
15 Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.

16 "Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,"

Says the Lord.



On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Herbert Boh, Ntemfac Ofege's twin has somehow succeeded to place himself offside.
Inspite of the referee's whistle, Herbert Boh continues to follow the ball seemingly not listening to the whistle.
I only wish that he could come more often to the defense of his Spiritual Siamese Twin Pa Fru Ndeh (yours truly).

PROBLEM One: Ntemfac Ofege a news anchor announcing his own promotion.
PROBLEM Two: Ntemfac Ofege at his own timing that coincides with his employer is pursuing other pleasures of pecuniary gain.

Herbert Boh, the twin does not address Problem One nor does he address Problem Two.
We are rather given a litany of Ntemfac Ofege's activism and steadfastness in the middle of adversity.
Did anyone ever question Ofege's activism and steadfastness?

The issue in Problem One should be addressed by the twin.
The issue in Problem Two is that others, from Mr. Frederick Alobwede, Mr. Ayah Paul Abine etc.. who in the
past did the same thing that Ntemfac Ofege is doing were lampooned upon, chastized, mis-characterized and even
ostracized.  I refer to those who threw stones at Ayah Paul Abine as HEADLESS Chickens of the Southern Cameroons
Struggle.  Very deliberate. Pun intended, on my part.  Oh Yes.

It is the CPDM Gov't that is in place that is ensuring that Ofege's products get into the Douala Ports safely in whatever
way, or that Ofege's company is duly registered and pays taxes to the CPDM government and so on.  Please also recall
that Fru Ndi of SDF by 1990 was just barely 2 years away from being a member of the CPDM.

This holier than thou attitude from certain quarters leaves quite a bit to be desired.
When the AAC I and AAC II were held, PAAWCEs from all walks of life attendesin the mid-1990s.
By the time that those who benefitted from Government Largessee in schools such as ESSTIC, ASMAC, CRADAT, ENAM
etc... became of their mid-40s to mid-50's they began ostracizing others.  My own generation did not benefit squat from those schools.

If an AAC I or AAC II meeting were held today in 2015, this type of thinking of serving in a CPDM led administration
to bar people from attending would not get us anywhere.  Some of you are behaving like the neo-cons of the Republican
party.  That is why the Southern Cameroons struggle is in disarray, just like the Republican party.  This is food for thought.
I thank you.

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Herbert Boh [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Journalists 237Cameroonian <>; "" <>; "" <>; SDF Cameroon <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 7:29 AM

Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Fwd: Appointment TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa

I am not Ntemfac's lawyer, but I am his twin and we speak for each other, so I'll say this:

Jesus the Christ gave His Life on the Cross for many millions who do not know what a sacrifice is because they themselves have never made a sacrifice.

I ask the likes of Sammy Arrey-Mbi and Pa Fru Ndeh to tell me what more sacrifice they want Ntemfac to make that he has not yet made?

Let me help out with your memory:

- Ntemfac criticized the Biya regime from within and has continued to do so from without at great pain to self and family;

- Ntemfac took countless risks as a journalist and political affairs editor, and Talk Show presenter on CRTV, both on the air and off air;

- Those who have any honesty know that he showed no fear in doing so and sought no special favors for himself in doing his job on the news, on Minute by Minute, on Cameroon Calling, in those spicy "Letters to Joshua" or in columns on CamPost;

- Together, Ntemfac and a few others (including yours truly) wrote one of the first strongly worded complaints or petitions or critiques - serving notice directly to President Biya and the military apparatus he relies on of the exaggerated marginalization of Southern Cameroonians on CRTV;

- Needless to recall for those who know and don't write history with pencil and eraser, that Ntemfac suffered several broadcast bans, along with demotions, and disciplinary transfers;

- Along with a host of colleagues on the Cameroon Calling crew, he was even forced admitted into the "grand college" the Biya regime runs at Kondengui Prison;

- Ntemfac resigned from the choir to "Biya god" that is CRTV when he could have, like many including Hon. Ayah and Sammy Arrey-Mbi, stayed on and muddled along, in order to maintain the income from blood money flowing and to hang on to the stardom CRTV brought;

- Never tired of sacrificing for the common good, Ntemfac went on to serve pro bono with the SDF, helping to advance democracy and quitting only after realizing how bad at doing that the SDF has become;

- Before then and ever since then, Ntemfac has served many, many years on pro bono basis the cause of Southern Cameroons on which he has become an expert better than most on this forum;

- YES, he resigned from the position of leadership he held, as every leader should after one has served their term, passing the baton to younger, fresher blood to carry on the struggle;

- He resigned the position, not the cause, realizing (unlike many in power in Cameroon) that for a cause bigger and greater than any one individual, none (not Biya, not Fru Ndi) should fool themselves about having been appointed Moses or the Messiah...

