Re: Guess Work; Pure and Simple /// Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016

Changing Lives:

The Ministry of the Prophet End

Outing the Anti-Christ[1]

Ho 12:13 And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.

Prophet Ntemfac Ofege

Jesus talking:
Mt 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's.
The prophet you do not receive can do nothing for you.
And you are totally useless to him.
If you are already full not even God himself can fill you.
God does not need you if you are already good.
Jesus did not come for good people. He came for us, sinners.
Bad boys and girls and the God who loves them is the title of a lethal sermon by Bishop TD Jakes.
When God wanted to redeem fallen man, he came in human form.
How do you know that the prophet you are denouncing is not God himself come down for somebody.
You do not need a prophet if you have no needs. You do not need a doctor if you are not ill.
But somebody does.
And that somebody has placed his or her faith in the man of God.
Ho 12:13 And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.
Here I am saying something without speaking.
2Ch 20:20  And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper
Prophets are God's agents for the prosperity of humanity. Prophets are God's agents for the prosperity of the human race. Prophets are God's agents for the prosperity of mankind. Prophets are God's agents for adding value to human life. Prophets are God's agents for the transformation of mankind. Prophets are God's agents for turning the captivity of mankind. Prophets are God's agents for bringing the will of God to bear on mankind.
Many people believe God. Many few believe his prophets. For that reason, most people are grounded. For that reason, most people are stranded. You cannot come across a life with prophetic impact and prophetic input and go away without a proof to show for the encounter.
Because Prophets are God's agents for the transformation of mankind.
Because Prophets are God's agents that add value to human life.
In the ministry of the prophet, familiarity engenders contempt. Often, people think that they know the prophet whereas they do not. Often people think that they know the Lord God but they do not. For God is the only man who can reveal himself to you and still remain a mystery.
The Lord Jesus arrived at his home village and they could not see him beyond his family lineage.
Joh 6: 41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. 42 And they said, is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?
When he continued about the reason for is coming and the power hidden in him, some of his own disciples abandoned him. See John 6:43-71.
Consequently, in Nazareth, the sick remained sick, the barren remained barren and the cripple remain cripple because of their UNBELIEF.
It is true that there are fake-false prophets, says Bishop Oyedepo, but the existence of the fake is proof of the genuine. There are fake CFAS and DOLLAR bills running around. Why don't you throw away your own because there are fakes?
The Bible admits that there will be false prophets, especially during this End Times.
Mt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
 Mt 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
 Mt 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
 Mr 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
 Lu 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
 2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
 1Jo 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Friends, it is not enough to believe in the Lord your God. It is in your own interest to believe in his prophets. A combination of being established by the Lord God himself and insight from a prophet is what establishes you enviable destiny in God.
Save you are a child of Belial whose destiny is established among the demons.
About the most dangerous people on earth are the religious folks - the various shades of Boko Haramists..
Religious people think they know what is in the Bible whereas they will not show one Bible verse to back their claims.
At best they either take the Bible out of context or they run away with half a Scripture to start a church.
Of course religious folks are very temperamental and judgemental as the spirit of their father - the devil - moves in them and keeps them in ignorance.
They would gladly kill you for tampering with their ignorance.
They will also kill you thinking that they are doing God a favour.
Now, with, or without your permission, I will start showing us what the Bible actually says about most of the topics and themes that have been misrepresented since some very courageous folks took upon themselves to question a MAN UNDER ANOINTING.
Where would you stand when the Master stands up to defend his servant.
And he will.
I have already posted the relevant Scriptures concerning the Ministry of the Prophet.
Permit me add the following.
All prophets are controversial.
The Lord God himself is controversial.
God is the Father of the prophets and as he is so are they in this world.
In fact, you are not a prophet worth his salt if you do not brew a fearsome storm everyday.
The Lord Jesus is controversial.
Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, .Ezekiel, Yeshua, Oyedepo, TB Joshua, Ntemfac anybody who wields the mantle of a prophet who does not raise the devil and flog the devil wherever he is found.
The devil thrives and lives in ignorance.
And the devil keeps many ignorant..lest they discover themselves and cast him out.
Religious people are held captive by the devil by their ignorance.
They would not take take to read what the Bible actually says but they carry on and on making false claims.
But also know this...the prophets are never afraid of battle.
In fact, they are about the only breed of humans with the anoointing of the horse very present.
The horse runs into the battle and the clash of arms excites the horse.
So too do the prophets 'buy every case' and move in to kick ass and take names.
More Incoming.
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

