Re: [BOYO] Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016

Justice Mbuh,

What message were you struggling to convey? Frankly I am at loss as to your argument in support of this man. Let it be known to you that no amount or form of intimidation can deter me from speaking my mind, not even the scare of Hell. So let me restate it, Temitope Balogun is a terrible fraud. It is understandable when uneducated/less educated people fall prey to the entrapments of religious charlatans but not so for educated people. Education is supposed to equip us with the ability to think and reason independently and objectively. I could not find any shred of evidence of prophecy in all you said. I can tell you that your arguments are fallacious on two grounds, confirmation bias and post hoc ergo propter hoc. Temitope makes very indistinct statements and you people go into the frenzy of connecting after events to his previous dull statements. For example, he said people should pray for his church because something bad might happen. It is pitiable that such a vague statement qualifies as prophecy to you. Such a statement can be made to any group of people with equal chance of occurrence and non-occurrence because good things happen and bad things do as well. Since his building collapsed, it means his people did not pray because that was the solution to avert the prophecy. Had the building not collapsed, that prophecy would still have been fulfilled because it would have been averted by prayers. So did they pray? I think they obviously did. So we must agree that theirs and Joshua's prayer failed as usual. I cannot attribute anything whatsoever to have been a result of his prayers. Enough with that side because the real reason for the collapse was poor construction. No amount of prayer would have stopped the poorly constructed building from collapsing. It is the same danger when people throw away HIV, diabetes, and hypertension medications for promised healings and miracles. I also totally dismiss your personal story as delusional and wicked as you find pride and pleasure in stating that people who had attacked you died mysteriously and maliciously. I do not also subscribe to the argument of authority. You quote Mbah Ndam and let me add the former president of Ghana. This poor people and others go to this man not for the love of God but to seek for miracles for challenges that are beyond their control. Unfortunately for them, reality has no respect for wishes. John Atta Mills was sick and sought solace in the promise of miracle against medical prognosis and at last we all know what happened. Joshua who was close to him had no clue that death was nigh simply because he had no clue about his medical prognosis. The accuracy of medical prognosis in stage 4 cancer is stunningly high, as high as the inaccuracy of religious prophecies from people like TB Joshau and a host of other fake prophets.
"People who readily believe in absurdities, can easily be misled to commit atrocities to themselves and others and that is the danger of credulity" Legima Doh

Legima  Doh ,

 With God,Nothing is an Impossibility(Luke 1:37)

On Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 23:17, 'JusticeMbuh' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Ndi Manjong et al,
I think it is preposterous to pass such judgments on TBJ. For your information, he's been very accurate on many of his prophesies. In fact in some cases even too precise.
Regarding your charge that he could not prohesy about the collapse of the hostel in the Synagogue premise, you are wrong bec. he did. He warned that the people should pray hard bec. a calamity would befall the Synague and the we should pray that our relatives or even his own were not involve.
On the issue of the election in Nigeria, please, please, and please, check out how TBJ counselled Goodluch Jonathan and adviced him to dare not to contest the results and to let go!
And about the recent pronouncements on SA, if he is wrong, time will tell. He was not wrong about the plane crash in Nigeria, like some one insnuated, nor that of the Russian passenger plane, etc.
I think we should npot label him a fraud--for he is no way like that. That is my opinion.
On a very personal note, as someone involved with high level esoterics since childhood (hmmmmm!), when I was attacked by wouldbe assassines just 100m from our home here on ENS St, Bambili on Friday Dec. 13, 2013 (see esoterics on the day, please, Fri. 13, 2013!), my family charged that bec. of my vibrations in esoterics, my being a member of the BCS, Charismatic, former AMOC, etc., I must have attractyed enemies to myself, if not possessed. They insisted I go to TBJ.
Upon visiting the SCOAN in first week of January 2014, TBJ said I should leave it to God, citing the printed message of that Sunday, which I carried back home to my family who did not believe me when I told them what TBJ would say.
Brethrens, three weeks after, what God did, I could not have done so in the most high spirits of revenge.
The first two guys who attacked me (a police informant had already put tap on them and they were about to be arrested) were involved in a bike accident. The elder brother who charged kung-fu high and deadly smash on my chest with resultant dislocations and broken ribs died on the spot! The younger brother who was the driver, of course of the stollen bike suffered castration surplace! He also suffered multiple broken ribs, legs, arms and stayed in Mbingo for over six months!
Even if I took an army to Bambili to inflict revenge, I might have ended up killing and maiming even wrong people.
My friends, be careful, esp. if you do not know what you are saying, when you pass judgement on such a magnitute of Man of God that TBJ is.
You may want to know that he tele-conducted the bus that was taking me home to surface in Calabar, where I should have consulted a far bigger Spiritual Leader OOO!
Be very careful, please.
Justice M. Mbuh (Ph.D). 
THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA  (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.  --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

From: 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <>
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Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [BOYO] Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016


