Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage education quality, sayspresident of India

Dear Sirs' ...... there is nothing wrong in opening higher education to competition in general and medical education in particular....
..... In fact, there is a greater need for opening more number of medical colleges and pharmacy colleges rather than engineering colleges wherein already a saturation point has reached...

....regarding quality of education.....there is no education without teachers.... as far as university education is concerned, up till the end of 1970s' , by and large, the university recruitment used to be very fair, if not totally fair.....

....after, 1980s', the university education more particularly with regard to faculty, it is totally spoiled....universities have become more and more rehabilitation ceters for inefficient, incompetent, valueless and totally politicalized people........ a section of either rowdy students union leaders and/or corrupt people started controlling the situation..... whatever valueless rowdey leaders say, that is, final....and corrupt people have totally yielded to their demands....

.... under those circumstances, better, let us welcome opening of new private universities.....

.... If more number of medical colleges are opened, people in general and ruralites in particular will get benefitted instead of becoming victims to bogus RMPs....


On Thu, 28/1/16, 'Hemanth Y' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage education quality, sayspresident of India
To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, 28 January, 2016, 10:26 AM

fr Hemanth.
newbie in MTC Group. I would like to take this platform as
an opportunity to share my point of views:
I am in education domain from past 10 years+
having worked with  Institute of repute such as NIFT
 across the country. I would like to share
thoughts about management education in India. I have been
reading the valid arguments and points given by
 Experts in this MTC global. I appreciate the comments
posted by them. In present scenario of business education ,
people talk about change.... change  ... Change will
happen when we incorporate the ideas and execute to the
fullest... To do this, Quality consciousness should come
into picture... I feel people who have experience and talent
should be given opportunity  especially in private showcase their talent. rather as pointed
out in the subject i see that inst are not able to touch the
first letter of Q in Quality..... Besides this, institutes
recruit candidates from recognized universities .It is not
possible to measure quality whethe r the guy is from
recognized or unrecognized.... Its about individual identity
and attitude which matters.... I guess  experts in this
group would agree with my thoughts... 
Thanks to
all scholars,academicians and corporate.

On Thursday, January
28, 2016 10:13 AM, lakshmanan rajan
<> wrote:

Well said Krishan Khanna! Encouraging
Competition is the only way out. With UGC and AICTE stifling

free flow of education across borders, there is no hope. We
need very simple regulation- not mammoth

power wielding organizations who cannot have a grand vision
to a gloriuos future. Narendra Modi should

do to UGC and AICTE as to what Manmohan and Chidambaram did
to the DGTD 24 years ago- close it.

LP Rajan

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016 21:01:45 +0530 "Virendra Goel"

> I am in full agreement with Dr. Krishan Khanna's
proposal.RegardsVirendra GoelFrom: []
On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:19 AM

To: MTC global

Cc: Kuldeep Nagi

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage
education quality, sayspresident of IndiaThe only

way to solve this mess is to fully de control all types of

Competition will set in.

Innovation will set in.

Research will set in.

Fees will go up. Capitation fees in cash will vanish.

Presently 2.5 lac students go abroad for HE and spend 90,000
cr per year which is remitted overseas.

That will cme down to a trickle.

Foreign students will start migrating to the good and
modernized such colleges in India. We could

attract nearly 1 million foreign students every year and
earn $20 billion per year.

New good players will jump in.

Students will migrate to the good and ethical colleges. The
bad colleges will close down.

License Raj in HE must go.

Aicte and ugc need to be scrapped. They have outlived their

Krishan Khanna Sent from BlackBerry® on AirtelFrom:
"Prabhakar Waghodekar"

Sender: Date: 26 Jan 2016
18:29:02 -0000To: ReplyTo:
Cc: Kuldeep

Nagi Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage
education quality,

sayspresident of IndiaThanks Professor Kuldeep Nagi for
exposing the ground reality in HE in India.

In fact, corruption or fraud is inbuilt by man's
artificial way of life, away from nature. Hence, fraud

does exist in all countries, only the degree of fraud
changes. Advanced countries are supposed to be

having less degree of fraud as the monitoring is rigid and
culprits irrespective their status are

hooked. India has perhaps the best law but implementation is
miserably lacking.

See the attachment. However, I am not justifying fraud
plesae note!

We Indians need to fight against corruption. Private and
public this division is the accepted norms

word over. How do we really adhere to our rules is a matter
of difference. Talk and walk must go hand

in hand.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,

Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)

Marathwada Institute of Technology,

NH 211, Beed by pass road,

Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.