· What we do as a ministry
Who is a prophet? And how do I tell the difference between a true prophet and a false one?
A Prophet is a mouth piece of God or spiritual pen of a ready writer (psalm 45:1) that God uses to write His perfect will on paper, in the earth, in the atmosphere and in the universe, and through the mouth of the prophet or the life (character) of the prophet, God begins to reveal, to speak, to mould, to structure, to instruct, to inspire, to impregnate (2 Kings 4:16) and to release images in the form of uttered words into the minds of people via a prophet or prophetess.
Hosea 2:10 says: Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, the word hewn means; to conform, to fashion, to mould, to make or to design, Hosea: 12:10 says: I have also spoken by the prophets, and have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets.
Revelation 19: 10 says:..For the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of Prophecy.
John 6:63 says: the words I speak unto you are spirit (DNA, genetic code, God's offspring, prophecy, vision, or inheritance) and life.
Amos 3:7 says: Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
Description of A false prophet
A prophet is some one that is called and chosen by God to speak, to deliver and to reveal God's will to others through his or her speech and life style. A prophet must be called and chosen by God (the choosing is something that was done by God even before this prophet came into the womb of her mother. as in Jeremiah 1:5).
Romans 11:21 says; for the calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable (unchangeable, irreversible), and because of this, the gift of a prophet can still function even though this prophet is not totally submitted under God's will, there are few examples that are given in the bible about the prophets and prophetesses who had their gift of prophecy working, but yet when they themselves were not living according to God's will, these are also known as the false prophets, prophet Balaam was one of them (numbers 23:1-30).
I repeat; there are people who move in the calling of a prophet but yet when their lives are not clean or holy or dedicated to God, these prophets always prophecy about the things that people want to hear (things that justify the evil motives of the people's evil desires), through their prophecies and speech they focus more on the miracles that will fulfill the people's needs, rather than speaking the truth that will change their lives and confront their bad un holy behaviors, if they are men they are womanizes, and if they are women they are seductive.
The strength that empowers the ministry of the false prophets is the spirit of sexual immorality, they promote it, they do not speak against it neither warn people about it, because they know that as long as the people are ignorant about sexual immorality, then they stand a big chance of being able to continue to manipulate them, control them and also exploit them.
In Numbers 31:16 & Numbers 25:1-3 Balaam the false prophet gave advice to Balak after he had realized that he could not curse Israel because of God's blessing upon their lives, so he decided to tell Balam to send women (Moabite and midianite women) into the camp of Israel, and after these women had finished seducing them or committing adultery, fornication and sexual immorality with them, then you will be able to curse them (casting of spells and witchcraft will be able to work against them).
The book of Revelation 2:19-23 talks about Jezebel, a woman who seduced and corrupted God's church by making it eat things sacrificed to idols and commit sexual immorality.
In Revelation 19:20 a false prophet was speaking and out of his mouth came unclean words in the form of frogs which went out into the whole earth so that they may influence the kings and the leaders of the earth into doing evil and legalizing evil laws, and all these false prophets have one goal in common, and that is the purpose of using their mouth or gift of prophecy to curse, to corrupt, to manipulate, to control, and to pervert the people's character so that the human beings on the earth may live contrary to God's Commandments that are written in the old testament, an influence and behavior that leads to the hatred and opposition that goes against the Jewish nation, which contributes to the promotion of the spirit of anti-Semitism.
Description of the true prophets of God:
A true prophet of God is someone who is moving under the calling of a prophet (speaking God's word or revelation in prophetic symbols, patterns, pictures, and visions and also living a life of restraint and obedience to the calling of his or her prophetic mantle, and through his obedience to his prophetic calling, he or she manages to relate and connect his own emotions, desires, feelings, and motives into God's perfect will (which also consists of God's emotions, feelings, desires and motives ), and through this divine connection and relationship, this prophet will begin to feel, to relate, and to have knowledge about God's judgments, plans, desires, and decisions that God has made in heaven concerning a certain group of people, city, nation or geographical location.
There are different types of prophets, and each prophet is called to speak God's plan, to mould, to rebuke, and to relate the people's motives, habits and desires to the reality of God's apostolic structure that God is about to release through the apostolic grace, because every prophet has a spiritual assignment and responsibility of being a mouth piece that bears witness of the apostolic revival that God is about introduce into the world (John the Baptist bore witness and prepared the way for the apostolic ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ as in).
Prophets are called to prepare the way (by redirecting the people's life style from the pattern or world system that makes them to behave selfish, so that they may be able to return to God's foundation and truth that is revealed and structured by the apostolic anointing).
There are twelve apostles and twelve systems in the world, and each prophetic gift is spiritually designed to bear witness, to relate and to prophecy in a way that upholds and informs the world about the apostolic grace or system through which that prophetic gift that is prophesying was intended to function, in a simple explanation this means that;
Every apostle (among the twelve apostles) is prophetically revealed, advertised and introduced to the world through the prophetic office, and after that the apostles are responsible of building the spiritual foundations of every gift or talent, and they are also responsible of introducing the world to the spiritual systematic move of God which is connected to the Jewish nation or the twelve tribes of Jacob's son called Israel.
A true prophet of God always delivers a message to the people from God which brings conviction, and a strong desire or radical act of repentance that makes them repent from their own wicked ways so that they may turn back to God with all their heart, body, soul and strength, a message that brings the people from their comfort zone of compromise, bad behaviors, immoral acts of sexual immorality etc so that they may be able to relate their emotions and desires back to a God that is holy.
By: Apostle Ngabo
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Evelyn, as you so aptly put in there are 9 Gifts FROM the Holy Spirit ie the gifts that it behooves the Lord God, by his grace, to bequeath the Christian ie those who believe in him and who, because of their belief and faith, have a RELATIONSHIP with him.
Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship between a Spirit god and his spirit children who now live in the flesh but who are actually spirits. You worship God in truth and in spirit because God is a Spirit.
In fact every Christian ought to know the number of spiritual gifts they have and covert or demand more from the El Elyon, the Giver, himself.
Those 9 spiritual gifts are, in order of merit:
1. Lowest level - praying in tongues - interpreting tongues and prophecy. The gift of prophecy does not make one a prophet because the office of prophet is among the Five-fold ministries of the church. See Ephesians 4:11. You can prophecy as the spirit gives you leading but if you are not a prophet you will sometimes err in prophecy. 
2. Middle Level - Faith - healing and miracles. Faith leads to the other two because Faith comes by hearing the voice of God. The Lord God himself tells you when to heal and what to do to heal. 
3. Word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discernment. The word of knowledge is when the Lord God tells you to make extraordinary revelations and the word of wisdom is when the Lord God tells you to do extraordinary things. You just do them even if your spirit does not believe. Discernment is the ability to see with the eyes of faith. You see what is not there.
Of course there are 7 spirits in the Holy Spirit
1. Knowledge
2. Wisdom
3. Understanding
4. Counsel
5. Power or stamina or Prophecy
6. Righteousness or moral rectitude
7. Love of God.
When I come back I will tell us who Prophets are and what they do.
Read I Corinthians 14:1-3