Thanks for the Bible verse. With God, even the likes of TB Joshua are possible (as with Judas it comes with a curse). He could not prophesy his own dormitory collapsing and killing desperate persons drawn to his falsehood from as far away as South Africa. How much believing there would be had he raised those unfortunate people from the dead of his making. Falsehood has a captivating flare. Many a person show up in church or at the mosque attracted much more by the falsehood of the pastor or the imam.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:14 AM, 'legima Doh' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
 JB Joshua is in my opinion the biggest fraud that religion has produced in Nigeria and Africa in general. He is an uneducated and deluded and deceptive charlatan.It is very disturbing that people continue to believe in him without any objective, verifiable reason. That is the result of credulity at its best. When you read through his insipid prophecies, you wonder how anyone reading through can possibly believe those to be coming from God. His prophecies are a poor restatements of world affairs with proposed courses of action that are less strategic than those that would come from a kindergarten. He does not prophesy and has  never prophesied anything. He has not and cannot heal any illness, not even common cold. To believe he is a prophet, one must first have to assassinate their independent thought process and be blind to all forms of rationality.
Legima  Doh ,

 With God,Nothing is an Impossibility(Luke 1:37)

On Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 3:14, 'Michael Johnson' via ambasbay <> wrote:

These so-called men of God are very very intelligent and  if you are spiritually weak, miserable and lazy you will find yourself dancing to their tunes. It baffles me when I see educated people who still fall into their wily style of trickery and deceits.   
   Michael Johnson K. 
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    coverage. etc. Tel: +237 6777410 30

On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:38 PM, "Yibain Asahmbom [BOYO]" <> wrote:

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 I am surprised people still fall to the manipulations of the prophesies of our numerous "men of God". He has been wise enough this year to give an unfavourable beginning of year's prophesy. Uptill 2014, beginning year's prophesies have been those of success, little did he know the doom that was ahead of him in 12th September. In 2015, almost all his prophsies failed; I can name some: ' Coroner must bow to high court', 'there will be a plane crash in Nigeria' which was twisted when a plane crashed in France, 'there will be a serious civil war in Nigeria on the thursday that followed after the pesidential elections which will lead to the death of a great politician' but peace reigned in Nigeria starting from the Teusday after the elections, 'the girls kidnapped by boko haram would go unharmed and untouched', etc....Now he has seen that prophesies of evil can easily come true bc the world of today is evil hence his 2016 prophecy. Can loans and investment agriculture regulate the intensity of rainfall as his 2016 prophecy suggests? I think we should stop listening to 'prophetes' and keep praying to God from our hearts.

On Tuesday, 5 January 2016, 12:34, "Njousi Abang [BOYO]" <> wrote:

Prophet T B Joshua speaks out:
The highly acclaimed Prophet of God, Prophet TB Joshua has uttered prophecies for this year 2016 as were revealed to him by God. This is what he said:

To the world:
*There will be large scale scarcity, shortage of food. As a state, country, continent, we have to go back to the farm to arrest, to alleviate the forthcoming situation.

 *Some countries will suffer excessive rainfall while others will suffer drought.
I encourage the governments of all nations to invest in agriculture and to grant loans to deserving citizens to augment this effort.

*The continent of Africa. How much have we disappointed God.
Africa is supposed to be the breadbasket of the world. We are supposed to produce a large quantum of food for the world. This is our natural resource base. Food should be our primary export to other continents. Food in exchange for technology.

 *African leaders should quickly arrest the political situation.
More African countries will be under siege by terrorists because of pros and cons in choosing leaders. Mishandling of electoral processes will create a conducive atmosphere for terrorists.
Politics will not be business as usual because of limited resources. There will be no profit in investing in politics because of governments' limited resources and challenges.
This now gives grace to those who are genuinely called to the job. When you are genuinely called to do the job, you will do it because of your love for it and not because of money.

*The situation with Arab nations will increase and the tension will increase as well.
*This year, do what you love. There's money in love. Money in love brings peace and tranquility.
To Southern Africa:
*The South African currency that is going up and down will soon be stable.
There will be little rain at the wrong time which is not good for farming. Many farmers will be discouraged. The whole thing will shoot from South Africa. It will also affect power supply and health care.
*The situation will tempt the affected countries in Southern Africa and cause them to want to surrender most of their companies to foreign countries, but they should be careful not to do that.
The challenge will last only for a while and they will come out of it stronger.
*The way out to the challenge is that the government should build dams and irrigation mechanisms, using available water from the sea.
*Ending of February and April are very peculiar months to the nations of Southern Africa subregion. Let us observe prayers during that period for the leaders.
To Nigeria:
*Pray for President Buhari
He has good intentions. A king's intentions cannot be carried out properly without the support of the subjects. He needs your support, to lead us out of the valley.

*The president will do everything to reject revaluation of the naira – which is a good idea from a good leader. But there will be overwhelming pressure which he will not be able to resist.
Nigerians, support and pray for your leader. The future is crying for help.

*One of the minority parties will be lifted up and will be reckoned with. pray for love and unity in the country.

*We are to pray for the minister in charge of agriculture, for God to give him enablement and sustain him because much is expected from him.
To North Korea:
*Pray for the president of North Korea, I am seeing an arrow from there and it will affect the world. There are weapons there that the world doesn't know yet, if they throw that arrow, there'll be confusion in the world.
(Side Note: In confirmation of this particular prophecy, the president of North Korea made an announcement over the weekend that he's ready for war against any nation that challenges him or his nation)
The Bible says when a prophet of God speaks, the wise listen. This is the man who prophesied about the Malaysian plane crash, the terrorist attacks in France and America, and several other incidents before they happened. I hope those in authority take his message seriously!


Posted by: Yibain Asahmbom <>
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