Re: [MTC Global] Household Lessons from Chennai Flood

Good Lessons on the Lack of Sustainable solutions for the requirements of the growing urban populace. Any future plans for energy,water ,transport logistics and other needs must be inspired by how things are organized in the nature. Any solutions that is in perfect ecological balance is based on the principles of interdependence,flexibility,partnerships,diversity and self organizing. Any attempt at violation of these principles,leads to solutions that cannot sustain in temporal and physical space. Hope that urban planners watch nature and derive inspiration from things in nature. World over sustainability is the theme in the research directions.
We are shortsighted,shortchanged,short of ideas and short fused in our attempt to solve the problems. Hence the unpreparedness for combating the nature's fury. Chennai floods case in point.Hope the lessons learnt are captured and pondered upon. Save the practice of not following the principles. Solutions rooted in principles always stand the test of time and have sustainability as the chaterstics built in it.

Professor & Head,
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management
RV College of engineering
Ph 91-080-67178032
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On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 8:19 PM, 'Shankar G' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <> wrote:
Very good learning for HR. 

As one of the victims of the floods, I tend to think of precautions for the future

1. A boat and floating devices at each household; It might sound funny. But when every aircraft has compulsory provision for water evacuation and oxygen mask, why can't an apartment have them, as they have fire extinguishers now. 
2. The main sufferers were the aged and the kids: Hence there is a need for safe buildings with centralized generators and kitchens with short-stay, day care facilities for those low on mobility such as senior citizens and children on the lines of Kibbutz. 
3. Many suffered from cracked heels out of walking long distance in unclean water and suffered mosquito bites and thus became vulnerable to contamination. Hence, equipping ourselves with water-resistant and shock-proof boots, gloves and other safe outfits; 
4. Costly furniture and bedding rendered mere garbage: Therefore it makes sense to make lifestyles simpler:-  using Inexpensive, essential furniture - like mats, bamboo and jute chairs, light clothing and gadgets that are easily replaceable in case of loss or damage 
5. Make every bungalow or building to become a power-generator using renewable energy than merely power consumer and reward those buildings that are energy surplus with tax concessions. 

Dr. G. Shankar

From: Prof. Bholanath Dutta <>
To: join_mtc <>
Sent: Sunday, 3 January 2016 6:17 PM
Subject: [MTC Global] Five HR Lessons from Chennai Flood

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Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder & President: MTC Global
Global Advisory Body in Management Education
+91 96323 1817
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