1 Corinthians 14:1-3

King James Version (KJV)
14 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
Prophets, among other things, basically 1. EDIFY 2. EXHORT and 3 COMFORT the people of God.
1 Cor 14: 3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
2Ch 20:20 And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

[1] With notes from World Last Chance, Shepherd Staff, the Bible KJV, The Urantia Book, Pastor Oyahkilome, Pastor Randall Worley.


Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

On Monday, January 11, 2016 8:22 AM, 'Nformi Emmanuel k.' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Hahahahaj Tah Mfar, I usually enjoy all your write-ups because you spice them with unique creativity. I can't stop reading and repeating!

Now you ask legitimate questions; and your plans to invite prophet TB Joshua to Cameroon is what I am in support of, except for the fact that it seems your motive is not so much that you and I are sick, than the fact that you desire to prove his falsehood. I don't fault you for desiring to have an experience of him, but that before you do, listen to the testimonies of those who have already experienced him personally.

Come to your questions; let me push you further. In the example I had given concerning John the Baptist, if Jesus was this powerful  prophet whom he claimed to be, why would he not just liberate John from the prison? Why would he be going around with miracles in Judea meanwhile Samaritans needed miracles too. If Cameroon of 18 millions in population has only centre jamo, how many of them would be in Nigeria of over 10times cameroon? And now if you confined him to Lagos, what about the fact that he has to heal all sick Nigerians in all cities before proceeding to Cameroon? Why were some sick people carried to Jesus meanwhile he had the knowledge and power to heal them at their locales? Anyway, I understand yours is fun and I love it.
On your side of the argument, you label him false without any clear intelligent and spiritually inspired reason. That's where I find fault. You need more than fake news articles: personal experience! That's what you have refused to listen to in Justice Mbuh and the rest.
Nformi Emmanuel

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:18 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Pah Mformi
With all due respects and all protocol adhered to, I will strongly beg to be on the opposite side of you as far as this discusion goes. As far as I am concerned, the man TB Joshua is a False Prophet. Period. Contrary to your insinuations, this langua has nothing to do with " in having gone to school". TB Joshua is not the only "False Prophet" being x-rayed. Nobody stops anyone from believing what ever they want to believe. The other day, I gave an example of "Prophet Popoff" who sells "miracle water and hankerchief" for delivrance. When scrutunized by a very probing media, the guy simply said "The laws as they are written today permits him to legally make money by selling illusions" more no less. In other words, this is called "Legal Theft". TB Joshua is not doing anything illegal since his "Ministry" is registered and conforms with the "Laws of Nigeria". So the same question I asked of Prophet "Poff Poff", I also ask of TB Joshua:
We have two main centers in Cameroon that easily come to mind: Centre des Handicapes d'Etoug-Ebe and Centre Jamot. The number of patients who have been abandoned to their sorry fate in these dilapidated Health facilities is unconcionable. 

We are officially inviting massa Prophet TB Joshua to Cameroon to come and perform his "Miracles" in these facilities. We will come with the TV Cameras and any other media we can galvanize and let TB Joshua "Help through his miraculous hands" to heal these people and alleviate their suffering. I think God knows that these patients need "Help". No be daso 4 knack mop. Nobody will accuse him of faking because, these Centre Jamot guys with intellectual disabilities are real people or those at the Bulu Blind Center in Buea or the other handicapped in Sajoca in Bafut. There is no shortage of real sick people to heal. Heck, me sef sef Mishe Fon, I am sick too. Yes I get smol bipolar crisse 4 my kongolibong....Let him come and fix us real sick peepoo b4 performing fake theatrics in Lagos. We are waiting 4 him in Kamalloon. Na all dat.
Tah Mfar (Wimbum) Mishe Fon

From: 'Prosper Meye Gwei' via ambasbay <>
To: Nformi Emmanuel k. <>; NDI MANJONG <>; "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [wimbum] Re: [BOYO] Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016

Thank you Ta Nformi Emmanuel. Very well said !

Sent from my Sprint Phone.

Let me write the songs of a nation - I don't care who writes it's laws.
Andrew Fletcher.

----- Reply message -----
From: "'Nformi Emmanuel k.' [wimbum]" <>
To: "NDI MANJONG" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Subject: [wimbum] Re: [BOYO] Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016
Date: Sun, Jan 10, 2016 5:17 PM

Hello all,
It has always puzzled me when people think beyond themselves as far to label a prophet like TB Joshua, in totalitarian terms as "false". I have written several times on the TBJ's web; yet I have fallen short of a litmus proof of falsehood. My on-the-fence approach has seldom been reproached, but certainly has always been of a position of humility and fear of the unknown (doubts). So when I hear those who claim to be "educated" (whatever that means: Western or....... Eastern?) enough to label him as false without a display of intellectual reason and spiritual discernment enough to challenge the contrary, it dulls my reservation. I have read some people challenge Justice Mbuh's claim that TBJ is genuine based on the fact that he is "educated" as if Western education is all one has for empirical reason. When civilization had arrived Egypt some 3000BC ago, the present "West" had not yet been found, yet Egyptians didn't speak in English or French - that simple language of expression that creates a foreign and ill-informed impression that my grandparents were illiterates. The irony is that those who claim to be "educated" discuss a religious subject as if education excludes religious facts; else why would one praise Mr Epie Ngome for claiming that Christianity is void of prophecy as if the practice thereof is not sanctioned by  Christianity's scared texts?