Sorry about going on and on, but I refuse to wait until Ntemfac is lying in state before celebrating what he has done for a cause that too many are too intimidated to be involved with. I refuse to be silent when someone like Ntemfac with a stellar record of service and sacrifice is compared by non-starters, ex-CPDM, gombo eaters like Hon. Ayah; or when Ntemfac's reputation is put on trial by persons who cannot say they sacrificed a little fraction of what he has so far.

Now, if I lie, I challenge those who accuse Ntemfac to put up their own record of service and sacrifice to the cause along the same bullet point style as above for all to judge.

The only thing left for a true hero like Ntemfac to do is to be killed fighting for this cause. I know that too many on this forum and especially outside of here cannot wait for the cause to lay to waste or for Ntemfac to walk around naked in misery and poverty or to be killed, but God truly provides "ih go hard wuna"! The enemy labors in vain.

Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 1, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Uncle Sam Arrey-Mbi,

Quite a few of these our people are very HYPOCRITICAL.
They cannot stand me because I am very straightforward in what I say. 
You have spoken.  Your word is your bond.

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Sammy Arrey-Mbi [cameroon_politics]" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2015 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Fwd: Appointment TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa

In one way or the other, I was the first to see it coming and pointed out that percunary motives were at the center of the resignation.  Then the fellow decended on me with invectives painting me to look like a monster for daring to expise him. Now I am vindicated. 
Good luck to the General Manager.  Who does not want bread on his table both for himself and his children? But we almost hanged Ayah Paul for doing same.
On Sep 30, 2015 10:19 AM, "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from Pa Fru Ndeh included below]

Uncle Sam Arrey-Mbi,

Do you now see why Ntemfac O'Bouh Fegue resigned his position in the Southern Cameroons Struggle?
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
To: "" <>
Cc: ambasbay <>; africanworldforum <>; camasej group all members <>; FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; SDF <>; cameroon_politics <>; CAMNETWORK list <>; shesausa <>; afoakom <>; sdf-forum <>; cacowedaForum <>; Africa Politics <>; creativiews <>; Campros Group <>; Big group <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 8:46 AM
Subject: Fwd: Appointment TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 12:45 PM
Subject: Appointment TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa
To: African GM <>, Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>, Yahoo! UK <>
Cc: Nebukadineze Adiele' via NaijaEvent <>, FREE AMBAZONIANS <>, Cameroon NewEngland <>, CAMEROON OBOSSO <>, "" <>, Naijaintellects <>, "Yahoo! Inc." <>, "" <>, Nigeriaworldforum <>, Naija Politics <>, "" <>, Free Southern Cameroonians <>, Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization <>, SDF Forum <>, Sdf Members <>, Ofege Ntemfac <>

TEM. Rep for Cameroon, Congo – Central Africa

Inline image
We are humbled to announce that our company, Realty and Infrastructure Development Corporation, RIDC, was this day, September 28th 2015, appointed Exclusive Representative of the reputable Italian broadcast equipment manufacturer Telecomunicazioni Elettroniche Milano srl (Via Copernico n.11, 20082 Binasco, Milano, Italia).
We are exclusive TEM vendors for Cameroon, Congo, bref, the entire Central Africa Sub-region. Persons in deed of broadcast equipment (radio and tv transmitters, studio to transmitter links etc) contact:
Ntemfac Aloysius Nkong Ofege
General Manager
Realty and Infrastructure Development Corporation, RIDC
P.O. Box 2679 Douala - Cameroon
Tel 237 677861200/237663574800.
Catalog and full range of TEM Products Incoming
Inline image

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