Limbe Stadium rename it LISINGE Stadium

Just before 1900, the Germans annexed Cameroon, Togo, Namibia and one or two
other African countries.  The European style or manner of annexation was similar
all throughout.  First line of attack were our African Rulers and Kings.  They essentially
killed, maimed and exiled our Rulers who refused to pay allegiance to them, as they
conquered us with their more powerful guns.  Our people the BA-KWERI/BA-KWEDI
in particular were dispossessed of their lands, the most fertile of those lands in the establishment
of farm German plantations.  I do not recall what the Germans called these plantations, but it 
was mostly on Bakweri aboriginal lands.  These plantations would later be called Cameroon
Development Corporation or CDC.  One of the first acts of the Germans to get the BA-KWERI
under their control was to have the Ruler or King or Chief of the Bakweri at the time LISINGE
to bow down to them, the Germans.  King LISINGE refused and was exiled from his very own
land.  The Germans would later follow King LISINGE and kill him.

We the people of Cameroon living abroad, in the United States in particular urge the
Government of the Republic of Cameroon to Officially name the new stadium in VICTORIA/LIMBE, 

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh


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