It raises dust further whether the "educationist" argument rises from empirical reason when one views that there is no measurement without a margin of error neither is there any machine with 100% efficiency; to totally deny Joshua of a benefit of doubt.  
So far those who label TB Joshua with a red paint brush as false have not presented any proof of such, instead one would believe the testimonies of those who have personal experiences with the man. It is far more acceptable in TB Joshua case, to hear from those who have personally met him, especially those who testify like Justice Mbuh that he once held him in such ill-informed falsehood before his contact.
It would do us a favor if we revisit the definition of "Prophet" and "Prophecy" to derive whether TBJ and his activities fit the accurate paradigm. 
The Webster's Standard English Dictionary defines a "prophet" as "one who pronounces or interprets by divine inspiration." So the Prophet does two things: pronounce (proclaim) and/or interprets. What many have been ignorant about is that a prophet is exclusively one who "foretells"; which is part of pronouncement. TBJ has been doing both, which means he is a prophet. So we are remained with the task to derive what kind of prophet he is: False or True? Just to raise this question informs us that even if TBJ is false, there exists the "True" prophets. So in this debate, can the opposing sides really accept that there are some prophets that are True? And can they name just one true prophet of all the thousands of prophets in the world? The only way one can do this exercise sincerely is to name general characteristics of falsehood and Truth-hood; at which end TBJ will be scoring many "goods" than "bads". The other way to do this is to find out whether his prophecy helps from those who have experienced him; at which end he scores higher than any other in the business.

The Webster's Standard English Dictionary defines a "prophecy" simply as "a prediction or forecast". Thus the terms "prediction" and "forecast" usually presents an act that involves an element of doubt; it is never clear to predict or forecast. The prophet will never see or hear clearly what the spirit tells him and even when they convey the message, it is usually in terms wrapped in clouds of uncertainty and doubt. That is exactly what TBJ does for example when he saw the calamity in his very church, but it was not that clear else it would not happen. He has never in any instant claim to see so clearly that the event would occur or must occur in terms described. But the fact that he speaks of an event and it happens, does present him as a prophet in much accuracy enough to be believed; at least by his followers and those who are in need and are being helped. When you fault him solely on accuracy, you do him some injustice if you actually are "educated" enough to know that a "prediction" and a "forecast" are wrapped in doubts. What about your medical doctors who cannot save themselves from death?
In discussing this religious matter, let's use some christian scriptures:
1Cor.14: "Follow the way of love, and eagerly desire gifts, especially prophecy.....Because, the one who prophesies speak to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.....the one who prophesies edifies the church. So, ....i would rather you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater....." (1-5)NIV. Those "educationists" need to be informed that prophecy is sanctioned as one of the best spiritual gifts in the Christian bible and therefore is to be practiced. Now, there are many types of prophecies, but the one that is forbidden is any that seeks to add or to subtract from the closed cannon of scriptures. If anyone thinks that they can receive a new revelation form God that contradicts what the infallible word of God as written and collected in the canon, that person is a false prophet. Since we are talking about TB Joshua, there has never been an instant (at least no known to me) when he has attempted to add or subtract from the Bible.