(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925




Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of

Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Kuldeep Nagi

Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:56:36


Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage
education quality, sayspresident of India

Times World ranking in 2015 out of 10 the top 6 universities
are private. No matter how old they are

the autonomy they enjoy makes them what they are. In India
private universities are more about making

money than excellence. Many private universities in Indian
are started by imbecile and corrupt

politicians. I must say that India is a epitome of highest
form of corruption in higher education. Jai

Bharat.Kuldeep Nagi

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 25, 2016, at 7:32 PM, DR.R.C.CHHIPA wrote:Dear

Sir Quality of Education needs proper Quantification of

Various other supporting issues are to be modified in
efficient application.

From: Manoj Mehrortra

Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:58:42


Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage
education quality, sayspresident of IndiaI agree

with Dr. Gopal. There are reports from my own faculty who
happen to pursue their PhD from Pvt.

University, State University as well as Central University.
It was reported that the Pvt. Universities

are quite insistent of the candidates of attending their
classes for their course work, while the State

and Central University was quite liberal in this aspect.
Secondly, again the Research Guides in Pvt.

Universities have been quite supportive of their candidates
in mentoring and guiding them through their

research work. On the other hand one candidate enrolled in a
Central University had to arrange for

taking his guide from another town to the University by
flight and on reaching he was informed that as

the time of submission had been lapsed so the candidate was
required to re-register and appear for the

final submission and viva next year. The submission was not
being accepted even after a fine / late fee

that was offered by the candidate to be paid immediately.
This was a pathetic colour of the kind of

support rendered by the immediate guide and the bureaucratic
functioning prevailing in State & Central

Universities. We need not brand all pvt universities in the
same category or make them responsible for

degradation of quality higher education.Remember, even the
most sought after Delhi University, also

does not figure in the top 200 universities of the world
rankings.Prof (Dr) Manoj

MehrotraDirectorSchool of Management Sciences,LucknowMob:
9919777701On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 9:28 AM,

Dr. R. Gopal wrote:Do not just blame the private
universities. State univ and

central univs. Are also on the same boat.

There are several pvt univs. Who are doing excellent
service. Lets not foget it

similarly in the cawof state and central univs. Painting all
university with the same brush is not good

and definitely not for a teacher

Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Private universities damage
education quality, sayspresident of IndiaRightly

said. Private Ed institutions are reason for degradation of
quality education. I have seen many

examples. However, there are exceptions.Adding petrol to the
damaging fire (bad quality edn.) are

policies framed by government. Example -Odisha govt. has
made a scheme called "PRERANA' (inspiration)

that enables SC/ST students to have free management
education. Pvt. instts. are making good profit from

this scheme, where the ground situation is as usual. Very
negligible number of students from this

scheme become quality manpower, so are not successful
really. They just have a degree in hand, That's

all.On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta
wrote:The president

of India has blamed private universities for lowering the
quality of higher education in his country.

Pranab Mukherjee, who is not a party political figure,
warned that the share of private education in

India was rising and that the country had too few
universities that were highly ranked.

Growing levels of private higher education "has resulted
in a greater access but has made an alarming

distress in the quality of the education", he said in a
convocation address at the Birla Institute of

Technology Mesra on 10 January, reported the Times of

President Mukherjee said that he had repeatedly warned of
low quality higher education, and that Indian

universities were failing to compete with others globally.

"Except [for the] Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
and IIT Delhi no other institute ranks in the

top 200 universities of the world," he said.

Whether India should turn to private, for-profit
universities and colleges to provide places for its

burgeoning young population has been fiercely debated.
Currently rules prevent universities to be run

for a profit.

Allowing institutions to make a profit would allow India to
attract huge amounts of capital to educate

its young people, argued Karan Khemka, a partner at the
consultancy Parthenon, at last year's Times

Higher Education BRICS and Emerging Economies Universities
Summit in Delhi.

"The private sector is the solution to this. Will there be
a bad apple in the cart? There will. But the

market will sort itself out, as it has for telecoms, as it
has for healthcare," he said.

But others have contended that markets failed to weed out
sub-standard universities.

"After the sub-prime crisis, after the economic crisis, we
can't seriously be saying that markets will

correct themselves," countered Raj Kumar, vice-chancellor
of O.P. Jindal Global University, at the same

event. "The market doesn't correct itself, you need huge
intervention." ​[Times Higher Education]​

EDUCATE, EMPOWER, ELEVATEProf. Bholanath DuttaVisionary
Edupreneur, Founder & PresidentMTC Global: An

Apex Global AdvisoryBodyin Management Education, ISO 9001:
2008Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic

Impactpresident@mtcglobal.orgCell: +91 96323 18178 / +91
81520 60465 / +91 7411716392--

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