1Cor. 13: "Love never fails. But where there are prophecies they will cease;......For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the completeness comes, what is in part disappears"(8-9)NIV. Can you imagine the almighty, "educated" Paul being honest to acknowledge that even his own prophecies are not perfect? He represents a humility that this world craves for in the arrogant multiple mushroom prophets! I think what makes us label prophets as false is not so much the accuracy of their prophecies, than it is the arrogance mediating them. Yet in the case of Joshua, I have never heard him claim that his prophesies are without error in articulation or in occurrence. Nevertheless I fault him for many characteristics that display ungodliness, but still run short of calling him a false prophet just because of the incident of John the Baptist Vs Jesus Christ.
Jesus had made this statement: "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, and in his own home". Matt. 13:57. While I fault TB Joshua for certain characteristics, I still withhold totally labeling him as false for lack of "complete" or sufficient evidence beyond reasonable doubt. After Jesus made this statement above, something interesting is happening to John the Baptist, His fore-running prophet in Herode's custody (prison). While in the prison, John contemplates his fate. After his disciples recount to him numerous miracles Jesus is performing in the community, he wants to be sure if Jesus is truly the "messiah" to be consoled at least, even if he would be killed - he must not be dying in regret. So he sends his disciples to question Jesus:
Matt. 11:3-5: "3And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? 4Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: 5The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.KJV.

To make a point here let's consider:
Matt. 7:15-20:" Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will know them by their fruits."
John The Baptist would be consoled solely by the fact that miracles were being (in accordance with the prophecy in Isaiah 35:5; to which both are privy) performed and people are being helped. Jesus would state that anyone who does these good things should be considered "good"(true). Is TBJ a true prophet or a false prophet? Does he do good to people by his prophecy? So far we have had here and in many instances, people testifying of being helped. Our conclusion, according to Jesus himself, would be to consider TBJ as a true prophet.

Are there people who do "good", yet they are false? Absolutely! But until we have ample human and divine evidence, we cannot label them as false; such judgments belong to God. Some have not been called and yet they are prophesying in Jesus' name; actually performing numerous miracles. But Jesus did even caution the 72 disciples who returned bragging that they experienced wonders: "rather rejoice that your names have been written in the book of life". Paul also laments and dreads that while he has won many to Christ, and performed several miracles, he himself may be rejected at the end. False prophets may be chastised by God in this life, but most will only be revealed when Christ returns at which time many will testify that they cast demons and performed numerous miracles in Jesus' name but He would respond with a rejection: "depart from me you evil doers, I don't know you". Some chastisements may be as dramatic as to the sons of Sceva (Acts. 19:11-20) or as silent as them disappearing in their business to some shame, but all such is God's. Shall we even attempt to stop some prophets? No! Even if we have such compelling evidence that they are false. John had reported to Jesus after a field trip:"teacher we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us" But Jesus said "do not stop him:….. who is not against us is for us"(Mark 9:38-40). Those who wish to challenge prophets can only do it perfectly by the word of God. It shines in darkness and darkness flees.
Also if prophecy comes by "divine inspiration" our discernment on whether it is false or true can only be accurate if it is based on divine inspiration rather than solely on intellectual experience. Is TBJ false? He must be or not according to your personal experience?
Nformi Emmanuel 

On Thursday, January 7, 2016 1:22 PM, "NDI MANJONG [wimbum]" <> wrote:


Skilled "ngambe" people do also make assumedly precise recommendations after listening to their client's story. Goodluck lost the election and any reasonable person could have advised him to not be stupid trying to contest the results. One wonders why you went to TB Joshua instead of the old AMOC temple you once considered just as good. Given just your CPC education, you and your family did not have to hear from TB Joshua about leaving it all to God. 

In Jumbam's "Whiteman of God", TB Joshua is neither responsible for nor predictor of Lokokomo's suffering for the terrible things he kept secret. What was TB Joshua's prediction to you about the Southern Cameroons Case? Could you of all persons have missed the opportunity to inquire about this matter for which you risk so much? 

How did the devil get himself and Jesus to the top of the temple from which he advised Jesus to jump down? How did the devil and Jesus get down the temple after Jesus refused being tempted to jump down? We never shall know why Jesus even allowed Himself to be moved around by the devil. No one is preventing anyone from believing what they choose. There is nothing wrong in saying that for every "successful" Justice Mbuh visit from Caneroun to TB Joshua there are also many unsuccessful ones. Whatever happened to the other very "successful" prophet or "Man of God" of Manyu origin that once set up camp in Bamenda and was a crowd puller and miracle worker? A thousand years to God is like one human moment. The Bible has something regarding the coming of the end time. There is nothing there like the "ngambe" man predicting that the baby in the womb will either be male or female.


Ndi Manjong et al,
I think it is preposterous to pass such judgments on TBJ. For your information, he's been very accurate on many of his prophesies. In fact in some cases even too precise.
Regarding your charge that he could not prohesy about the collapse of the hostel in the Synagogue premise, you are wrong bec. he did. He warned that the people should pray hard bec. a calamity would befall the Synague and the we should pray that our relatives or even his own were not involve.
On the issue of the election in Nigeria, please, please, and please, check out how TBJ counselled Goodluch Jonathan and adviced him to dare not to contest the results and to let go!
And about the recent pronouncements on SA, if he is wrong, time will tell. He was not wrong about the plane crash in Nigeria, like some one insnuated, nor that of the Russian passenger plane, etc.
I think we should npot label him a fraud--for he is no way like that. That is my opinion.
On a very personal note, as someone involved with high level esoterics since childhood (hmmmmm!), when I was attacked by wouldbe assassines just 100m from our home here on ENS St, Bambili on Friday Dec. 13, 2013 (see esoterics on the day, please, Fri. 13, 2013!), my family charged that bec. of my vibrations in esoterics, my being a member of the BCS, Charismatic, former AMOC, etc., I must have attractyed enemies to myself, if not possessed. They insisted I go to TBJ.
Upon visiting the SCOAN in first week of January 2014, TBJ said I should leave it to God, citing the printed message of that Sunday, which I carried back home to my family who did not believe me when I told them what TBJ would say.
Brethrens, three weeks after, what God did, I could not have done so in the most high spirits of revenge.
The first two guys who attacked me (a police informant had already put tap on them and they were about to be arrested) were involved in a bike accident. The elder brother who charged kung-fu high and deadly smash on my chest with resultant dislocations and broken ribs died on the spot! The younger brother who was the driver, of course of the stollen bike suffered castration surplace! He also suffered multiple broken ribs, legs, arms and stayed in Mbingo for over six months!
Even if I took an army to Bambili to inflict revenge, I might have ended up killing and maiming even wrong people.
My friends, be careful, esp. if you do not know what you are saying, when you pass judgement on such a magnitute of Man of God that TBJ is.
You may want to know that he tele-conducted the bus that was taking me home to surface in Calabar, where I should have consulted a far bigger Spiritual Leader OOO!
Be very careful, please.
Justice M. Mbuh (Ph.D). 
THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA  (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.  --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

From: 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [BOYO] Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016


Thanks for the Bible verse. With God, even the likes of TB Joshua are possible (as with Judas it comes with a curse). He could not prophesy his own dormitory collapsing and killing desperate persons drawn to his falsehood from as far away as South Africa. How much believing there would be had he raised those unfortunate people from the dead of his making. Falsehood has a captivating flare. Many a person show up in church or at the mosque attracted much more by the falsehood of the pastor or the imam.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:14 AM, 'legima Doh' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
 JB Joshua is in my opinion the biggest fraud that religion has produced in Nigeria and Africa in general. He is an uneducated and deluded and deceptive charlatan.It is very disturbing that people continue to believe in him without any objective, verifiable reason. That is the result of credulity at its best. When you read through his insipid prophecies, you wonder how anyone reading through can possibly believe those to be coming from God. His prophecies are a poor restatements of world affairs with proposed courses of action that are less strategic than those that would come from a kindergarten. He does not prophesy and has  never prophesied anything. He has not and cannot heal any illness, not even common cold. To believe he is a prophet, one must first have to assassinate their independent thought process and be blind to all forms of rationality.
Legima  Doh ,

 With God,Nothing is an Impossibility(Luke 1:37)

On Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 3:14, 'Michael Johnson' via ambasbay <> wrote:

These so-called men of God are very very intelligent and  if you are spiritually weak, miserable and lazy you will find yourself dancing to their tunes. It baffles me when I see educated people who still fall into their wily style of trickery and deceits.   
   Michael Johnson K. 
    Promotion,Animation,TV spot,Video  
    coverage. etc. Tel: +237 6777410 30

On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:38 PM, "Yibain Asahmbom [BOYO]" <> wrote:

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 I am surprised people still fall to the manipulations of the prophesies of our numerous "men of God". He has been wise enough this year to give an unfavourable beginning of year's prophesy. Uptill 2014, beginning year's prophesies have been those of success, little did he know the doom that was ahead of him in 12th September. In 2015, almost all his prophsies failed; I can name some: ' Coroner must bow to high court', 'there will be a plane crash in Nigeria' which was twisted when a plane crashed in France, 'there will be a serious civil war in Nigeria on the thursday that followed after the pesidential elections which will lead to the death of a great politician' but peace reigned in Nigeria starting from the Teusday after the elections, 'the girls kidnapped by boko haram would go unharmed and untouched', etc....Now he has seen that prophesies of evil can easily come true bc the world of today is evil hence his 2016 prophecy. Can loans and investment agriculture regulate the intensity of rainfall as his 2016 prophecy suggests? I think we should stop listening to 'prophetes' and keep praying to God from our hearts.

On Tuesday, 5 January 2016, 12:34, "Njousi Abang [BOYO]" <> wrote:

Prophet T B Joshua speaks out:
The highly acclaimed Prophet of God, Prophet TB Joshua has uttered prophecies for this year 2016 as were revealed to him by God. This is what he said:

To the world:
*There will be large scale scarcity, shortage of food. As a state, country, continent, we have to go back to the farm to arrest, to alleviate the forthcoming situation.

 *Some countries will suffer excessive rainfall while others will suffer drought.
I encourage the governments of all nations to invest in agriculture and to grant loans to deserving citizens to augment this effort.

*The continent of Africa. How much have we disappointed God.
Africa is supposed to be the breadbasket of the world. We are supposed to produce a large quantum of food for the world. This is our natural resource base. Food should be our primary export to other continents. Food in exchange for technology.

 *African leaders should quickly arrest the political situation.
More African countries will be under siege by terrorists because of pros and cons in choosing leaders. Mishandling of electoral processes will create a conducive atmosphere for terrorists.
Politics will not be business as usual because of limited resources. There will be no profit in investing in politics because of governments' limited resources and challenges.
This now gives grace to those who are genuinely called to the job. When you are genuinely called to do the job, you will do it because of your love for it and not because of money.

*The situation with Arab nations will increase and the tension will increase as well.
*This year, do what you love. There's money in love. Money in love brings peace and tranquility.
To Southern Africa:
*The South African currency that is going up and down will soon be stable.
There will be little rain at the wrong time which is not good for farming. Many farmers will be discouraged. The whole thing will shoot from South Africa. It will also affect power supply and health care.
*The situation will tempt the affected countries in Southern Africa and cause them to want to surrender most of their companies to foreign countries, but they should be careful not to do that.
The challenge will last only for a while and they will come out of it stronger.
*The way out to the challenge is that the government should build dams and irrigation mechanisms, using available water from the sea.
*Ending of February and April are very peculiar months to the nations of Southern Africa subregion. Let us observe prayers during that period for the leaders.
To Nigeria:
*Pray for President Buhari
He has good intentions. A king's intentions cannot be carried out properly without the support of the subjects. He needs your support, to lead us out of the valley.

*The president will do everything to reject revaluation of the naira – which is a good idea from a good leader. But there will be overwhelming pressure which he will not be able to resist.
Nigerians, support and pray for your leader. The future is crying for help.

*One of the minority parties will be lifted up and will be reckoned with. pray for love and unity in the country.

*We are to pray for the minister in charge of agriculture, for God to give him enablement and sustain him because much is expected from him.
To North Korea:
*Pray for the president of North Korea, I am seeing an arrow from there and it will affect the world. There are weapons there that the world doesn't know yet, if they throw that arrow, there'll be confusion in the world.
(Side Note: In confirmation of this particular prophecy, the president of North Korea made an announcement over the weekend that he's ready for war against any nation that challenges him or his nation)
The Bible says when a prophet of God speaks, the wise listen. This is the man who prophesied about the Malaysian plane crash, the terrorist attacks in France and America, and several other incidents before they happened. I hope those in authority take his message seriously!

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